undefined undefined Moroni 1–6: Overview
Moroni 1–6: Overview

“Moroni 1–6: Overview,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2024)

“Moroni 1–6,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual

Moroni 1–6


Because Moroni refused to deny Jesus Christ, he was forced to wander the wilderness alone and stay hidden from the Lamanites. In some of his final words to future generations, he taught about the authority to perform priesthood ordinances. In doing so he preserved important truths about how the priesthood is used, and he also gave instructions to help strengthen and build the Church.

Prepare to Teach

The following information provides teachers with ideas of what may need to be prepared in advance for each lesson.

Moroni 1

Lesson purpose: This lesson can help motivate students to always follow Jesus Christ and not deny Him.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to think of an experience when they or someone they know followed Jesus Christ even though they felt alone or were persecuted.

  • Content to display: A diagram of colors, or papers for students in green, yellow, orange, and red; examples of posters or social media posts that can motivate students to be true to Jesus Christ

  • Videos:Be Strong and of a Good Courage” (16:18; watch from time code 5:41 to 6:22); “Moroni Invites All to Come unto Christ” (8:37; watch from time code 0:00 to 3:59)

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: When discussing the opposition that disciples of Christ might face, consider involving all students in some way. You could ask students to type in the chat the color that best represents each situation. You could also allow students to collect items of the four colors in their room, or use the background feature to display either green, yellow, orange, or red.

Moroni 2–3

Lesson purpose: This lesson can help students understand priesthood authority in the Savior’s Church.

  • Student preparation: Consider inviting students to talk with a priesthood holder or someone who serves in a Church calling. Students could ask that individual how he or she felt about receiving the Savior’s authority to perform his or her responsibilities.

  • Object lesson: A copy of a priesthood line of authority; a chain

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: To encourage participation, you could invite students to use the whiteboard feature to list ways the Holy Ghost has blessed their lives. You could then invite several students to share personal experiences.

Moroni 4–5

Lesson purpose: This lesson can help students keep the covenant they make when they partake of the sacrament so they can have the Lord’s Spirit with them.

  • Student preparation: Consider inviting students to come to class prepared to recite as much of the sacrament prayers from memory as they can.

  • Content to display: The chart entitled “The Covenant of the Sacrament

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: Consider dividing students into three breakout rooms to discuss one of the three promises we make when we partake of the sacrament. You could then place students into new breakout groups with students who studied one of the other promises. Invite students to teach one another about the promise they discussed with their original group.

Moroni 6

Lesson purpose: This lesson can help students strive to serve others and follow the Savior as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

  • Student preparation: Students could come prepared to share ways all Church members can strengthen one another, even without a formal calling in a ward or branch.

  • Image: A diverse Church congregation

  • Videos:The Needs before Us” (12:06; watch from time code 7:40 to 8:25); “Eyes to See” (9:44; watch from time code 4:55 to 6:55)

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: Invite students to use the chat feature to share principles they identify in Moroni 6:4–9.

Doctrinal Mastery Review 25

Lesson purpose: This lesson will give students an opportunity to practice applying the doctrinal mastery passages to their goals to become like the Savior.

  • Student preparation: Consider inviting students to talk to their parents or a Church leader about goals they have set. They could discuss successes and challenges they are experiencing.

  • Content to display: A copy of Personal Development: Youth Guidebook