Alma 17–22: Overview

“Alma 17–22: Overview,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2024)

“Alma 17–22,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual

Alma 17–22


The sons of Mosiah chose to go to the Lamanites to preach the gospel. Ammon served among King Lamoni’s people in the land of Ishmael and miraculously defended the king’s flocks. Lamoni was deeply touched by the faithfulness with which Ammon served him. And because of what he felt, Lamoni was willing to believe all of Ammon’s words. Lamoni’s father had once been a wicked man, but after he learned essential truths about our Savior and the plan of salvation, his desires began to change significantly. Eventually, all of the king’s household became converted to the Lord.

Prepare to Teach

The following information provides teachers with ideas of what may need to be prepared in advance for each lesson.

Alma 17

Lesson purpose: This lesson can help students recognize the help and strength the Lord gives them in the difficult situations they face.

  • Student preparation: Consider inviting students to come prepared to share and discuss some typical problems or challenges teenagers face and why they would need God’s help and strength in their lives. They may also think of times when they have received God’s help in their lives.

  • Videos:Ammon Becomes the Servant of King Lamoni” (3:47); “Ammon Defends the King’s Flocks” (5:24; watch from time code 0:00 to 3:10)

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: Consider placing students into breakout rooms to study one of the four sets of verses listed near the beginning of the lesson. Afterward, a member of each group could summarize what their group studied.

Alma 18

Lesson purpose: This lesson is intended to help students find ways to help others come closer to God through their Christlike love and service.

Alma 19

Lesson purpose: This lesson can help students feel that the Lord loves all people and desires them to come unto Him.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to study Alma 19 and look for the impact the Savior’s gospel had on the Lamanites Ammon taught.

  • Content to display: The survey at the beginning of the lesson

  • Video:Ammon Serves and Teaches King Lamoni” (23:04; watch from time code 15:18 to 20:06 and from time code 20:07 to 23:04)

Alma 20–22

Lesson purpose: This lesson can help students desire the things of God more than anything else the world has to offer.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to read Alma 20 and 22, looking for how King Lamoni’s father changed in these chapters. Have them think about possible reasons for that change.

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: At the beginning of the lesson, when students are asked about circumstances that would affect their willingness to do something, consider inviting them to type their responses in the chat. They could share multiple responses for each of the circumstances.

Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge, Part 4

Lesson purpose: This lesson is intended to help students review the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge.

  • Student preparation: Students could be invited to think about spiritual questions they have had or currently have and what they have done to find answers to their questions.

  • Video:Divinely Appointed Sources” (9:16; watch from time codes 2:43 to 4:19, 4:19 to 5:35, and 5:35 to 7:01)

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: This lesson contains two scenarios followed by three sections corresponding to the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge. Each of these three sections has a set of questions. In each section, after the students have worked through the scenario you chose, consider placing them into breakout rooms to discuss the questions. You might mix up the groups each time.
