undefined undefined Alma 23–29: Overview
Alma 23–29: Overview

“Alma 23–29: Overview,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2024)

“Alma 23–29,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual

Alma 23–29


Through the teachings of Ammon and his brothers, thousands of Lamanites were “converted unto the Lord” and “never did fall away” (Alma 23:6). These converts adopted the name of Anti-Nephi-Lehies. Before their conversion, many of the Anti-Nephi-Lehies had developed sinful practices. When they experienced the Savior’s forgiveness, they were inspired to avoid returning to those sins. Ammon and his brothers rejoiced about their 14-year mission, and they wanted to share their experiences.

Prepare to Teach

The following information provides teachers with ideas of what may need to be prepared in advance for each lesson.

Alma 23

Lesson purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to help students desire to be more fully converted to the Lord and identify any obstacles to that conversion.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to come prepared to share what they think it means to be “converted unto the Lord” (Alma 23:6) and why conversion to Him is so important. They could refer to the Guide to the Scriptures under “Conversion, Convert” if they need help.

  • Image: An image of the Savior

  • Content to display: The statements by Elders David A. Bednar and Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles about what weapons of rebellion could be

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: Consider inviting a recent convert to join the class and talk about some of the “weapons of rebellion” they had to lay down in order to follow the Savior and join His Church. Be sure to receive permission from your coordinator or program administrator and local priesthood leaders before extending the invitation.

Alma 24

Lesson purpose: This lesson can help students overcome sin and bad habits with the Savior’s help.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to read Alma 24:7–16 and come prepared to share what they learn from the Anti-Nephi-Lehies about the Savior, repentance, and forgiveness.

  • Videos:The Power of the Book of Mormon in Conversion” (9:01; watch from time code 6:11 to 8:12); “Unwavering Commitment to Jesus Christ” (13:52; watch from time code 0:00 to 1:39 and from time code 12:45 to 13:31)

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: Consider placing the students in groups of three or four in breakout rooms to search for important words and phrases in Alma 24:7–16. Invite each group to select a leader to share with the class the words and phrases that the group identified.

Alma 26

Lesson purpose: This lesson can help students feel deep gratitude and love for the Lord and for the blessings He bestows in their lives.

  • Student preparation: Students could read Alma 26:11–16 and ponder what they think it means to “glory in the Lord.”

  • Images: A few images of Ammon’s missionary efforts

  • Materials for students: A blank sheet of paper for each student

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: Instead of asking students to create their three columns on a sheet of paper, you could ask them to do it as a class using the whiteboard feature. Alternatively, you could organize them in breakout rooms and ask each group to create the three columns in a digital document. When students are back together, each group could share their document with the class.

Alma 29

Lesson purpose: This lesson can help students evaluate their desires and align them with the Lord’s.

  • Student preparation: Consider inviting students to read Alma 29:1–6 and to ponder what they learn about desires.

  • Image: Conversion of Alma the Younger

  • Content to display: The questions and instructions under “The importance of desires,” displayed on the board or in different locations around the room

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: At the beginning of the lesson, when students are invited to think about what they would wish for, consider inviting them to take a couple of minutes and search for an image that illustrates what they would wish for. Students could take turns showing and explaining about the images they chose.

Doctrinal Mastery Review 13

Lesson purpose: This lesson is intended to help students locate the 12 doctrinal mastery scripture passages in the second half of the Book of Mormon.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to ask friends or family members to show them different ways they mark scripture passages and why.

  • Handout:Book of Mormon Doctrinal Mastery: Alma–Moroni

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: To allow students to work with more of their classmates as they locate the 12 doctrinal mastery passages, consider placing students in different breakout rooms for each scripture passage. At the beginning of each round, you could suggest different questions they could ask their partner or group to help them get to know each other better.