“Unit 18: Day 1, Alma 25–29,” Book of Mormon Study Guide for Home-Study Seminary Students (2012), 176–78
“Unit 18: Day 1,” Book of Mormon Study Guide, 176–78
Unit 18: Day 1
Alma 25–29
After years of preaching the gospel, Ammon praised the Lord and expressed gratitude for the blessing of being an instrument in His hands to bring the gospel to the Lamanites. Many Lamanites began to believe in the Lord, repented, and called themselves the Anti-Nephi-Lehies. After the Anti-Nephi-Lehies made a covenant with God to never again take up weapons of war, the Amalekites and Lamanites began to make preparations to go to battle against them. To help them keep their covenant with the Lord, the Anti-Nephi-Lehies accepted an offer of protection from the Nephites. The Nephite prophet Alma expressed the joy he felt from preaching the gospel and inviting others to come unto Jesus Christ.
Alma 25
Abinadi’s prophecy is fulfilled, and many Lamanites are converted
Think about any changes you have made as you have become more converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Alma 25 tells of the fulfillment of Abinadi’s prophecy that descendants of the priests of Noah would be hunted down and killed and shows that the Lord vindicates His prophets and fulfills their inspired prophecies (see Alma 25:9). It also tells how many Lamanites repented and joined the Anti-Nephi-Lehies. Read Alma 25:14, and identify what these Lamanites did as they became converted to the gospel. In Alma 25:15 we learn two reasons why they kept the law of Moses.
Alma 26
Ammon rejoices in the Lord’s mercies toward the Lamanites and the sons of Mosiah

What does it take to build a house or a church? What type of church could a skilled craftsman build with the right tools or instruments? In Alma 26, Ammon described himself and his brothers as being instruments in the hands of God to do a great work. Read Alma 26:1–5, 12–13, and identify what the Lord accomplished by using Ammon and his brothers as instruments in His hands. (You may want to mark the answers you find in your scriptures.) In verse 5 the phrase “thrust in the sickle” means to work hard, “sheaves” represent converts, “garners” represent the Church, and the phrase that those who are gathered “are not wasted” refers to God preserving the converts and granting them eternal life.
Identify or mark one or more phrases in Alma 26:12 that indicates that Ammon understood he was only a tool in the Lord’s hands and that it was the Lord who accomplished the miracles during his mission.
From these verses we learn this principle: As we prepare and humble ourselves, the Lord strengthens us and uses us as an instrument in His hands. A companion principle we also learn in Alma 26 is: We experience joy as we faithfully serve the Lord and His children. Read Alma 26:11, 13, 16, and mark each time you see the word joy or rejoice.
Read Alma 26:13–16, and identify reasons Ammon gave for his rejoicing.
In your scripture study journal, write why you think we experience joy when we are in the Lord’s service. You may also want to write about a time when you felt joy as a result of your service in the Church.
Read the following verses, and think about the answers to their accompanying questions:
Alma 26:22–23, 26–29. Note the requirements that are listed to know the mysteries of God. What promise is given to missionaries who have these qualifications? What obstacles did Ammon and his brothers face in their service to the Lord and the Lamanites? Which of these obstacles are similar to obstacles faced by those who serve the Lord today? What could modern missionaries learn from Alma 26:29 about where they should teach the gospel?
Alma 26:30. What encouraged the sons of Mosiah to continue to serve even during difficult times?
Read Alma 26:35–37, and answer the following questions in your scripture study journal:
What truths taught in these verses would give you reasons to rejoice in the goodness of God? (You may want to mark phrases that indicate these truths.)
What difference does it make to know that God is mindful of you?
Alma 27
Ammon leads the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi to safety among the Nephites
As you prepare to study Alma 27, think about answers to the following questions:
Have you ever had someone make a promise to you and then break that promise?
Do you know anyone who has always kept his or her promises to you?
How do you feel toward people who keep their promises? Why?
Following their unsuccessful efforts to destroy the Nephites, the Lamanites attempted to destroy those Lamanites (the Anti-Nephi-Lehies) who had been converted by Ammon and his brothers. Remember that the Anti-Nephi-Lehies buried their weapons of war to show that they would keep their covenant to never kill again. To find out how committed the Anti-Nephi-Lehies were to keeping that covenant, read Alma 27:2–3.

