undefined undefined Moroni 6: Participating and Serving in the Lord’s Church
Moroni 6: Participating and Serving in the Lord’s Church

“Moroni 6: Participating and Serving in the Lord’s Church,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2024)

“Moroni 6,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual

Moroni 6

Participating and Serving in the Lord’s Church

young woman speaking in sacrament meeting

As baptized members of Christ’s Church, we have opportunities to participate and serve in many different ways. In Moroni 6, Moroni continued his instructions to help strengthen and build the Church. This lesson can help you strive to serve others and follow the Savior as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Strive to be an example of loving others. The Savior consistently showed His sincere care for each person. As you cultivate a spirit of love and respect for your students, your Christlike example can inspire them to appreciate one another. Encourage students to build each other up and look for the good in everyone.

Student preparation: Students could come prepared to share ways all Church members can strengthen one another, even without a formal calling in a ward or branch.

Possible Learning Activities

Members of Christ’s Church

ward congregation singing in sacrament meeting

Consider displaying an image of a Church congregation and discussing various reasons people choose to be members of the Savior’s Church.

For the following activity, consider drawing an outline of a person on the board so students can complete the activity as a class.

In your study journal or on a separate piece of paper, draw a line to divide the page in half. On one half, draw an outline of a person, representing a member of the Savior’s Church. Make the outline large enough that you can write inside the shape. Inside the image you drew, write two or three things that you did or would expect to do to prepare for baptism into the Church. You may want to continue adding to the list in your drawing throughout the lesson.

In Moroni 6, Moroni continued his teachings about building the Church and strengthening its members. In this chapter, we learn some of our roles and opportunities in carrying out the Lord’s work in His Church.

Read Moroni 6:1–3, looking for what Moroni taught about how a person can show they are prepared for baptism into Christ’s Church. Add what you find to the list inside your image.

  • How do you think these actions and attitudes prepare a person for baptism?

Moroni taught that once we are baptized, we are “numbered among the people of the church of Christ” (Moroni 6:4). We become participants in a church organization that is intended to strengthen and build us as disciples of Jesus Christ. As you continue to study Moroni 6, think about how you can serve and strengthen others as a baptized member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Opportunities and responsibilities

Around the image you drew previously, write some of the needs, hopes, or wants of Church members.

Help students understand that recognizing these needs in themselves and others can help them learn from Moroni’s next teachings. Be sensitive and assure students that they are not required to share what they have written. Give them enough time to record multiple ideas on their drawings.

Write the following incomplete truth on the board, leaving room for students to finish the statement in several ways.

On the other half of your paper or journal page, write the following incomplete truth: As members of the Savior’s Church, we can help and strengthen one another as we …

Study Moroni 6:4–9, looking for multiple ways you could finish the statement. Write your list of different statements on your paper. It may be helpful to know that nourish means to support or encourage growth.

Students could complete the statement in several ways, including the following:

  • remember other members of the Church (verse 4).

  • nourish one another spiritually by the good word of God (verse 4).

  • watch over and pray for each other (verse 4).

  • help one another rely on the Savior and His Atonement (verse 4).

  • meet together often to fast and pray together (verse 5).

  • strengthen one another spiritually (verse 5).

  • partake of the sacrament in remembrance of Jesus Christ (verse 6).

  • forgive others when they repent (verses 7–8).

  • teach and pray according to the power of the Holy Ghost (verse 9).

Consider using some of the following questions to help students understand each responsibility and think about how to fulfill it. This may also be a good time to invite students to share additional ideas from their student preparation.

  • Which of these actions seem easier for you? Which might be a challenge? Why?

  • What might these actions look like in your class or quorum?

  • How could acting on these truths help you with your needs?

Giving and receiving

It could be helpful to display the following statement for a student to read aloud.

President Bonnie L. Oscarson, former Young Women General President, observed:


The Needs before Us

We are not just receivers and takers of what is offered at church; we are needed to be givers and suppliers. Young women and young men, next time you are at [a youth activity], instead of picking up your phone to see what your friends are doing, stop, look around, and ask yourself, “Who needs me today?” You may be the key to reaching out and touching the life of a peer or to giving encouragement to a friend who is quietly struggling.

Ask your Heavenly Father to show you those around you who need your help and to inspire you on how to best serve them. Remember that the Savior most often ministered to one person at a time. (Bonnie L. Oscarson, “The Needs before Us,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2017, 26)

  • What do you think is important to remember from Sister Oscarson’s counsel, and why?

  • When have you seen the truths Moroni taught in action? What difference did acting on these truths make in the lives of others?

  • How could following Moroni’s counsel help you become more like the Savior?

For an example of a young woman who applied Moroni’s counsel, watch “Eyes to See” from time code 4:55 to 6:55 on ChurchofJesusChrist.org.

If you show the video, consider discussing ways the young woman applied Moroni’s counsel and followed the Savior’s example.


Eyes to See

My next steps

Give students sufficient time to ponder and record their impressions in their study journals. As time permits, invite students to share their thoughts with the class.

Ponder for a few moments what you have learned and felt today. Then visualize walking into your next Church meeting or activity. What do you think the Savior would have you do? Consider making notes in your study journal to help you remember the guidance you have received.

You may also want to seek Heavenly Father’s help in prayer to know who needs your attention and help. Invite Him to help you know what you can do to care for other Church members as the Savior would.