“Ether 12:1–22: Receiving a Witness of Truth,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2024)
“Ether 12:1–22,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual
Ether 12:1–22
Receiving a Witness of Truth
What has helped you in your efforts to learn spiritual truth? After detailing many years of Jaredite history, Moroni introduced the ministry of the prophet Ether. Moroni then shared some of the blessings that come from exercising faith in Jesus Christ, including how the trial of our faith can help us receive a witness of truth. This lesson is intended to help you exercise faith to receive a spiritual witness of truth.
Prepare yourself to teach. Because the Spirit testifies of truth and is the source of conversion, powerful gospel teachers prepare themselves spiritually long before they teach. Invite the Holy Ghost into your lesson preparation through sincere prayer, and seek to follow His guidance as you focus on teaching doctrine and principles.
Student preparation: Invite students to think of examples from the scriptures in which faithful actions led to spiritual witnesses, blessings, or answers from God.
Possible Learning Activities
“How do you know?”
Sister Rebecca L. Craven, Second Counselor in the Young Women General Presidency, shared the following experience she had while speaking with a young woman:
Do What Mattereth Most
I had a sweet experience with a darling young woman who asked a very sincere question: “Sister Craven, how do you know that anything about the Church is true? Because I feel nothing.”
Before jumping to an answer, I first asked her some questions. “Tell me about your personal scripture study.”
She replied, “I don’t read the scriptures.”
I asked, “What about with your family? Do you study Come, Follow Me together?”
She said, “No.”
I asked about her prayers: “What do you feel when you pray?”
Her answer: “I don’t pray.” (Rebecca L. Craven, “Do What Mattereth Most,” Liahona, May 2022, 62)
Based on your experiences, what could you say to help this young woman?
After students discuss the previous question, invite them to share examples of specific truths people may need to seek a spiritual witness of. Write their answers on the board. (Responses might include a witness that the Book of Mormon is true, that living a clean and virtuous life is important, or that the Word of Wisdom is a law of God.)
Think about spiritual truths that you would like to receive a spiritual witness or a stronger testimony of. Consider writing these in your study journal. As you study today, look for teachings that can help you gain a spiritual witness or strengthen your testimony.
“The trial of your faith”
As Moroni continued abridging the record of the Jaredites, he introduced the ministry of the prophet Ether. Despite being born into captivity and living among people who rejected the prophets (see Ether 11:20–23), Ether lived a righteous life and was called by God to be a prophet.
Read Ether 12:2–5, looking for how Ether’s preaching was received by the Jaredites.
Why did the people refuse to believe Ether’s words?
Read Ether 12:6, looking for what Moroni taught about how we obtain a spiritual witness of truth.
Ether 12:6 is a doctrinal mastery passage. Consider marking doctrinal mastery passages in a distinctive way so you can locate them easily. You will have an opportunity in the next lesson to practice applying the doctrine taught in this passage to a question or situation.
Elder Richard G. Scott (1928–2015) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles shared one meaning of the phrase trial of your faith:
The Sustaining Power of Faith in Times of Uncertainty and Testing
You can learn to use faith more effectively by applying this principle taught by Moroni: “Faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith” [Ether 12:6; emphasis added]. Thus, every time you try your faith, that is, act in worthiness on an impression, you will receive the confirming evidence of the Spirit. Those feelings will fortify your faith. As you repeat that pattern, your faith will become stronger. (Richard G. Scott, “The Sustaining Power of Faith in Times of Uncertainty and Testing,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2003, 76)
What did you learn from Ether 12:6 and this statement that could help someone who desires to obtain a spiritual witness or a stronger testimony of truth?
One truth we can learn from Ether 12:6 is if we desire a spiritual witness, then we must first exercise faith in Jesus Christ and His gospel.
Sister Rebecca L. Craven related how she responded to the young woman she spoke with:
Do What Mattereth Most
My response to her was simple: “If you want to know anything, you will have to do something.”
Isn’t that true with anything we want to learn or know? I invited my new friend to start doing the gospel of Jesus Christ: praying, studying, serving others, and trusting in the Lord. Conversion won’t come while doing nothing. It comes through the power of the Holy Ghost as we intentionally make an effort to know by asking, seeking, and knocking. It comes by doing. (Rebecca L. Craven, “Do What Mattereth Most,” Liahona, May 2022, 62)
Why do you think exercising faith in Jesus Christ through our actions is an essential aspect of receiving a spiritual witness of Him and His gospel?
How can living the Savior’s gospel impact our feelings for Him?
Examples of faith
Think about experiences where you or others received a spiritual witness as a result of living the Savior’s gospel and exercising faith in Him.
Invite a few students to share the experiences they thought about. Explain that they should not share experiences that are too personal. Consider sharing your own experience as part of this discussion. The following video could also be used.
To see an example of someone who was strengthened as a result of exercising faith in the Savior, watch “Pure and Simple Faith” (5:21), available at ChurchofJesusChrist.org.
Pure and Simple Faith
As Moroni continued his discourse, he shared many examples of individuals who were blessed as they exercised faith in Jesus Christ.
For the following activity, consider dividing students into four groups and assigning each group one of the following sets of verses to study: Ether 12:7–10, 11–14, 15–18, 19–22. Invite each group to share with the class the examples of faith they read about.
Read Ether 12:7–22, looking for how the Lord blessed these people who exercised faith in Him. Consider marking any examples that stand out to you.
Which of these examples of faith impressed you most? Why?
How could one or more of the examples you studied help you in your personal circumstances?
Consider how you can apply what you’ve learned today to your life. Record two or three actions you can take to exercise faith in Jesus Christ and receive or strengthen your witness of the Savior’s gospel.