Scripture Stories
Mormon the Prophet

“Mormon the Prophet,” Book of Mormon Stories (2023)

Words of Mormon 1; Mormon 1–8

Mormon the Prophet

Writing the Book of Mormon

many people make weapons, and Mormon as a child and his mother stand near a table filled with swords

Mormon was a Nephite who believed in Jesus Christ. He grew up in a time when many people did not obey God’s commandments. The people robbed and killed each other for money and power. There were many wars.

3 Nephi 5:12–13; 4 Nephi 1:27–49; Mormon 1:1–3, 15, 18–19

Ammaron talks to Mormon and his mother as they harvest crops, and many people work in the field nearby

When Mormon was 10, a man named Ammaron came to him. Ammaron took care of the records of the Nephite’s history. Ammaron trusted Mormon and told him the records were hidden in a hill. Ammaron said that when Mormon was 24, Mormon should write what he had seen about their people and add it to the records.

4 Nephi 1:47–49; Mormon 1:2–4

teenage Mormon prays in a grove of trees, and light is all around him

As Mormon grew up, he remembered what Ammaron asked him to do. When Mormon was 15 years old, he was visited of the Lord. Mormon learned about the goodness of Jesus.

Mormon 1:5, 15

teenage Mormon wears armor and watches an army of Nephites

Even though Mormon was young, he was strong. The Nephites chose him to lead their armies. Mormon loved the people with his whole heart. He wanted them to obey God and be happy.

Mormon 2:1–2, 12, 15, 19; 3:12

adult Mormon is sad and prays, and burning land is in the background

Mormon tried to help the people. He prayed for them day after day. The people knew they were doing bad things, but they would not repent. They did not have God’s power to help them anymore. Because they had no faith, miracles had stopped. They continued to fight, and many of them died. Mormon was sad.

Mormon 1:13–14, 16–19; 2:23–27; 3:1–12; 4:5, 9–12; 5:1–7

Mormon writes on and organizes metal plates

When Mormon was about 24, he went to the hill where the records were hidden. He began to write the stories and teachings of the people on metal plates. God helped him know what he should write. Mormon worked on the record for many years. Today, the record is called the Book of Mormon.

Words of Mormon 1:3–9; Mormon 1:3–4; 2:17–18

Mormon, his wife, and his children travel

After many wars, the Lamanites had killed almost all the Nephites. Mormon knew his people would be gone soon. He was sad because they had not repented and asked God for help. But he prayed and asked God to protect the plates. He knew the plates would be safe because they had God’s words on them.

Words of Mormon 1:11; Mormon 5:11; 6:6, 16–22

Mormon as an old man gives his son Moroni the metal plates

Mormon wanted people to believe in Jesus. He hoped that many people would read the book in the future. He especially wanted the Lamanites’ families to read it one day. If they did, they would learn about Jesus. Before Mormon died, he gave the record to his son Moroni so that it would be safe.

Words of Mormon 1:1–2; Mormon 3:17–22; 5:8–24; 6:6; 7; 8:1
