Scripture Stories

“Corianton,” Book of Mormon Stories (2023)

Alma 39–42


Turning again to the Lord

Corianton teaching people

Corianton was one of Alma’s sons. He went with his father, his brother Shiblon, and others to teach a group of people called the Zoramites about the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Alma 31:5–7; 32:1

Corianton drinking with people

While Corianton was with the people, he was tempted to sin. Instead of obeying the Lord, he chose to do things that were against God’s commandments. Because of what he did, some of the Zoramites did not believe what Alma and his sons taught.

Alma 39:2–5, 11–12

Alma talking with Corianton

Alma invited Corianton to repent and turn to the Lord for forgiveness. Corianton was worried about parts of the Lord’s plan. Alma helped his son understand the Lord’s plan of happiness, Christ’s Atonement, resurrection, and life after death. Alma reminded him that the Lord had a work for him to do.

Alma 39:7–9, 13–19; 40–42

Corianton teaching people

Corianton listened to his father. He had faith in Jesus and repented of his sins. He learned that the Lord was just and also loving and kind. Corianton taught again with his father and brother. They taught many people about the joy and peace of repentance and of living the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Alma 42:30–31; 43:1–2; 48:17–18
