undefined undefined Mosiah 21–24, Part 2: Turning to the Lord for Deliverance from Trials
Mosiah 21–24, Part 2: Turning to the Lord for Deliverance from Trials

“Mosiah 21–24, Part 2: Turning to the Lord for Deliverance from Trials,” Book of Mormon Student Manual (2024)

“Mosiah 21–24, Part 2,” Book of Mormon Student Manual

Mosiah 21–24, Part 2

Turning to the Lord for Deliverance from Trials

a youth turning to the scriptures

How do you respond when you experience trials and difficulties? Why do you think some people draw closer to the Lord while others retreat from Him? In Mosiah 21–24, we learn that the people of Limhi and the people of Alma turned to the Lord for strength and deliverance from captivity. This lesson is intended to help you rely on Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to help you through your trials.

Responding to trials

In the previous lesson, you were invited to think about a trial you are experiencing or have experienced. You may have learned some truths in your study of Mosiah 21–24 that helped you understand why the Lord allows you to experience trials. Today, think about your trials again, but this time consider how you have responded to them. You may want to record obstacles or successes you experienced and ways you have felt the Lord’s influence or blessings.

The Lord’s power of deliverance

You might remember studying the people of Limhi (in the land of Nephi) and the people of Alma (in the land of Helam). They both experienced difficult trials while in captivity to the Lamanites. This image illustrates their journeys in Mosiah 21–24.

illustration of places in Mosiah 21–24

Today you will learn how the Lord delivered both groups of people out of bondage and into the land of Zarahemla. As you study, keep your trials in mind and look for truths that help you recognize ways the Lord exercises His power of deliverance in your life.

iconCreate the following chart in your study journal. Be sure to leave plenty of room to record multiple answers in each box.

Read the scriptures for at least one of the groups of people, making notes in the chart about how they were delivered from their trials. You may want to mark in your scriptures any words or phrases that stand out to you.

Mosiah 21–24: Strength and Deliverance

Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2024)—“Mosiah 21–24, Part 2: Turning to the Lord for Deliverance from Trials”

People of Limhi
Mosiah 21:13–16, 36; 22:1–13; 29:18–20

People of Alma
Mosiah 23:25–29; 24:8–25

What actions did the people take to receive the Lord’s help?

How was the Lord involved in their deliverance?

What are some favorite phrases to remember from these verses?

icon, record
  1. Answer the following questions:

    • What were some of the actions that the people took to receive the Lord’s help?

    • What did you learn about the Lord and His power as you studied these accounts?

    • What was a favorite phrase you identified from one of the verses you studied?

Recognizing and rejoicing in the Lord’s power

Among many truths we can learn from these verses, you may have noticed from your studies that as we turn to Him, Heavenly Father will sustain us during our trials and deliver us in His time (see Mosiah 21:14–16). We also learn that when we endure our trials cheerfully and patiently, the Lord can strengthen us to bear our burdens with ease (see Mosiah 24:15).

  • How can knowing these things about the Lord influence how you respond to your trials?

  • How has the Lord supported and strengthened you or someone you know to endure a trial or carry a burden? How did this experience impact your feelings for Him?

Watch the video “Feeling the Lord’s Love and Goodness in Trials” (4:18) on ChurchofJesusChrist.org. Look for how the truths or phrases you identified in the scriptures could relate to the experience of the Gutierrez family.


Feeling the Lord's Love and Goodness in Trials

Your next steps

Reflect on what you have learned today that could help you with the trials you face.

  1. Complete the following instructions:

    Add a new column to the chart you created earlier in the lesson and label the top row of this column “Me.” Then complete your new column by answering the following questions. (If you do not have room to create a new column, answer the questions in a separate space in your study journal.)

    • What actions can you take to receive more of the Lord’s help in your trials?

    • What have you learned about the Lord today that can help you understand the kind of help or strength He can provide you?

    • What words or phrases from the verses you studied do you think could relate to your circumstances? Why?