Unit 30: Day 2, Ether 6

“Unit 30: Day 2, Ether 6,” Book of Mormon Study Guide for Home-Study Seminary Students (2012), 302–3

“Unit 30: Day 2,” Book of Mormon Study Guide, 302–3

Unit 30: Day 2

Ether 6


After preparing according to the commandments of the Lord, the Jaredites boarded their vessels and trusted the Lord to take them safely through their difficult journey to the promised land. The Lord sent winds that tossed the barges on the waves and buried them in the sea many times, yet those same winds propelled them toward the promised land. After establishing themselves in the new land, the people chose a king despite warnings from the brother of Jared.

Ether 6:1–12

The Lord drives the Jaredite barges by the wind to the promised land

There are times when we might feel it is difficult to do what the Lord asks, such as sharing the gospel with a friend, staying morally clean, choosing friends with high standards, and setting correct priorities in life. Can you think of other examples of when it may be difficult to do what the Lord asks?

The account of the Jaredites’ journey to the promised land teaches principles that can guide you when you find it difficult to do what the Lord commands. Read Ether 2:24–25, and look for what the Lord warned the Jaredites would make their journey to the promised land difficult.

In order to withstand these difficulties, the Lord commanded the Jaredites to make barges that were “tight like unto a dish” (Ether 2:17), with holes in the top and bottom that they could unplug for air. Read Ether 6:1–4, and identify other ways the Lord had the Jaredites prepare for the difficulties of the voyage.

It may be helpful to understand that “commending themselves unto the Lord their God” (Ether 6:4) means that the Jaredites entrusted themselves to God for their care and preservation.

  1. Answer the following questions in your scripture study journal:

    1. Why might it have been difficult for the Jaredites to trust in the Lord in this situation?

    2. Why do you think both preparing and commending themselves to the Lord were essential?

As you read Ether 6:5–11, try to imagine what it must have been like to travel in a Jaredite barge.

  1. To help you prepare to identify gospel principles you can learn from this account, answer the following questions in your scripture study journal:

    1. How did the Jaredites show their trust in the Lord during their difficult journey? (see Ether 6:7, 9).

    2. How did God bless them during their journey?

After nearly a year upon the water, the Jaredites’ journey finally came to an end. Read Ether 6:12, and identify how they felt when they arrived in the promised land. Summarize what you have learned in this lesson so far by completing the following principle statement: As we trust in the Lord and do His will, He will .

One way of completing this statement is with the phrase “direct the course of our lives.” To deepen your understanding of this principle, refer back to the situations when we might feel it difficult to do what the Lord asks, listed at the beginning of the lesson. Just as He did with the Jaredites, the Lord prepares us to overcome the difficulties we will face in life as we pray, follow the prophet, and keep the commandments.

  1. In your scripture study journal, record how someone might show trust in the Lord. Based on the Jaredites’ example, what should we do when faced with a difficult commandment from the Lord?

  2. Reflect on the following principle: If we trust in the Lord, adversity and hardship can help us progress and attain promised blessings. (You may want to write it in your scriptures next to Ether 6:5–10.) In your scripture study journal, answer the following questions:

    1. How do you feel you have progressed and attained blessings by faithfully enduring hardships you have faced or are currently facing in your life?

    2. How might you better trust in the Lord and follow His directions in difficult situations you may face?

Ether 6:13–18

The Jaredites teach their children to walk humbly before the Lord

Imagine that you, like the Jaredites, have just crossed an ocean and arrived in a land completely new to you. Read Ether 6:13–18, and think about the following questions: What might be some examples of what it means to walk humbly before the Lord? How have your parents and others encouraged you to walk humbly before the Lord? What do you think is the relationship between walking humbly and being taught from on high? When have you felt you were “taught from on high”? (Ether 6:17).

  1. Write the following at the bottom of today’s assignments in your scripture study journal:

    I have studied Ether 6 and completed this lesson on (date).

    Additional questions, thoughts, and insights I would like to share with my teacher:
