1 Nephi 1: “There Came Many Prophets”

“1 Nephi 1: ‘There Came Many Prophets,’” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2024)

“1 Nephi 1: ‘There Came Many Prophets,’” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual

1 Nephi 1

“There Came Many Prophets”

Lehi preaching in Jerusalem

Prophets do not always share messages that are popular with the world, but their teachings and warnings demonstrate the Lord’s love for His people. Lehi was called by God to preach repentance to the people of Jerusalem. Despite his pleas and warnings, they rejected his words and sought to kill him. This lesson can help you feel the importance of receiving and following God’s prophets.

Using the testimony of prophets. Prophets are called by and speak for God (see Bible Dictionary, “Prophet”). One way to testify of Jesus Christ is to allow the testimony of prophets to be heard in our classrooms. As you search the scriptures or study conference addresses, look for prophetic testimonies of Jesus Christ. Determine appropriate ways to help students see and hear these testimonies as part of their learning experience.

Student preparation: Invite students to come prepared to share recent warnings they have heard from prophets and to ponder how they have responded to those warnings.

Possible Learning Activities


Display the following image, description, and question.

Imagine having the opportunity to float or canoe on this river.

  • Would you have any concerns? Why or why not?

a calm river

As you are about to begin your excursion, someone warns you that the river appears calm but a portion will prove dangerous and life-threatening.

  • Would you trust the person who warned you? Why or why not?

The following picture is this same river with the portion you previously saw outlined:

Display the following image and invite students to respond to the associated questions.

a calm river before a waterfall
  • What would you now know and feel about the person who gave the warning?

  • What could this imaginary situation teach us about the role of prophets of God?

Remind students of their preparation for class as they ponder the following.

  • Dangers prophets have warned us about in our day

  • The blessings of obeying and possible consequences of ignoring their warnings

  • Your feelings about following their warnings

  • Why you need God’s warnings through His prophets

As you study, look for truths that can help you feel a greater desire to follow God’s prophets.

“There came many prophets”

The book of 1 Nephi begins around 600 BC in Jerusalem. At this time, many of the Jews were forsaking God and worshipping the false god Baal, trusting in the words of lying prophets, and engaging in sinful behavior such as stealing, murder, and gross immorality (see Jeremiah 27). Think of how these circumstances are similar to today’s world.

Read 1 Nephi 1:1–4, looking for how Nephi began his record.

  • What do you think is important to understand from these verses? Why?

The prophets referenced in verse 4 may include the Old Testament prophets Jeremiah, Habakkuk, Obadiah, Nahum, Zephaniah, and others.

Read 1 Nephi 1:5–15 and look for details about Lehi’s call to be a prophet. You may want to watch “The Lord Commands Lehi’s Family to Leave Jerusalem” from time code 0:39 to 5:53, available at


The Lord Commands Lehi's Family to Leave Jerusalem | 1 Nephi 1–2

  • What stood out to you most about Lehi’s experience? Why?

  • What did Lehi learn about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ from what he saw?

  • Why would these truths about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ be important to know in your circumstances?

Read 1 Nephi 1:18–20 to see what Lehi taught and how the people of Jerusalem responded. You may want to watch “The Lord Commands Lehi’s Family to Leave Jerusalem” from time code 5:53 to 7:26.


The Lord Commands Lehi's Family to Leave Jerusalem | 1 Nephi 1–2

  • In his efforts, how was Lehi like Jesus Christ?

  • What do you learn about prophets from Lehi’s experiences?

One truth we can learn from Lehi’s example is that God calls prophets to warn of consequences of sin and to testify of Jesus Christ.

Invite students to discuss the following questions in pairs or small groups.

  • How have you seen prophets fulfill these responsibilities in our day?

  • In what ways do some people today show anger toward prophets or reject their words? Why do you think they respond this way?

Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained the importance of what God’s prophets teach:

Anchoring our souls to the Lord Jesus Christ requires listening to those He sends. …

The prophet’s voice, while spoken kindly, will often be a voice asking us to change, to repent, and to return to the Lord. When correction is needed, let’s not delay. And don’t be alarmed when the prophet’s warning voice counters popular opinions of the day. The mocking fireballs of annoyed disbelievers are always hurled the moment the prophet begins to speak. As you are humble in following the counsel of the Lord’s prophet, I promise you an added blessing of safety and peace. …

… A prophet’s greatest responsibility and most precious gift to us is his sure witness, his certain knowledge, that Jesus is the Christ. (Neil L. Andersen, “The Prophet of God,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2018, 26–27)

  • Why do you think the prophet’s greatest responsibility is to share his witness of Jesus Christ?

  • What can help you respond faithfully to the counsel and warnings of God’s prophets in our time?

The role of prophets and the importance of following them

Display the following instructions. Give students a few minutes to record their thoughts.

Imagine that your friend who is not a member of the Church sends you the following text message:

“I remember you saying something about how your church has prophets. Is that really true? What do your prophets do? Are they like prophets in the Bible?”

You want to make sure their questions are answered clearly. Prepare a response using each of the following:

Students can access the following resources in the Gospel Library app. If needed, provide print copies for students to review.

  1. Passages and examples from 1 Nephi 1 (and other scripture passages about prophets you might be aware of) that can help them understand a prophet’s role.

  2. Examples of how modern prophets have helped you come closer to Jesus Christ. Consider sharing examples in which prophets have influenced you from recent general conference addresses, Church magazine articles, or the For the Strength of Youth booklet.

  3. Examples from your life or the lives of others that demonstrate positive consequences of hearkening to prophets. Consider adding your personal testimony of prophets.

After sufficient time to prepare, place students in pairs. Invite them to imagine that they decided to answer their friend’s question face-to-face rather than through a text message. Each student could take a turn as the Church member explaining to her or his friend.

Consider discussing examples of recent counsel, correction, and guidance that have come from living prophets and apostles.

Afterward, share personal testimony of how prophets have helped you come closer to Jesus Christ. Consider inviting willing students to share their testimonies.

Ponder how you have responded to recent warnings from the prophets. Seek Heavenly Father’s help through the Holy Ghost to identify ways you can more carefully heed their counsel. Write those ideas in your study journal and prayerfully select one to apply in your life.