“Unit 12: Day 1, Mosiah 7–8,” Book of Mormon Study Guide for Home-Study Seminary Students (2012), 115–18
“Unit 12: Day 1,” Book of Mormon Study Guide, 115–18
Unit 12: Day 1
Mosiah 7–8
![King Benjamin Confers the Kingdom on Mosiah](https://www.lds.org/bc/content/shared/content/images/gospel-library/manual/09410/243708.jpg)
King Mosiah was the son of King Benjamin, who was the son of the first Mosiah mentioned in the Book of Mormon. Approximately 80 years before Mosiah became king, a man named Zeniff led a group of Nephites from Zarahemla to return to live in the land of Nephi (see Omni 1:27–30). Mosiah 7 explains that King Mosiah authorized “a strong and mighty man” named Ammon (Mosiah 7:3) and a small group to travel to the land of Nephi (sometimes called the land of Lehi-Nephi) and determine the fate of Zeniff’s group. Ammon discovered the descendants of Zeniff’s people, who were now led by Zeniff’s grandson Limhi. Ammon’s arrival brought hope to Limhi and his people, whose iniquities had allowed them to be placed in bondage to the Lamanites. Earlier, while attempting to find Zarahemla and ask for help, a group of Limhi’s people found 24 gold plates with engravings on them. When Limhi asked Ammon if he could translate the engravings, Ammon explained that a seer, like King Mosiah, could translate the ancient records.
Overview of Mosiah 7–24
Have you ever wanted to be delivered from bad feelings, a painful situation, a challenging or oppressive circumstance, or guilt from sin? The experiences of the people you will study about in Mosiah 7–24 can teach you about deliverance—where to seek it, how to invite it, and even how to wait for it. Watch for ways you can apply the stories of Zeniff’s people and their descendants to your own life, including a desire for deliverance from something oppressing you.
Before studying Mosiah 7, it will be helpful for you to become familiar with the various journeys recorded in Mosiah 7–24. The following activity will provide you with an overview of these journeys, which occurred during a period of approximately 80 years (200 B.C. to 120 B.C.). The information in the shaded boxes on the chart explains what happened between the journeys.
Journey |
Who Traveled Where |
1 |
Zeniff and other Nephites traveled from Zarahemla to the land of Nephi, which had become occupied by Lamanites. These Nephites fought among themselves, and the survivors returned to Zarahemla (see Omni 1:27–28; Mosiah 9:1–2). |
2 |
Zeniff and others left Zarahemla and settled in the land of Nephi (see Omni 1:29–30; Mosiah 9:3–7). |
After Zeniff died, his son Noah reigned in wickedness. The Lord sent the prophet Abinadi to warn the people to repent. Alma, one of King Noah’s priests, obeyed Abinadi’s message and taught it to others (see Mosiah 11–18). | |
3 |
Alma escaped to the Waters of Mormon and later led a group of believers to the land of Helam (see Mosiah 18:4–5, 32–35; 23:1–5, 19–20). |
The Lamanites attacked Noah’s people in the land of Nephi. Noah was later killed, and his son Limhi reigned. The people of Limhi were in bondage to the Lamanites (see Mosiah 19–20). | |
4 |
Limhi sent a group of Nephites to find Zarahemla. After becoming lost in the wilderness, the group discovered the ruins of a destroyed nation and a record written on 24 gold plates (see Mosiah 8:7–9; 21:25–27). |
5 |
Ammon and 15 others journeyed from Zarahelma to find those who had returned to the land of Nephi (see Mosiah 7:1–6; 21:22–24). |
6 |
Limhi and his people escaped from the Lamanites and were led by Ammon and his brethren to Zarahemla (see Mosiah 22:10–13). |
After Limhi’s people escaped, the Lamanites sent an army after them. The army was lost in the wilderness when they discovered Alma and his people in the land of Helam. The Lamanites brought them into bondage. Alma’s people prayed for help to escape (see Mosiah 22–24). | |
7 |
The Lord delivered Alma and his people and guided them to Zarahemla (see Mosiah 24:20–25). |
Place the number of each journey in the appropriate circle on the map:
![journeys diagram](https://www.lds.org/bc/content/shared/content/images/gospel-library/manual/09410/09410_000_012_01-journeys.gif)
Mosiah 7:1–8:4
Ammon finds the land of Nephi (Lehi–Nephi), and King Limhi describes how his people came into bondage
In Mosiah 7, Ammon and 15 other strong men traveled from Zarahemla to learn what happened to the people whom Zeniff had led to the land of Nephi 80 years earlier (see Mosiah 7:2; see also journey 5 on the map). Upon their arrival in the land of Nephi, Ammon and three of his brethren were seized and cast into prison (see Mosiah 7:6–11). After two days they were brought out of prison and questioned by King Limhi, who was Zeniff’s grandson. Read Mosiah 7:12–15 to see how Ammon explained his presence in the land of Nephi and how Limhi responded.
