Seminaries and Institutes
Alma and Nehor

“Alma and Nehor,” Book of Mormon Teacher Resource Manual (2004), 299

“Alma and Nehor,” Book of Mormon Teacher Resource Manual, 299

Alma and Nehor

Alma faced serious problems that if not handled correctly could have led to the downfall of the nation and the Church. Imagine yourself in the place of Alma.

Situation 1 (Alma 1:3–12)

An anti-Christ named Nehor has been teaching priestcraft. He declares that religious leaders should be popular and supported by the people and that all mankind will be saved. In an argument with Gideon, a member of the Church, Nehor draws his sword and kills him. You are the new chief judge, and Nehor has been brought before you for judgment. What should you do?

  1. Forgive him and let him go his way.

  2. Hear his defense, judge him, and exact any warranted punishment.

  3. Forgive him if he will renounce his beliefs.

  4. Debate with him to prove his teachings wrong.

To see how the real Alma handled this situation, read Alma 1:14–16.

Situation 2 (Alma 1:16–23)

Dissenters begin to persecute the members of the Church. Some of the members endure patiently, but some also begin to contend, both verbally and physically. You are the high priest of the Church. What should you do?

  1. Forgive those who contend, but do nothing to stop them.

  2. Tell the members of the Church to move to a new city.

  3. Use the military to force the dissenters to move to a new city.

  4. Call the people to repentance and excommunicate Church members who don’t repent.

To see how the real Alma handled this situation, read Alma 1:24.

Situation 3 (Alma 1:25–32)

The members of the Church share their goods with the poor and work that all might have peace. The Lord blesses them and they prosper. Those who are not members of the Church are idle, wear costly apparel, practice idolatry, commit whoredoms, and are lifted up in pride. What should you do?

  1. Enforce the laws and arrest those who commit wickedness.

  2. Ignore them and let them continue to sin.

  3. Change the laws so they are easier to obey.

  4. Leave the land to the wicked and seek a new home.

To see how the real Alma handled this situation, read Alma 1:33.

(Adapted from Dennis N. Wright, The Scripture Connection: The Book of Mormon Edition [1997], 130; used by permission.)
