undefined undefined Doctrinal Mastery: 3 Nephi 27:20—“Come unto Me and Be Baptized … , That Ye May Be Sanctified by the Reception of the Holy Ghost.”
Doctrinal Mastery: 3 Nephi 27:20—“Come unto Me and Be Baptized … , That Ye May Be Sanctified by the Reception of the Holy Ghost.”

“Doctrinal Mastery: 3 Nephi 27:20—‘Come unto Me and Be Baptized … , That Ye May Be Sanctified by the Reception of the Holy Ghost,’” Book of Mormon Student Manual (2024)

“Doctrinal Mastery: 3 Nephi 27:20,” Book of Mormon Student Manual

Doctrinal Mastery: 3 Nephi 27:20

“Come unto Me and Be Baptized … , That Ye May Be Sanctified by the Reception of the Holy Ghost.”

child being confirmed

In your study of 3 Nephi 27, you learned about the sanctification you can experience from the Holy Ghost as you live the Savior’s gospel. This lesson can help you memorize the scripture reference and key scripture phrase for 3 Nephi 27:20, explain the doctrine taught in this passage, and apply principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge in real-life situations.

Explain and memorize

From your study of 3 Nephi 27:20, you learned the following truth: If we repent, come unto Jesus Christ, and are baptized, then we can be sanctified by receiving the Holy Ghost and stand spotless before the Savior at the last day.

Imagine that you had an opportunity to teach this truth to a young child.

icon, record
  1. Answer the following question:

    • How would you explain this truth to a young child in a way he or she could understand?

Practice memorizing the key scripture phrase for 3 Nephi 27:20: “Come unto me and be baptized … , that ye may be sanctified by the reception of the Holy Ghost.”

Divide the scripture reference and key phrase into the following segments. Practice reciting each segment several times. Then put the segments together and recite the entire reference and key phrase.

  • 3 Nephi 27:20

  • Come unto me

  • and be baptized

  • that ye may be sanctified

  • by the reception of the Holy Ghost

Practice application

To help you review, list in 30 seconds all you can remember about one of the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge. Then do the same with the other two principles. If you need help remembering the principles, you can look at paragraphs 5–12 in the “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge” section of the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document (2023).

Consider the following scenario:

You and your friend Meagan are having a gospel discussion on the way home from school. Meagan asks, “Do you ever get nervous about meeting God again? I try to live right and repent when I make mistakes, but the thought of standing before God to be judged terrifies me.”

Think about how the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge and the doctrine taught in 3 Nephi 27:20 could be helpful if someone you know had a concern like Meagan’s.

  1. Answer at least one question under each of the following headings.

Examine Concepts and Questions with an Eternal Perspective

  • What might be some false assumptions that Meagan has about Heavenly Father or His plan?

  • What are some truths you would want Meagan to understand about Heavenly Father and His plan?

Seek Further Understanding through Divinely Appointed Sources

  • What are some teachings from 3 Nephi 27:20 that could help in this situation?

  • What are some other scriptures or statements from Church leaders that might be helpful?

Act in Faith

  • What actions could Meagan take that could help her feel more at peace with her concern? Why do you think these actions could help?