undefined undefined Mosiah 25–28: Overview
Mosiah 25–28: Overview

“Mosiah 25–28: Overview,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2024)

“Mosiah 25–28,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual

Mosiah 25–28


As the high priest in the Savior’s Church, Alma received instruction from the Lord to help those who had committed serious sins. He and King Mosiah both knew the heartache of watching family members rebel against the Savior. Through the mercy of Christ, they were eventually blessed to feel the joy of seeing these loved ones repent. The Savior helped Alma the Younger and the sons of Mosiah, who were described as “the very vilest of sinners” (Mosiah 28:4), to be changed “to a state of righteousness” (Mosiah 27:25). After their conversion, the sons of Mosiah went to preach the gospel to the Lamanites.

Prepare to Teach

The following information provides teachers with ideas of what may need to be prepared in advance for each lesson.

Mosiah 26

Lesson purpose: This lesson is intended to help students understand the loving and forgiving nature of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and why we should repent of our sins.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to contemplate questions they have about repentance. Encourage them to read Mosiah 26, looking for answers to these questions.

  • Handout:Concerns about Repentance

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: Consider emailing or messaging the handout to your students before class. If you are selecting a concern for the whole class to study, consider inviting students to type in the chat the letter of the concern they would like to study. This will help you know what most students want to learn. If students are individually selecting a concern to study, allow them to finish their study, and then consider inviting them to type in the chat the letter of the concern they studied. Depending on the needs of the class, you could call on students who studied the same concern to discuss what they learned with one another. Or, for variety, you could select students who studied different concerns to discuss what they learned with one another.

Mosiah 27:1–24

Lesson purpose: This lesson can help students discover ways to help those who reject the teachings of Jesus Christ to return to Him.

  • Student preparation: Consider inviting students to prepare to share stories from the scriptures in which the Lord helped someone lost or rebellious to change.

  • Video:Alma the Younger Is Converted unto the Lord” (11:32; watch from time code 3:06 to 6:59)

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: Toward the end of the lesson, to help students study either fasting or bearing testimony, consider grouping them in breakout rooms. Be sure to display the instructions for studying either topic, set a time limit (for example, six minutes), and inform students that they will share what they learned when they come back together as a class.

Mosiah 27:24–37

Lesson purpose: This lesson can help students repent and show faith that the Savior can change their hearts.

  • Student preparation: Consider inviting students to think of things in nature that change drastically (like a caterpillar to a butterfly). They could take a picture of something to show the class.

  • Images to display: An image of a caterpillar and a butterfly; an image of the angel appearing to Alma the Younger; an image of Jesus Christ

  • Video:The Hope of God’s Light” (6:46)

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: Consider inviting an adult convert to the Church to attend class or to record a video in which they share how the Savior has helped them to change. Be sure to get approval from your coordinator and local priesthood leader before inviting the person to come.

Mosiah 28

Lesson purpose: This lesson is intended to help students increase their desire to share the gospel.

  • Student preparation: Consider inviting students to talk to an individual who they believe is deeply converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ. What helped that individual on his or her path of conversion? You may also consider inviting the students to evaluate their desire to share the gospel.

  • Object: Something (or an image of something) that you love so much, you enjoy sharing it with others

  • Video:Good Things to Share” (2:21)

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: To begin the lesson, consider bringing in or showing a picture of something you love so much that you enjoy sharing it with others. Share this with students before asking them the first question in the lesson.

Doctrinal Mastery Review 9

Lesson purpose: This lesson can help students understand the doctrine taught in the doctrinal mastery passages and explain them to others.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to come prepared to share about a time when their lives were blessed through someone explaining the scriptures to them or when they were able to bless the life of someone else by using or explaining the scriptures.

  • Video:Deepening Our Conversion to Jesus Christ” (10:05; watch from time code 6:34 to 7:31)

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: Display the three steps to understanding and explaining truths from the scriptures. Have students prepare to share a doctrinal mastery verse with someone else using these steps. Consider dividing students into breakout rooms to role-play explaining the doctrinal mastery passage they chose.