undefined undefined Alma 30:30–60: “There Is a Supreme Creator”
Alma 30:30–60: “There Is a Supreme Creator”

“Alma 30:30–60: ‘There Is a Supreme Creator,’” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2024)

“Alma 30:30–60,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual

Alma 30:30–60

“There Is a Supreme Creator”

person looking at the night sky

Alma testified that “all things denote there is a God” (Alma 30:44). But why does not everyone recognize or confess that there is evidence that God is real? Korihor denied the existence of God until he was struck dumb by God’s power. This lesson can help you recognize evidence that God exists and choose to believe in Him.

Encouraging introspection and assessment. Ask inspired questions so students can recognize what they already know and believe. Encourage students to invite the Holy Ghost to help them identify what they need to know and bear witness of the truths they seek.

Student preparation: Invite students to read Alma 30:40–41 or Moses 6:63. Ask them to look for evidence of God in their surroundings and maybe take a picture to show in class.

Possible Learning Activities

The existence of God

Consider displaying several images that you feel show evidence of God’s existence. Students could also report on their preparation for class. Discuss some or all of the following questions.

  • In your school or community, how common does it seem to be for people to see evidence of God’s existence in the world around them (for example, while looking at a sunset or the stars)?

  • Why do you think people can look at the same things and draw different conclusions about God?

  • What might influence someone’s ability to recognize God’s involvement in their life?

Reflect on how you would be blessed if you could see God and His involvement more clearly in your life. As you study today, seek to increase your ability to see evidence of God in what you see and experience.

Korihor accuses Church leaders

Korihor, an anti-Christ, had a lot of success spreading his flattering messages in the land of Zarahemla (see Alma 30:12, 17–18). He also tried to teach the people in Jershon and Gideon. There, believers in God opposed Korihor and brought him to see the chief judge and Alma, the high priest.

Read Alma 30:30–36, looking for how Alma responded to Korihor’s attacks on God and the Church. You could also watch the video “All Things Denote There Is a God” from time code 3:22 to 5:16, available on ChurchofJesusChrist.org.

You may want to invite students to record the definitions of the following words in their scriptures to help them understand and remember what they learn.

It might be helpful to know that blaspheme in verse 30 means to mock God or speak “disrespectfully or irreverently of God or sacred things” (Guide to the Scriptures, “Blaspheme, Blasphemy,” scriptures.ChurchofJesusChrist.org). The word glut in these verses implies to get rich from.


All Things Denote There Is a God

  • What was Korihor accusing Church leaders of doing? (See Alma 30:31.)

Alma’s testimony of God

When Alma asked Korihor if he believed in God, Korihor said he did not (see Alma 30:37–38).

Read Alma 30:39–44, looking for how Alma responded to Korihor. You could also watch the video “All Things Denote There Is a God” from time code 5:23 to 7:13, available on ChurchofJesusChrist.org.


All Things Denote There Is a God

  • What stands out to you from Alma’s response?

  • What truths about God can you identify in Alma 30:41, 44?

Consider inviting students to cross-reference these verses with Moses 6:63. Allow students to share any truths they feel are taught in these verses. They might identify truths like the following example.

One truth we might learn is that all things testify of God.

The following activity can help students recognize the evidence of God in their lives. Look for ways to involve every student in class. Consider making a list of student responses for steps 1 and 2 on the board. Students could also write something for steps 3 and 4 in their journals and then volunteer to share. Some students may not recognize the experiences they have had until they hear others share.

  1. Make a list of what Alma said provides evidence of God’s existence.

  2. Add any additional evidence you can think of.

  3. Look for items on your list that have helped you personally see evidence of God. You might write down some details from your experiences.

  4. You could also choose one or more items on your list and share how these might help you increase your ability to see evidence of God.

The following statement could help students who might struggle to recognize experiences with God. Consider sharing it and inviting students to share what they learn. Help students avoid feeling discouraged and invite them to follow President Nelson’s invitation.

President Russell M. Nelson gave the following counsel about knowing that God exists.


“Come, Follow Me”

Understand that in the absence of experiences with God, one can doubt the existence of God. So, put yourself in a position to begin having experiences with Him. Humble yourself. Pray to have eyes to see God’s hand in your life and in the world around you. Ask Him to tell you if He is really there—if He knows you. Ask Him how He feels about you. And then listen. (Russell M. Nelson, “Come, Follow Me,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2019, 90)

Instead of exercising faith to have an experience with God, Korihor wanted Alma to convince him of God’s power and repeatedly challenged Alma to show him a sign (see Alma 30:43, 45, 48).

  • What do you think is different about someone following President Nelson’s invitation and someone demanding a sign?

Read Alma 30:48–53, 59–60, looking for how Korihor became convinced of the power of God. You could also watch the rest of the video “All Things Denote There Is a God” from time code 7:13 to 11:16, available on ChurchofJesusChrist.org.


All Things Denote There Is a God

  • What can we learn from Korihor’s experience?

Notice what lessons Mormon pointed out with the phrase “thus we see” in verse 60. Think about how the devil still deceives people today and tries to convince them to deny what they know to be true.

Bear testimony of God’s existence and invite students to strive to see God in the world around them.