undefined undefined 3 Nephi 17: “I Have Compassion upon You”
3 Nephi 17: “I Have Compassion upon You”

“3 Nephi 17: ‘I Have Compassion upon You,’” Book of Mormon Student Manual (2024)

“3 Nephi 17,” Book of Mormon Student Manual

3 Nephi 17

“I Have Compassion upon You”

Christ healing a woman

It had already been a long day for the Nephite multitude when the Savior announced it was time for Him to leave. Nevertheless, the multitude’s tears and yearning that He would stay a little longer touched His heart. In a marvelous display of compassion, He healed them, prayed with them, and blessed their children one by one. This lesson can help you feel the compassion Jesus Christ has for you.

The Savior’s perception

Imagine you have just spent a day with the Savior and He has announced that it is time for Him to leave.

Consider watching “Jesus Christ and Angels Minister with Compassion” from time code 0:12 to 1:30, available at ChurchofJesusChrist.org.


Jesus Christ and Angels Minister with Compassion | 3 Nephi 17

  • How might you feel in this situation?

In the last two weeks, you studied the Savior’s actions and teachings among the Nephites when He first appeared to them in 3 Nephi 11–16. Think about what Jesus Christ did among the Nephites to show His love. Reviewing what you wrote in your study journal under “Learning about Jesus Christ in 3 Nephi” may help you remember.

  • How did the Savior’s actions show His love for the Nephites?

Today you will read more about how the Savior showed His loving compassion among the Nephites. As you study, think about what His actions teach about His character. Pay attention to how you feel about Him.

It may be helpful to know that all the events recorded in 3 Nephi 11–17 happened in one day.

Read 3 Nephi 17:1–6, looking for what you can learn about Jesus Christ from His words and actions.

  • What did you find in these verses?

You may have identified a truth similar to the following: Jesus Christ is filled with compassion toward me. Consider recording this truth near verse 6.

Elder Ulisses Soares of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught:

It is meaningful to observe that Jesus’s compassionate acts were not occasional or mandated manifestations based on a list of tasks to be completed but everyday expressions of the reality of His pure love for God and His children and His abiding desire to help them. (Ulisses Soares, “The Savior’s Abiding Compassion,” Liahona, Nov. 2021, 14)

  • In your own words, what is Elder Soares teaching about the Savior’s compassion?

The Savior’s compassion

The rest of 3 Nephi 17 demonstrates the Savior’s compassionate nature. Remember that what Jesus Christ did in 3 Nephi 17 came about because He perceived the Nephites’ righteous desires and He genuinely wanted to be with and bless them.

icon, recordCarefully study each of the following passages and imagine what it would have been like to be there. Invite the Holy Ghost to teach you as you read and ponder. Record your thoughts and feelings in your study journal under “Learning about Jesus Christ in 3 Nephi.”

To help students visualize and feel the Holy Ghost testify of what they learned in 3 Nephi 17, consider showing the video “Jesus Christ and Angels Minister with Compassion” from time code 1:30 to 11:45.

To help you visualize what you learned in 3 Nephi 17, you may want to watch “Jesus Christ and Angels Minister with Compassion” from time code 1:30 to 11:45.


Jesus Christ and Angels Minister with Compassion | 3 Nephi 17

  1. Answer at least two of the following questions:

    • If you had been there, how would this experience affect your relationship with your Savior Jesus Christ?

    • How do you think Jesus Christ shows compassion for us today?

    • What do you feel motivated to do to express your love for Jesus Christ?