undefined undefined Words to Know
Scripture Stories
Words to Know

“Words to Know,” Book of Mormon Stories (1997), 157–62

“Words to Know,” Book of Mormon Stories, 157–62

Words to Know


altara sacred, raised area of dirt or rocks on which prayers or sacrifices are offered to God



angela messenger from God

armora covering that soldiers wear to protect themselves in battle



armya group of soldiers prepared to fight

arrowa weapon with a sharp end used in hunting or war




baptisman ordinance in which a person with authority from God places another person entirely beneath water and lifts the person back out. Baptism is required to become a member of Jesus Christ’s Church.



bargea large boat used to carry people or supplies



believeto feel or know that something is right

blessto give a person something that will benefit him or her. To bless the sacrament is to ask God to accept the bread and water as symbols of Jesus Christ.

blindunable to see

bondageto not be free, to have to work all day for someone else’s benefit

bowa long stick with a string attached at each end that is used to launch arrows



brass platesa record of God’s commandments and dealings with Lehi’s ancestors

brass plates

brass plates

buildto make or construct something


captaina leader of an army

cluba weapon used to hit animals or people



commandmentsomething God tells his people to do so they will be happy

covenanta promise between God and a person

crucifyto put to death by nailing a person to a cross


deafunable to hear

destroyto completely end or ruin something, such as a city or a life

disciplea person who follows Jesus and tries to be like him

dreama story that goes on in a person’s mind when he or she is asleep

drunka loss of control from drinking too much alcohol


escapeto get away from a person

eternal lifeto live forever with God

evilsomething that is bad


faithto believe in Jesus Christ

faithfulto continue obeying the commandments

faminea lack of food caused by no rain falling and no crops being able to grow

fastto go without food or water while seeking spiritual help

filled with the Holy Ghostto have the Holy Ghost tell a person’s mind and heart what is true

forgiveto forget the bad things a person has done and love the person

freedomto be able to make choices


glad tidingsmessages of hope and comfort sent from God

gold platesa record written on thin sheets of gold. Moroni hid these in the Hill Cumorah, and Joseph Smith later uncovered them.

gold plates

gold plates

gospelthe teachings of Jesus Christ

Great Spiritthe Lamanite name for God


healto make a sick or hurt person better or whole

heaventhe place Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ live

humblebeing teachable and seeking to do God’s will


idolsomething people worship that is not of God

iron roda symbol in Lehi’s dream that represents the word of God


jointo become part of a group

judgea leader who decides what the laws mean or how people should keep them

judgment-seata position in the Nephite government that the chief judge held


kinga leader over a group of people


leadera person who guides a group of people

Liahonaa brass ball that God gave Lehi’s family to show them the way to go in the wilderness. It worked only when Lehi’s family was righteous.



libertyfreedom to make choices


membera person who belongs to a church or group

miraclean unusual event or happening that shows the power of God

missionarya person who teaches others the gospel of Jesus Christ


obeyto do what has been asked or commanded

ordainto give priesthood power and authority



ordinancea sacred ceremony or act that has spiritual meanings, such as baptism or the sacrament


peacea calm feeling or a time without war

persecuteto say false things about someone to try and hurt them

platesthin sheets of metal on which people wrote the teachings of God and the histories of people



plotto devise a wicked plan against someone

powera force of good or evil, often a special help or strength from God

prayto talk to God, giving thanks and asking blessings

priesthoodthe authority to act in God’s name

prisona place used to hold people who have committed a crime

promisea pledge or commitment to do or be something

prophesyto describe an event before it happens

propheta person called by God to tell people God’s will

punishto cause or allow bad things to happen to a person. People are often punished when they do not obey God.


rebelto disobey or go against the commandments

repentto feel sorry for an action or a thought and promise not to repeat it

resurrectto bring someone or something back to life

righteoussomething that is of God. Righteous people are those who follow God’s commandments.

robea long, flowing covering


sacramentan ordinance in which men who have the priesthood bless and pass bread and water to other people. The sacrament reminds people of Jesus Christ.

sacrificeto give up something precious for God

scalpto cut off the top of a person’s head

servantspeople who serve or work for someone such as a king

shielda part of the armor that protects a soldier’s upper body against swords or other weapons

sinto break a commandment

slavespeople who are forced to work for other people

slinga weapon used to throw rocks



soldiera person who fights in an army

speara sharp, pointed stick used to stab



stealto take something that belongs to someone else

stoneto throw rocks at a person until he or she dies

sworda long, metal blade used to cut or pierce



synagoguea type of building where people gather to worship God


templeGod’s house



testimonya feeling or witness that the gospel is true

title of libertya message Captain Moroni wrote encouraging his people to defend their freedom

title of liberty

title of liberty

towera tall building or platform people can stand on



translateto change words from one language to another

tree of lifea tree in Lehi’s dream that represents the love of God

truesomething that really happened or that is good or right


understandto know or comprehend an idea

Urim and Thummimspecial instruments God gives to prophets to help them translate and receive revelation


valiantknowing and defending what is right

visiona form of revelation


wara battle between enemies or opposing armies

weaponsomething used to hurt or kill other people, such as a sword or spear

wickedsomething that is not of God. A wicked person loves Satan and does not keep God’s commandments.

wildernessan empty stretch of land that is without cities or people

worshipto adore or follow a person or thing