“Alma 10–11: ‘According to the Spirit of the Lord’,” Book of Mormon Student Manual (2024)
“Alma 10–11,” Book of Mormon Student Manual
Alma 10–11
“According to the Spirit of the Lord”
Have you ever been deceived? Do you remember how you felt? When they were testifying to the people of Ammonihah, Alma and Amulek were confronted by people who used deceit to try to stop them. This deception was made known to Alma and Amulek through the Holy Spirit. This lesson can help you be more receptive to the Holy Spirit to know the truth and recognize the subtle deceptions of the adversary.
Beware of evil
Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles shared the following story of a friend who worked as an investigator for the United States government. Look for what you can learn from this experience about avoiding deception.
My friend investigated organized crime groups transporting illegal drugs into the United States.
On one occasion, he and another agent approached an apartment where they believed a known drug dealer was distributing cocaine. My friend describes what happened:
“We knocked on the door of the drug dealer. The suspect opened the door, and upon seeing us, tried to block our view. But it was too late; we could see the cocaine on his table.
“A man and a woman who were at the table immediately began removing the cocaine. We had to prevent them from destroying the evidence, so I quickly pushed the drug suspect who was blocking the door to the side. As I pushed him, my eyes met his. Strangely, he did not appear angry or afraid. He was smiling at me.
“His eyes and disarming smile gave me the impression that he was harmless, so I quickly left him and started to move toward the table. The suspect was now behind me. At that instant, I had the distinct, powerful impression come into my mind: ‘Beware of the evil behind the smiling eyes.’
“I immediately turned back toward the suspect. His hand was in his large front pocket. Instinctively I grabbed his hand and pulled it from his pocket. Only then did I see, clutched in his hand, the semiautomatic pistol ready to fire. A flurry of activity followed, and I disarmed the man.” (Neil L. Andersen, “Beware of the Evil behind the Smiling Eyes,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2005, 46)
What stands out to you from the experience Elder Andersen shared?
What are ways Satan may try to deceive us today?
As you study today, look for ways you can recognize deceit so you can avoid things that could harm you spiritually.
Warned of deception
When Amulek testified to the people of Ammonihah that he was called by God, some people were astonished (see Alma 10:12). He was “a man of no small reputation” (Alma 10:4) among his people, and he had joined Alma in testifying against them. Some skilled lawyers wanted to deceive Alma and Amulek and make money in the process (see Alma 10:13; 11:20).
Read Alma 10:15–17, looking for how Amulek reacted to these lawyers.
In what ways are deceptions like “traps or snares”? (Alma 10:17).
As you continue your study, look for how Amulek could perceive the lawyers’ thoughts and traps.
Zeezrom, one of the lawyers who was “expert in the devices of the devil” (Alma 11:21), set a trap.
Read Alma 11:21–25, looking for how Zeezrom tried to deceive and tempt Amulek to deny the existence of God. It might be helpful to know that “six onties of silver” (Alma 11:22) was about six weeks of pay as a lawyer (see Alma 11:3, 11–13).
What did you learn from Amulek’s response?
Even if Amulek were to deny God, Zeezrom never intended to give him the money; he only offered it to try to discredit and “destroy” Amulek (Alma 11:25).
Alma later explained to Zeezrom how Alma and Amulek could perceive his deceptions and traps. Read Alma 12:2–7, looking for the answer.
One truth we can learn is that God can help us recognize Satan’s deceptions through the Holy Spirit.
How was Elder Andersen’s story an example of this principle?
What are some ways the Holy Ghost communicates with us? (If useful, consider reading Doctrine and Covenants 8:2–3; 9:7–9; 11:12 or studying “Holy Ghost” in the Topical Guide or Guide to the Scriptures.)
How do the choices we make affect our ability to be guided by the Holy Ghost?
Consider marking any phrases in Alma 11:22 that show Amulek’s determination to follow the Spirit. Ponder how this choice helped him.
Avoiding deception by knowing the truth
One way Satan seeks to deceive us is by confusing our understanding of Jesus Christ.
Read Alma 11:26–37, 40–41, looking for Zeezrom’s false teachings about Jesus Christ and how Amulek responded.
To help you understand these verses, consider drawing the following chart in your study journal. Beneath each teaching, write attitudes, ideas, or behaviors that each teaching might lead to.
False teaching: Jesus Christ will save us “in [our] sins” without repentance (Alma 11:34). |
True teaching: Jesus Christ will save us from our sins as we sincerely turn to Him and repent. |
Why is it important to know that Jesus Christ can save us from our sins but not in our sins?
What do you learn from the way Amulek responded to Zeezrom’s questions?
Complete the following:
Make a list of at least three realistic ways Satan may try to deceive teenagers today. You may include the deceptions Amulek faced, like false beliefs about God, the promise of wealth or power, or attacks on our testimony of God. Other possible deceptions are making something good appear evil or vice versa (see Isaiah 5:20) and the lie that there is no such thing as right or wrong (see 2 Nephi 28:22).
Next to each way Satan might try to deceive us, write at least one way we can seek help from God through the Holy Ghost to overcome that temptation. Write down specific things you know about the Holy Ghost that can help.