“Mosiah 18: The Baptismal Covenant,” Book of Mormon Student Manual (2024)
“Mosiah 18,” Book of Mormon Student Manual
Mosiah 18
The Baptismal Covenant
Some decisions are so important that they can affect everything else in our lives. Making a covenant with God through the ordinance of baptism is one of those decisions. Alma taught his people by the waters of Mormon about the covenant we make with God when we are baptized. This lesson can help you better understand the baptismal covenant and how it can influence your relationship with God and others.
Your baptism
To begin your study today, think about your baptism and try to remember details from that day. If you have not yet been baptized, reflect on what you know about baptism or what you remember from having attended a baptism.
What are your favorite memories from that day? How did you feel?
How has your decision to be baptized influenced your relationship with God and other people?
Alma teaches the words of Abinadi
Mosiah 18 contains the account of Alma, who was once one of King Noah’s priests, teaching the words of Abinadi to others. Alma was forced to teach in secret because King Noah wanted to kill him for believing Abinadi’s testimony of Jesus Christ.
Read Mosiah 18:1–7, looking for what Alma taught the people.
What did Alma teach about the Savior after hearing Abinadi’s testimony?
Why do you think Alma chose to teach what he did in these verses?
The baptismal covenant
After teaching the people about redemption through Jesus Christ, Alma taught about the importance of baptism. From his teachings we can learn that when we are baptized, we enter into a covenant with God. As you continue to study Alma’s teachings, ponder what you know about the covenant we make at baptism and renew each time we take the sacrament, as well as any questions you might have. Prayerfully seek to better understand how this covenant can influence your relationship with God and others.
Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained what a covenant is:
A covenant is an agreement between God and man, an accord whose terms are set by God (see Bible Dictionary, “Covenant,” 651). In these divine agreements, God binds Himself to sustain, sanctify, and exalt us in return for our commitment to serve Him and keep His commandments. (D. Todd Christofferson, “The Power of Covenants,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2009, 20)
In Mosiah 18:8–10, Alma described the covenant of baptism. Read Mosiah 18:8–10 and consider marking what we commit to do when we are baptized and, in a different color or style, marking the blessings that Heavenly Father offers us.
Mosiah 18:8–10 is a doctrinal mastery passage. Consider marking doctrinal mastery passages in a distinctive way so you can locate them easily. You will have an opportunity in the next lesson to practice applying the doctrine taught in this passage to a question or situation.
What do you think it means to “mourn with those that mourn” and “comfort those that stand in need of comfort”? (verse 9).
What are some ways we can “stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places”? (verse 9). Whom do you know that is a good example of doing this?
How have you seen God bless you or others with the promises He makes with us through baptism?
Keeping your baptismal covenant
To help you see how to better keep your baptismal covenant, you may want to watch the following videos, looking for examples of keeping the promises Alma described in Mosiah 18:8–10. The videos are available at ChurchofJesusChrist.org.
“No Cussing Club” (4:56)
4:56No Cussing Club
“Eyes to See” (from time code 4:55 to 6:53)
9:44Eyes to See
“Dayton’s Legs” (3:02)
3:2Dayton's Legs
Which words and phrases from verses 8–10 did you see demonstrated?
Choose at least one of the promises we make at baptism that Alma shared in Mosiah 18:8–10. For example, you might choose “bear one another’s burdens” (verse 8) or “keep his commandments” (verse 10).
Record which promise(s) you chose to focus on and answer at least three of the following questions:
What are some ways a teenager could keep that promise?
Why do you think Heavenly Father included that as part of our baptismal covenant?
How has the Savior shown through example how to keep that promise?
When have you or someone you know kept that promise? What have you learned from those experiences?
Take some time to record in your journal how you feel you are doing at keeping the baptismal promises Alma shared in Mosiah 18:8–10. How have you successfully kept some of these promises? In what situations could you more intentionally keep one of them? How do you think it will affect your relationship with the Lord and with other people if you do?