“Ether 6: The Jaredites Travel to the Promised Land,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2024)
“Ether 6,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual
Ether 6
The Jaredites Travel to the Promised Land
Imagine what it might have felt like for the Jaredites to enter their barges and cross the great waters as they journeyed to the promised land. Although their journey was long and difficult, the Jaredites recognized that the Lord was helping them along the way. The Lord can also help us during our journey through mortality and back to the presence of Heavenly Father. This lesson can help you liken the scriptures in order to learn truths that can help you during your life’s journey.
Help each student contribute to the learning experience. Genuinely recognize that each student is needed and has a contribution to make. Some students may be more inclined to participate than others. Make the extra effort and be creative to encourage each student to contribute in meaningful ways.
Student preparation: Students could read Ether 6:1–12 and think about aspects of this account that could symbolically apply to their lives. The study activity for these verses in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2024 could help with this.
Possible Learning Activities
The journey of life
The following is intended to help prepare students to liken their study of Ether 6 to their lives. In addition to inviting students to complete the activity in their study journals, consider completing it on the board.
Our mortal lives can be compared to a long journey, with the desired destination being eternal life. In your study journal, write “Me” on one side of the page and “Eternal Life” on the other. In the space between these two headings, write down some of the obstacles that can arise during our journey that make it difficult for us to return worthily to Heavenly Father. Then think about how your journey toward eternal life is going and which of the identified obstacles you are currently facing.
Today you will study about the journey the Jaredites made to the promised land after they finished building their barges. As you study, look for truths that can help you overcome the obstacles you face in your journey back to the presence of God.
Likening the scriptures to your life
The following steps can help you compare, or liken, what you will read in the scriptures to your personal circumstances. In your study journal, write the heading “Ways to liken the scriptures to my life.” Record these steps below the heading.
Display these steps so students can copy them into their journals.
Find important details.
Make comparisons.
Discover valuable lessons.
Determine personal application.
Before giving students an opportunity to practice using these steps on their own, consider going through the following example as a class. Be sure to save plenty of time for students to practice on their own later in the lesson.
Step 1: Find important details
Read Ether 6:1–3, looking for important details. These details could include people, places, objects, or actions that are emphasized.
Ask students to share important details they found in these verses. These could be written on the board. You could point out the following:
One important detail you may have noticed is that the Lord caused the stones the brother of Jared had previously brought to Him (see Ether 3:1–6) to shine so the Jaredites would have light in their barges.
Step 2: Make comparisons
Think of how the details you identified in the previous step could be compared to something spiritual or to situations in your life.
What comparisons can you make with the details you identified in the previous step?
For example, you might have compared the shining stones to the sources of spiritual light Heavenly Father has blessed us with, such as the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, the scriptures, and living prophets. (See Psalm 119:105; John 8:12; and 1 Nephi 17:13. You could cross-reference these verses with Ether 6:3.)
Step 3: Discover valuable lessons
Think about what lessons or truths you learn as you compare these verses to your life or to something spiritual. Also consider what you learn about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
What are some lessons or truths you learn from these verses? What do you find that could help you in your day-to-day life?
One truth we can learn is that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ provide us with guidance and light to help us during our journey through mortality.
You might invite students to share some of the ways God has provided them with guidance and spiritual light in their lives.
Step 4: Determine personal application
Reflect on how you can apply to your life the lessons you identified in the previous step.
What can you do to follow or receive more of God’s light in your life?
You may have thought of actions such as improving your scripture study, prayerfully seeking guidance from Heavenly Father in your daily decisions, or more diligently striving to keep the Holy Ghost as your constant companion.
Practice likening other verses from this account
Students could complete the following study activity individually, with a partner, or in a small group.
Study the rest of the account of the Jaredites’ journey to the promised land by reading Ether 6:4–12. Look for more ways the Jaredites’ journey can relate to your journey through life. As you study, practice using the four-step process for likening the scriptures.
Pay special attention to what these verses teach you about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
After students have had sufficient time to study, discuss what they learned. If they need more help, consider asking questions like the following:
What did these verses teach you about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?
What are some of the “furious wind[s]” (Ether 6:5) the Lord allows us to experience in our lives? How can we ensure that our trials or challenges will help us grow closer to God?
What are some ways you might feel “buried” (Ether 6:6) in your journey through mortality? What did you see in verse 7 that can help you during such times?
Why do you think the Jaredites praised the Lord during their difficult journey? (see Ether 6:9). What can help you feel gratitude toward God, even when you are facing trials?
After the discussion, invite students to think about how what they have studied today can help them in their lives, including with the obstacles they identified earlier. Encourage them to record in their study journals any spiritual promptings or insights they want to remember.
Testify of the truths discussed today. Encourage students to continue likening what they read in the scriptures to their lives.