“Alma 7:14–27: ‘The Path which Leads to the Kingdom of God,’” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2024)
“Alma 7:14–27,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual
Alma 7:14–27
“The Path which Leads to the Kingdom of God”
Prophets often refer to the “strait and narrow path” (2 Nephi 31:19), the “covenant path,” or “the path which leads to the kingdom of God” (Alma 7:19). Alma recognized that the people of Gideon were on this path and taught them how to continue on it and become more like God. This lesson is intended to help you in your efforts to acquire Christlike attributes as you follow the path that leads back to God.
Foster a feeling of love and respect. Encourage students to express Christlike love and acceptance to each class member. Doing so can soften the hearts of class members who are struggling.
Student preparation: Invite students to think about Christlike attributes they would like to develop more fully and to come prepared to share why.
Possible Learning Activities
A path to follow
Consider displaying the following image (or one similar) while asking the following question.
What are the advantages of having a path to follow?
Consider watching “Daily Restoration” from time code 1:40 to 3:25 to see Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explain what happens to people who are traveling without a path or reliable landmarks. This video is available at ChurchofJesusChrist.org.
After prophesying to the people of Gideon about the life and Atonement of Jesus Christ, Alma shared words of encouragement with them.
Read Alma 7:19–20 to see what Alma said about God, His path, and the people of Gideon.
Consider marking the phrase “the path which leads to the kingdom of God” in verse 19. Today you will learn more about this path.
How do you think you can tell if you are on the path that leads to God’s kingdom?
Consider drawing the following image on the board and labeling it “The path which leads to the kingdom of God.” Invite students to draw something similar in their journals.
Draw a picture similar to the following and label it “The path which leads to the kingdom of God.”
The path that leads to the kingdom of God is often referred to as the strait and narrow path or the covenant path. We are on this path when we are following the example and teachings of Jesus Christ. Continuing on this path will lead us to eternal life (see 2 Nephi 31:19–20).
As you study, ponder whether you see yourself on the path that leads to the kingdom of God. Look for teachings that help you better understand this path and the blessings the Lord offers you as you follow it.
“The path which leads to the kingdom of God”
Alma described actions we can take that will lead us back to God’s presence.
Read Alma 7:14–16, and then record these actions on or next to the path in your drawing.
What did these verses help you understand about what it means to be on the path that leads to God?
Consider allowing a few students to write their responses to the previous question on the board. These students could then invite others who could come up and circle a response on the board that seems especially important to them. The student who circled the response could then be asked to explain why they feel this is an important action that helps us return to God’s presence.
One truth we can learn from these verses is that as we repent, make covenants with God, and receive the ordinances of the gospel of Jesus Christ, we follow the path that leads to the kingdom of God.
How do these actions help prepare us to return to God’s presence?
What blessings might we experience during this life by following God’s path?
Consider inviting students to share blessings they have experienced in their lives by following God’s path. You might share examples from your personal life as well.
Developing Christlike attributes while walking His path
Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained that one blessing of following God’s covenant path is that it “leads us to become like Him” (“Choose You This Day,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2018, 104).
Consider displaying these images of the Savior (or others you choose) while asking students the following questions. You could share the attributes of Jesus Christ you most admire before asking the questions.
What attributes do you most admire about Jesus Christ? Why?
In what ways do you want to be more like the Savior? What can make it difficult? How might we overcome these difficulties with the Lord’s help?
When have you felt the greatest desire to be like Him? What was happening in your life that made you feel that way?
Alma identified some of the Christlike attributes we should strive to obtain as we walk the path that leads to the kingdom of God.
Read Alma 7:22–25 and look for Christlike attributes and behaviors you see stated or described. Consider marking these in your scriptures. You might also consider listing these attributes and behaviors on or near the path in your drawing.
The following activity is intended to help students learn more about the Christlike attributes mentioned in Alma 7:22–25 and make a plan to develop one or more of these attributes. It might be beneficial for you to complete this activity before class so you will be better prepared to assist students as they work. Be sure to provide students with enough time to complete this activity.
Consider displaying the following instructions.
Prayerfully choose an attribute mentioned in Alma 7:22–25 that you feel Heavenly Father would like you to develop, and then complete the following activity. Record your insights at the bottom of your picture or somewhere else in your study journal.
Learn more about this attribute. Consider using scripture resources such as Guide to the Scriptures, Topical Guide, or Bible Dictionary to assist with this. Write down what you learned.
List challenges of developing the attribute you chose and why you think God allows you to experience those challenges.
List two to three different ways your life would be better after acquiring this attribute.
Identify an example from the Savior’s life in which He exemplified this attribute. Alternatively, list an example from the life of someone you know in which they exemplified this Christlike attribute.
Identify one or more actions you could take that would invite God’s help as you strive to develop this attribute. Make a plan for how to implement that action in your life. One way you might strive to implement this action is by talking with Heavenly Father in your daily prayers about your progress and requesting His help where you are falling short.
Consider placing students in small groups. Each person in the group could briefly explain what they learned and felt about the attribute they chose and why they want to develop it. Alternatively, they could share the attribute they chose and the example from the Savior’s life or an example from the life of someone they know. Encourage students to act on their plans. Testify that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will help them in their efforts.