The Plan of Salvation: Heavenly Father’s Plan for His Children

“The Plan of Salvation: Heavenly Father’s Plan for His Children,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2024)

“The Plan of Salvation,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual

Introductory Materials

The Plan of Salvation

Heavenly Father’s Plan for His Children

The Grand Council

Through our mortal journey, questions often arise about the purpose and meaning of life: Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going? Knowing the answers to these questions can help you navigate the challenges of life and stay on the Lord’s covenant path. This lesson can help you understand and feel the importance of Heavenly Father’s plan.

The Objective of Seminaries and Institutes of Religion. Remember that “our purpose is to help youth and young adults deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His restored gospel, qualify for the blessings of the temple, and prepare themselves, their families, and others for eternal life with their Father in Heaven” (“The Objective of Seminaries and Institutes of Religion” [2022],

Student preparation: Invite students to think about something they feel they could not live without and be prepared to explain why. They could also bring it or a picture of it to class, if appropriate.

Possible Learning Activities

Heavenly Father’s plan

To help the class members learn about one another, consider inviting students to share their responses to the question below. It may be helpful for students to show what they thought of or share a picture of it. Be sure to encourage a positive and respectful atmosphere regarding the important things in students’ lives.

  • What knowledge do you think you couldn’t live without? Why?

Through the scriptures and modern revelation, we have a knowledge of the premortal life, the Savior’s Atonement, life after death, and many other elements of our eternal existence. This knowledge would be difficult to live without. Take some time to think about what you know about Heavenly Father’s plan. Ponder what your life might be like without that knowledge.

As you study today, seek the companionship of the Holy Ghost to help you learn more about Heavenly Father’s loving plan for His children.

Heavenly Father’s plan in the Book of Mormon

It may be helpful to write the following questions and references on the board. Another option is to write each question on a separate piece of paper and place the papers around the room. Invite students to walk around the room, find the questions, and then look in the scriptures for the answers to the questions. Students could even write the answers they find on the paper.

The Book of Mormon teaches a great deal about Heavenly Father’s plan. President Russell M. Nelson declared: “I testify that the Book of Mormon is truly the word of God. It contains the answers to life’s most compelling questions” (Russell M. Nelson, “The Book of Mormon: What Would Your Life Be Like without It?,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2017, 62). Here are a few questions the Book of Mormon answers. Select at least two and read the scripture passage that helps to answer the question.

Invite students to discuss the answers they found to the questions. Students could also be invited to ask questions about the verses they read or Heavenly Father’s plan. They could use the Gospel Topics entry “Plan of Salvation” to understand the scripture passages and look for answers to their questions.

  • What truths or doctrine did you identify from the verses you read?

  • What words or phrases in the verses teach the truth or doctrine you identified?

    Consider writing the truths and doctrine that students identify on the board. Students may identify a variety of truths, such as through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can be redeemed from the Fall.

  • Which of the teachings about Heavenly Father’s plan are you most grateful for? Why?

It might be helpful for students to practice explaining Heavenly Father’s plan in pairs or small groups. In addition to explaining the plan, invite students to share how it can influence their lives.

Heavenly Father’s plan and my life

Help students discuss how a knowledge of Heavenly Father’s plan can impact their lives. You might consider using this statement by President M. Russell Ballard and some of the following questions.

President M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained how understanding Heavenly Father’s plan of salvation can help us in our lives. You may want to watch the video “Answers to Life’s Questions” from time code 10:37 to 12:09 or read the text below:

We mortals have a limited view of life from the eternal perspective. But if we know and understand Heavenly Father’s plan, we realize that dealing with adversity is one of the chief ways we are tested. …

By focusing on and living the principles of Heavenly Father’s plan for our eternal happiness, we can separate ourselves from the wickedness of the world. If we are anchored to the correct understanding of who we are, why we are here on this earth, and where we can go after this mortal life, Satan cannot threaten our happiness through any form of temptation. If we are determined to live by Heavenly Father’s plan, we will use our God-given moral agency to make decisions based on revealed truth, not on the opinions of others or on the current thinking of the world. (M. Russell Ballard, “Answers to Life’s Questions,” Ensign or Liahona, May 1995, 23–24)

  • How is your life influenced by your knowledge of Heavenly Father’s plan?

  • What are some situations in which a knowledge of Heavenly Father’s plan would impact the decisions you make?

  • How can a knowledge of Heavenly Father’s plan impact how you view the circumstances and experiences of your life?

Conclude the lesson by sharing your testimony of Heavenly Father’s plan and how it has impacted your life.