Imagine the strength of the commitment of the Anti-Nephi-Lehies to honor their covenant to not take up weapons when they were being attacked. Consider how you can strengthen your commitment to keep your covenants with Heavenly Father when it seems difficult to do so.
Because of persecution and attacks from wicked Lamanites, Ammon led the Anti-Nephi-Lehies to Zarahemla—a Nephite city—where the Nephites promised to protect them from their enemies. Consider what you could do to help those around you keep the covenants they have made with the Lord.
Once in Zarahemla, the Anti-Nephi-Lehies were called the people of Ammon by the Nephites. Read Alma 27:27–30, looking for what the people of Ammon became known for. Mark any words or phrases that teach the following principle: When we are fully converted to the Lord, we keep the covenants we have made with Him.
Answer one or both of the following questions in your scripture study journal:
What experiences have you had when it was difficult for you to keep your covenants with the Lord, but you still kept them?
Who has been an example to you of someone who is faithful and true to his or her covenants with the Lord? How has that person demonstrated faithfulness to those covenants?
Alma 28
The Nephites defeat the Lamanites in a great battle
Imagine you are a reporter assigned to cover the events found in Alma 28. Read Alma 28:1–6, 11–14, and write a short paragraph in your scripture study journal summarizing what happened. Be sure to answer the following questions in your paragraph.
What price did the Nephites pay for helping the people of Ammon keep their covenants? (See Alma 28:1–3.)
How much did these deaths affect the Nephites? (See Alma 28:4–6.)
Why were some people afraid when their loved ones died while others rejoiced and were hopeful? (See Alma 28:11–12.)
Write a principle statement to summarize what you learned from Alma 28:11–12:
One of the principles taught in Alma 28 is: When we have faith in Jesus Christ and His promises, we can have hope and joy despite death.
Answer one or both of the following questions in your scripture study journal:
When have you witnessed someone face his or her own death or the death of a loved one with hope because of faith in Jesus Christ?
How would you explain death to someone in order to help that person have hope after the death of a loved one?
Identify Mormon’s three “and thus we see” statements in Alma 28:13–14. You may want to mark these in your scriptures. What points does Mormon emphasize as he concludes the account of the mission of the sons of Mosiah to the Lamanites? Ponder why these truths are important for you to know.
Alma 29
Alma glories in bringing souls unto God
Have you ever wished you had the power to singlehandedly bring about some great good or stop some terrible evil in the world? Alma 29 contains Alma’s expression of his desire to be an instrument in the Lord’s hands. Search Alma 29:1–3, and look for the desire of Alma’s heart.

Remembering what had happened to Alma as a young man, consider why Alma might have had the desire he expressed. Notice in Alma 29:3 why he felt that he was sinning in his desire. Read Alma 29:4–5, and identify what the Lord grants to those who have righteous desires.
Search Alma 29:10, 14–16, and mark the reward Alma received for bringing souls to Christ. You may want to mark each time Alma uses the word joy in these verses.
One principle taught in Alma 29 is: We will experience joy as we help others to repent and come unto Jesus Christ. What experiences have you had that have helped you to feel joy in helping others come unto Christ?
Ponder for a moment ways you might help individuals in the following groups of people make needed changes in their lives and come unto Jesus Christ: (a) your friends, (b) members of your family, and (c) those you do not yet know well. Seek the guidance of the Spirit as you look for opportunities to bring others to Jesus Christ.
Write the following at the bottom of today’s assignments in your scripture study journal:
I have studied Alma 25–29 and completed this lesson on (date).
Additional questions, thoughts, and insights I would like to share with my teacher: