undefined undefined Moroni 10:8–25: “Every Good Gift Cometh of Christ”
Moroni 10:8–25: “Every Good Gift Cometh of Christ”

“Moroni 10:8–25: ‘Every Good Gift Cometh of Christ,’” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2024)

“Moroni 10:8–25,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual

Moroni 10:8–25

“Every Good Gift Cometh of Christ”

receiving a gift

What is a gift you have received that made a meaningful difference in your life? What did this gift tell you about the person who gave it? Moroni testified of gifts that God has given His children through the Spirit to benefit them. Moroni then exhorted readers to recognize and receive these spiritual gifts. This lesson can help you seek after the gifts of the Spirit.

Help students feel respected and valued. Each student is a child of God with unique qualities, talents, and gifts. Be observant and recognize when students strive to contribute in positive ways. Encourage an attitude of acceptance and love among all class members.

Student preparation: Invite students to learn about gifts of the Spirit. They could use scripture study aids such as the Gospel Topics entry “Spiritual Gifts,” found at topics.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.

Possible Learning Activities


Think about some of the best gift givers you know.

  • What characteristics do these people have that make them good gift givers?

Jesus Christ taught His disciples about one of Heavenly Father’s characteristics in Matthew 7:9–11. Read these verses, looking for what the Savior taught about the Father.

Consider listing students’ responses to the following question on the board. Depending on students’ responses, you could read the verses listed at the end of the question as a class.

Today you will have an opportunity to learn about gifts from God that are referred to as gifts of the Spirit or spiritual gifts. As you study, think about how these gifts are evidence of the love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have for you and others. Also think about how being blessed with these gifts can influence your gratitude and love for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Spiritual gifts from God

Display the following definition so students can include it in their study journal.

Spiritual gifts can be defined as “blessings or abilities given by God to His children through the power of the Holy Ghost. Gifts of the Spirit are given to bless and benefit those who love the Lord and seek to keep His commandments. (See Doctrine and Covenants 46:9.)” (Gospel Topics, “Spiritual Gifts,” topics.ChurchofJesusChrist.org).

Read Moroni 10:8, looking for what Moroni taught about spiritual gifts.

  • What did you learn about spiritual gifts from this verse?

One truth we can learn from this verse is that God gives His children gifts of the Spirit to profit them.

  • How do you think we can use the blessings or abilities God gives us through the Holy Ghost to help ourselves or others?

Think about questions you still have about spiritual gifts. Write these questions in your study journal. As you continue studying, look for teachings that help answer your questions.

Consider inviting students to share some of their questions. You could write them on the board. Students may have questions similar to the following: What are examples of spiritual gifts? What spiritual gifts has God blessed me with? How can I receive spiritual gifts?

What are examples of spiritual gifts?

Moroni shared a few examples of spiritual gifts that God can give us. Read Moroni 10:9–16, looking for these examples.

It may be helpful to know that teaching “the word of wisdom” (verse 9) could refer to the ability to help others use good judgment or apply their knowledge; teaching the “word of knowledge” (verse 10) could refer to the ability to help others come to a knowledge of God and His laws; and “all kinds of tongues” (verse 15) could refer to the ability to speak in foreign or unknown languages.

  • What gifts of the Spirit were mentioned in these verses?

  • What are some examples of how you have seen these gifts demonstrated?

Elder Bruce R. McConkie (1915–85) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught that “spiritual gifts are endless in number and infinite in variety” (A New Witness for the Articles of Faith [1985], 371).

Consider inviting students to think of examples of spiritual gifts God can bless them with in addition to the ones listed in Moroni 10. If needed, you could share examples like the following.

God can bless us with an endless number of spiritual gifts, including faith in Jesus Christ, personal revelation, increased capacity to keep the commandments, and feeling Christlike love for others.

To prepare students to discuss the following questions, invite them to think about times in their lives when they have been blessed with spiritual gifts from God. You could invite them to share examples that are not too personal. You could also share examples from your own life.

  • What do you learn about Heavenly Father when you consider the gifts He desires to give us?

  • How can spiritual gifts help us become more like God?

How can we receive spiritual gifts?

Read Moroni 10:24–25, 30, looking for what Moroni taught about receiving spiritual gifts from God.

  • What did these verses teach you about how we can be blessed with gifts of the Spirit?

The following statements can be used to help students better understand how they can follow Moroni’s counsel to “lay hold upon” spiritual gifts (Moroni 10:30). Consider displaying these statements and inviting volunteers to read them aloud.

President George Q. Cannon (1827–1901) of the First Presidency shared one way we can seek after spiritual gifts:

If any of us are imperfect, it is our duty to pray for the gift that will make us perfect. … No man ought to say, “Oh, I cannot help this; it is my nature.” He is not justified in it, for the reason that God has promised … to give gifts that will eradicate [our weaknesses]. (George Q. Cannon, “Seeking Spiritual Gifts,” Ensign or Liahona, Apr. 2016, 80)

President Henry B. Eyring of the First Presidency shared another way we can qualify for gifts of the Spirit:


Serve with the Spirit

We cultivate spiritual gifts by keeping the commandments and trying to live a blameless life. That requires faith in Jesus Christ to repent and be cleansed through His Atonement. (Henry B. Eyring, “Serve with the Spirit,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2010, 59)

  • What did you learn from these statements about ways we can be blessed with spiritual gifts?

  • Why do you think the actions mentioned are necessary to qualify for gifts of the Spirit?

Give students time to think about what they have learned and how they will apply it by sharing the following instructions. Then testify of the truths you have studied today and encourage the students to seek after spiritual gifts.

Think about what you have learned today about spiritual gifts that you want to remember, including how spiritual gifts can make a difference in your life. Determine what you will do to have greater access to the spiritual gifts Heavenly Father desires to bless you with. Record your thoughts and impressions in your study journal.