Notice that footnote b for Mosiah 7:14 refers you to Mosiah 21:25–26. Read these verses to further understand why Limhi was “exceedingly glad” to learn where Ammon had come from.
Using what you learned in Mosiah 21:25–26, briefly explain why Limhi was so glad to learn that Ammon was from Zarahemla:
The group Limhi sent to seek help found the ruins of the Jaredite nation. They mistakenly believed it was Zarahemla and that the Nephites there had been destroyed (see journey 4 on the map). You will learn about the Jaredite nation in the book of Ether.
King Limhi gathered his people to introduce Ammon to them. Limhi spoke to his people about their bondage to the Lamanites and expressed hope that God would soon deliver them (see Mosiah 7:17–19). Read Mosiah 7:20, 24–26, and mark the reasons why Limhi’s people were brought into bondage. (The prophet mentioned in Mosiah 7:26 is Abinadi, whom the people had burned to death during wicked King Noah’s reign, before Ammon’s arrival in the land.)
![King Limhi speaking](https://www.lds.org/bc/content/shared/content/images/gospel-library/manual/09410/154014.jpg)
You may want to mark the phrase “great are the reasons which we have to mourn” in Mosiah 7:24 to help you remember that iniquity, or sin, has its consequences. In this case, many were slain as the Lamanites attacked and the people were brought into bondage. To mourn means to feel sadness or regret. Ponder for a moment if you have ever mourned “because of iniquity.”
Although it is better not to sin, learning from your mistakes, turning to God for help, and repenting bring you closer to God. Read Mosiah 7:29–32, and look for more evidence that Limhi understood the connection between the iniquities of his people and the sorrow they were experiencing. (“Reap the chaff” in verse 30 means to receive something useless; “reap the east wind” in verse 31 means to be destroyed.)
Answer the following questions in your scripture journal:
In what ways can consequences for sin be helpful in our lives? How can we apply our learning and not repeat the sin?
Why is it important to recognize and admit how serious our sins are? Why is it important to feel godly sorrow for them? (see 2 Corinthians 7:10; godly sorrow is a deep realization that our actions have offended our Father in Heaven). Why is it important not to delay recognizing and feeling sorrow for our sins?
After Limhi explained to his people the seriousness of their sins, he encouraged them to do certain things. Mark what Limhi encouraged his people to do in Mosiah 7:33.
From the experience of Limhi’s people, we learn that recognizing our iniquities and feeling godly sorrow for them can lead us to turn to the Lord for deliverance.
Imagine that a friend or family member feels remorse for his or her sins and has a sincere desire to repent and turn to the Lord but isn’t sure how to do so. Search Mosiah 7:33, and review the phrases that teach how to truly “turn to the Lord.”
In your scripture journal, write a letter to this friend or family member teaching him or her how to turn to the Lord. Share the three phrases from Mosiah 7:33 you discovered, and explain the meaning of each phrase by either (1) putting it in your own words or (2) giving an example of what actions or attitudes we might see in the life of someone who was striving to apply that phrase.
Consider if you have sins you have not repented of that could be causing sorrow and regret for you and those you love. Elder Richard G. Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles provided the following counsel about beginning the repentance process: “Study and ponder to determine how serious the Lord defines your transgression to be. That will bring healing sorrow and remorse. It will also bring a sincere desire for change and a willingness to submit to every requirement for forgiveness” (“Finding Forgiveness,” Ensign, May 1995, 76).
Mosiah 8:5–21
Ammon learns of 24 Jaredite plates and tells Limhi of a seer who can translate them
Recall from journey 4 on the map at the beginning of this lesson that the people who tried to find the way to Zarahemla discovered the ruins of an entire nation that had been destroyed. They also found 24 gold plates that they took back to Limhi (see Mosiah 8:5–9). Limhi asked Ammon if he knew of anyone who had the ability to translate the plates (see Mosiah 8:12). Ammon explained that some individuals could be given power from God to translate. Read Mosiah 8:13, and mark what Ammon called those who have been given this ability.
Ammon explained that Mosiah, the Nephite king in Zarahemla, was a seer. Search Mosiah 8:16–18, and mark the abilities a seer is given in addition to the power to translate.
These verses teach that the Lord provides prophets, seers, and revelators to benefit mankind. Today, each member of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles is a prophet, seer, and revelator.
Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught: “These 15 men we sustain as prophets, seers, and revelators are given divine power to see what [others] sometimes do not see” (“Beware of the Evil behind the Smiling Eyes,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2005, 47).
![interior of Conference Center](https://www.lds.org/bc/content/shared/content/images/gospel-library/manual/09410/1009273.jpg)
Answer the following questions in your scripture journal:
Why do you think it is wise to listen to those who can see things that you cannot?
How have you benefited from listening to modern prophets, seers, and revelators?
What are some of the ways you can learn from modern prophets, seers, and revelators?
Write the following at the bottom of today’s assignments in your scripture journal:
I have studied Mosiah 7–8 and completed this lesson on (date).
Additional questions, thoughts, and insights I would like to share with my teacher: