Unit 17: Day 2, Alma 19–20

“Unit 17: Day 2, Alma 19–20,” Book of Mormon Study Guide for Home-Study Seminary Students (2012), 169–71

“Unit 17: Day 2,” Book of Mormon Study Guide, 169–71

Unit 17: Day 2

Alma 19–20


As recorded in Alma 19–20, King Lamoni experienced a mighty change of heart, which led to the conversion of many of his people. Ammon and King Lamoni traveled to the land of Middoni to deliver Ammon’s imprisoned brethren. On the way, they encountered Lamoni’s father, who was king over all the Lamanites. Ammon’s bold testimony and loving protection of Lamoni led King Lamoni’s father to soften his heart and consent to the release of Ammon’s brethren. Because of Ammon’s testimony and example, many people felt the influence of the Holy Ghost and were taught the gospel and converted.

Alma 19

King Lamoni and many of his people repent and are baptized

Think about the outward rippling effect that occurs when you drop a rock into a pool of water.

How can a person’s actions be like the rock that was dropped into the water?

Write Ammon on the center point (the oval) of the following diagram.

ripples diagram

Read Alma 19:1, 6 to find out who was first influenced by Ammon’s testimony, and write the name on the first ring of the diagram. Choose a phrase from these verses that you feel best describes what was happening to Lamoni. Write that phrase and what you think it means:

Search Alma 19:7–10 for the person who was next affected by Ammon’s testimony, and label the second ring of the diagram. According to Alma 19:10, what was remarkable about the faith of Lamoni’s wife?

As recorded in Alma 19:11–13, how was Lamoni’s wife affected by her husband’s testimony?

  1. Read Alma 19:13–14, and answer the following questions in your scripture study journal: What do you think it means to be “overpowered by the Spirit,” or “overpowered with joy”? When have you felt the influence of the Holy Ghost powerfully in your life?

Read Alma 19:15, looking for who was next affected by Ammon’s testimony, and label the third ring on the diagram.

Read Alma 19:16–17 to find who was next affected, and label the fourth ring.

Think about how all of the servants of the king were affected by the events with Ammon, Lamoni, and Lamoni’s wife. In Alma 19:15–17, highlight any words and phrases demonstrating that Lamoni’s servants were turning to God.

  1. Answer the following question in your scripture study journal: How did the spiritual experiences of Lamoni and his household lead to Abish’s decision to share her testimony with others after many years of “never having made it known” (Alma 19:17)?

Read Alma 19:18–22 to see how the people who gathered at the king’s house interpreted what they saw. Imagine you were Abish. What would you do next after seeing the contention among the people? To learn what Abish did, read Alma 19:23–29.

Read Alma 19:30–36, and consider the effect Ammon’s testimony had upon others. Label the fifth ring of the diagram “many other Lamanites.”

  1. Consider all of the people influenced by Ammon’s testimony, and then complete this phrase in your scripture study journal: By sharing my testimony and setting a righteous example, I can …

Through his testimony and example, Ammon helped Lamoni and others turn to the Lord. Consider those who have played a significant spiritual role in your life. Think of someone whose righteous example and testimony have influenced you. Can you think of ways this person has influenced other people for good as well?

  1. Consider how you might apply what you have learned from Ammon’s example by answering the following questions in your scripture study journal:

    1. How could your family members and friends be blessed if you followed Ammon’s example of living righteously, serving others, and sharing your testimony?

    2. How might your example and testimony cause “ripples” beyond what you can see happening in the present moment with family, friends, and acquaintances?

Alma 20

King Lamoni’s father has a change of heart and desires to learn about the gospel

Read the following three situations, and ponder how you would respond:

  • In a sporting contest, a referee or umpire makes some bad calls and seems to treat you unfairly.

  • A teacher accuses you in front of the class of cheating on a test when you did not.

  • Your parents accuse you of doing something that your brother or sister actually did.

As recorded in Alma 20, Ammon and Lamoni found themselves in a situation in which they could have responded with anger. Imagine being in Ammon’s or Lamoni’s position as you study this chapter.

Read Alma 20:1–7 to see what happened when Lamoni wanted to introduce Ammon to his father, who was the king over all the Lamanites. Then read each of the following groups of verses and ponder your answers to the accompanying questions.

Alma 20:8–13

If you had been in Ammon’s position and someone falsely accused you of lying and robbing, how would you have felt?

Alma 20:14–16

What impresses you about Lamoni’s response to his father?

Alma 20:17–25

How did Ammon respond to the anger of Lamoni’s father? How did Ammon demonstrate love for Lamoni?

Read Alma 20:26–27 to see the effects of Ammon’s response. What did Lamoni’s father desire to learn after seeing the love Ammon showed?

What can we learn from Ammon’s response to the anger of Lamoni’s father?

Write the following truth in your scriptures by Alma 20:26–27 or in your scripture study journal: As we act with love, it can lead others to soften their hearts and seek to know the truth. Consider when you might have opportunities in your home, with your friends, or at school to respond to other people’s anger with love.

  1. Write a goal in your scripture study journal describing how you can better respond to anger with love, as Ammon did with the king of the Lamanites.

  2. Write the following at the bottom of today’s assignments in your scripture study journal:

    I have studied Alma 19–20 and completed this lesson on (date).

    Additional questions, thoughts, and insights I would like to share with my teacher:
