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Helaman 8: Prophets Testify of Jesus Christ

“Helaman 8: Prophets Testify of Jesus Christ,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2024)

“Helaman 8,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual

Helaman 8

Prophets Testify of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ

In a world where so many voices pull us in so many directions, God has given us prophets to anchor us to Him. When Nephi was questioned by the wicked Nephites about why he had spoken so harshly about them, he testified boldly of the Savior. This lesson can help you understand that prophets testify of Jesus Christ, and it can help you feel the truth of their testimonies.

Emphasize how prophets testify of Jesus Christ. The primary responsibility of prophets is to testify of Jesus Christ (see Guide to the Scriptures, “Prophet,” scriptures.ChurchofJesusChrist.org). Point out scripture passages and other prophetic teachings that bear witness of the Savior’s divine attributes, life, and mission. Encourage students to consider how prophetic testimonies influence their own understanding of and appreciation for Jesus Christ.

Student preparation: Consider inviting students to look for one or more examples of prophets and apostles testifying of Jesus Christ in a recent general conference.

Possible Learning Activities

The testimony of a witness

Consider bringing a nut with a shell on it, such as a peanut, walnut, or other nut. Hide it in your hand or in a bag. Tell students you have something that has never been seen by human eyes or touched by human hands (the nut inside the shell). Invite a student to come up and look. Then have that student tell the class whether you are telling the truth. Ask students whether they believe you and why they do or do not. After you discuss as a class whether the students believe you, show them the nut.

Most people have not seen Jesus Christ, but many still believe in Him.

  • What are some reasons why people believe in Jesus Christ?

  • What role do prophets play in helping you believe in the Savior?

The testimony of prophets of old

The ministry of the prophet Nephi was discussed in the lesson on Helaman 7–10. This lesson will help students focus on Nephi’s teachings in Helaman 8 about prophets’ responsibility to testify of Jesus Christ. To help students review the context for Nephi’s teachings in Helaman 8, consider summarizing the following information.

You might remember that the prophet Nephi prophesied to the wicked Nephites that they would be destroyed if they would not repent (see Helaman 7:22–29). Many of the Nephites became angry with Nephi for speaking out against their wickedness (see Helaman 8:1–7). Nephi rebuked these people and told them that they were denying not only his words but the words of past prophets, including Moses, who had testified of Jesus Christ (see Helaman 8:10–13).

Read Helaman 8:13–23, looking for what Nephi shared about Moses and other past prophets. You may want to mark the names of the prophets Nephi identified.

  • What did all of these prophets have in common?

One truth we can learn from these verses is that prophets testify of Jesus Christ.

Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles stated:

The most important role of the Lord’s prophet is to teach us of the Savior and lead us to Him. …

A prophet does not stand between you and the Savior. Rather, he stands beside you and points the way to the Savior. A prophet’s greatest responsibility and most precious gift to us is his sure witness, his certain knowledge, that Jesus is the Christ. (Neil L. Andersen, “The Prophet of God,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2018, 25, 27)

  • Why do you think a prophet’s greatest gift to us is his witness of Jesus Christ?

Examples of prophets testifying of Jesus Christ

Take time to study some of the prophets’ testimonies of Jesus Christ. As you study their testimonies, the Holy Ghost can testify of the truthfulness of their words to your heart and mind.

Invite students to complete one or both of the following activities, or you could allow students to choose which activity they would like to complete. Alternatively, you could place students into groups and assign each group one of the options to complete. Members from each group could then share what stood out to them in the testimonies they studied.

Option A: Ancient prophets testified of Jesus Christ

Consider displaying the name of each of the following prophets mentioned in Helaman 8:13–23, the following accompanying verses, and an image of each prophet (if possible) around the room. Once students have studied several testimonies, they could record any feelings or impressions they had as they studied and share those feelings or impressions with a classmate.

Read at least three of the following testimonies from prophets mentioned by Nephi. Make a list of what these testimonies teach you about Jesus Christ.

Review the list you wrote. Consider recording any insights, feelings, or impressions you had about the Savior as you studied. Write a few sentences explaining how your life might be different if prophets had not taught us these things about Jesus Christ.

Option B: Latter-day prophets testify of Jesus Christ

To help students complete this option, consider providing resources, such as several copies of general conference editions of the Liahona magazine.

Consider sharing some of the testimonies of prophets referenced in the “Commentary and Background Information” section as needed.

Find two or more examples of latter-day prophets or apostles testifying of Jesus Christ. They could be from a recent general conference or from Church history. Consider using ChurchofJesusChrist.org or the Gospel Library app in your search. You could also read or listen to “The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles” at ChurchofJesusChrist.org.

When students complete their activity, invite them to share examples they found of prophets testifying of Jesus Christ. Be sure to give multiple students an opportunity to share. It might be helpful to ask questions such as “Which of the prophets’ testimonies have impressed you?” or “Why do you think it matters that so many prophets have testified of Jesus Christ?”

If time permits, it may also be beneficial for students to share their own testimonies of Jesus Christ.