undefined undefined Doctrinal Mastery Review 16: Apply Doctrinal Mastery Passages
Doctrinal Mastery Review 16: Apply Doctrinal Mastery Passages

“Doctrinal Mastery Review 16: Apply Doctrinal Mastery Passages,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2024)

“Doctrinal Mastery Review 16,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual

Doctrinal Mastery Review 16

Apply Doctrinal Mastery Passages

group of happy youth

Learning to apply the Lord’s words in the holy scriptures can bless you in many ways. This lesson can help you apply the truths from doctrinal mastery passages in the second half of the Book of Mormon to your life.

Applying doctrinal mastery passages. Provide opportunities for students to apply the doctrine they learn from doctrinal mastery passages to real-life situations. This practice can reinforce how important these passages are to their own lives.

Student preparation: Invite students to come prepared to share any blessings or benefits they have noticed from striving to apply the scriptures to their lives.

Possible Learning Activities

A doctrinal mastery passage lesson may need to be taught in place of this review lesson. Refer to the pacing schedule provided by the area or region director or coordinator to ensure that each doctrinal mastery passage lesson will be taught while seminary is in session.

Blessings of applying scripture

Consider displaying the following instructions and statement. Invite students to share what they find.

In the following statement, President Bonnie H. Cordon, Young Women General President, shared blessings that can come from studying the scriptures. As you read her words, ponder what stands out to you.

Scriptures enlighten our minds, nourish our spirits, answer our questions, increase our trust in the Lord, and help us center our lives on Him. (Bonnie H. Cordon, “Trust in the Lord and Lean Not,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2017, 7)

  • What other blessings can we receive from studying the scriptures?

We may begin to experience some of these blessings as we study the scriptures, but they may continue and increase as we apply scriptures to our lives.

  • What does it mean to apply the scriptures to our lives?

If you would like to hear one man’s testimony of the importance of pondering and seeking to apply scriptures, watch “Solving Life’s Problems with the Book of Mormon” (1:00), available at ChurchofJesusChrist.org.


Applying scriptures

To practice applying scriptures, read the following scenarios and select one.

Feel free to adapt or change the following scenarios to make them more relevant to your students.

  1. A young man would like to gain a strong testimony and come closer to the Lord.

  2. A young woman is struggling because she has bad habits that she has been unable to overcome.

  3. A young man experiences feelings of low self-worth and struggles to feel God’s love for him.

If you would prefer, you could also create a new scenario that relates more closely to your life or the lives of those you know.

Display or otherwise provide students with the following instructions and chart.

Read through the key scripture phrases below, and find at least one that you feel could help the person in the situation you selected. Read through the entire passage, and do the following:

  1. Identify a truth the passage teaches that may help.

  2. Identify one way the person in the scenario could apply the scripture to his or her life.

  3. Explain the blessings he or she might experience by applying the scripture in that way.

(If you would like, you can repeat this exercise with another doctrinal mastery passage that may help with the scenario you chose.)

Book of Mormon Doctrinal Mastery: Alma–Moroni

Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2024)

Scripture Reference

Key Scripture Phrase

Scripture Reference

Alma 7:11–13

Key Scripture Phrase

“And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind.”

Scripture Reference

Alma 34:9–10

Key Scripture Phrase

“There must be an atonement made, … an infinite and eternal sacrifice.”

Scripture Reference

Alma 39:9

Key Scripture Phrase

“Go no more after the lusts of your eyes.”

Scripture Reference

Alma 41:10

Key Scripture Phrase

“Wickedness never was happiness.”

Scripture Reference

Helaman 5:12

Key Scripture Phrase

“It is upon the rock of our Redeemer … that ye must build your foundation.”

Scripture Reference

3 Nephi 11:10–11

Key Scripture Phrase

“I have suffered the will of the Father in all things from the beginning.”

Scripture Reference

3 Nephi 12:48

Key Scripture Phrase

“Be perfect even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect.”

Scripture Reference

3 Nephi 27:20

Key Scripture Phrase

“Come unto me and be baptized … that ye may be sanctified by the reception of the Holy Ghost.”

Scripture Reference

Ether 12:6

Key Scripture Phrase

“Ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.”

Scripture Reference

Ether 12:27

Key Scripture Phrase

“If men come unto me … then will I make weak things become strong unto them.”

Scripture Reference

Moroni 7:45–48

Key Scripture Phrase

“Charity is the pure love of Christ.”

Scripture Reference

Moroni 10:4–5

Key Scripture Phrase

“Ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ … [and] by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.”

After students have sufficient time to prepare their responses, invite them to share those responses in pairs or small groups before having a few share with the class. Then consider displaying the following instructions and inviting students to apply a scripture to their own life.

Review the doctrinal mastery verses, and select one that you feel would be a blessing for you to apply in your life. Draw a simple picture or write about how you would apply that scripture. You could also include one or more blessings that might come as a result.

Commit to following through on the application you thought of.

When students are done, consider inviting them to share their illustrations or explanations with the class and at home with family members or close friends.