Scripture Stories
Alma and His People

“Alma and His People,” Book of Mormon Stories (2023)

Mosiah 23–25

Alma and His People

Strength from God during hard times

Alma and other people look at their homes

Alma and his people lived in a beautiful land. They planted seeds and built homes. Alma was a priest of God. He taught his people to love each other. The people listened to Alma and kept God’s commandments. Their families grew, and they built a city.

Mosiah 23:4–5, 15–20

Alma talks to Lamanites

One day, an army of Lamanites came. They were lost. The Lamanites promised to leave Alma’s people alone if Alma helped them find their way home. Alma showed the Lamanites how to get back to their land.

Mosiah 23:25, 30, 36–37

Amulon and guards watching Alma and his people

The Lamanites did not keep their promise. Instead, they took over the land and had guards watch Alma’s people. They also made a Nephite named Amulon a king over Alma’s people. Amulon was a leader of false priests. He and his priests had killed a prophet of God and done many other bad things.

Mosiah 17:12–13; 23:31–32, 37–39; 24:9

Amulon angry

Amulon was angry with Alma. He made Alma’s people work very hard and was mean to them. It was difficult for Alma’s people.

Mosiah 24:8–9

Alma prays, and Amulon is angry in the background

They prayed to God for help. Amulon told them to stop praying. He said anyone who prayed would be killed.

Mosiah 24:10–11

Alma and woman help old man to stand

Alma and his people stopped praying out loud. Instead, they prayed in their hearts. God heard their prayers. He comforted them and promised to help them escape. God made their hard work feel easier. The people were patient and happy as they listened to God. They knew He was helping them.

Mosiah 24:12–15

Alma leads his people away at night

Alma’s people trusted God and had great faith in Him. One day, God told them it was time to leave. That night, Alma and his people got ready. They gathered all their animals and food. In the morning, God put the Lamanites in a deep sleep. Then Alma and his people escaped and traveled all day.

Mosiah 24:16–20

Alma and his people look at Zarahemla

That night, all the men, women, and children thanked God. They knew only God could have helped them. They kept traveling for many days and came to the land of Zarahemla. The Nephites welcomed them, and Alma taught everyone about having faith in Jesus Christ. Many people believed and were baptized.

Mosiah 24:20–25; 25:14–24
