Seminaries and Institutes
Mosiah 5–6

“Mosiah 5–6,” Book of Mormon Teacher Resource Manual (2004), 105–7

“Mosiah 5–6,” Book of Mormon Teacher Resource Manual, 105–7

Mosiah 5–6


Mosiah 5–6 records the people’s response to King Benjamin’s teachings. The spirit and power of the address profoundly affected them. As a result, they made covenants with God and promised to keep them “all the remainder of [their] days” (Mosiah 5:5).

Some Important Gospel Principles to Look For

  • Baptism symbolizes being born again. When people are born again, they experience a mighty change of heart. Through making and keeping sacred covenants they become the children of Christ (see Mosiah 5:2, 5–13; see also John 3:3–5).

Additional Resources

  • Book of Mormon Student Manual: Religion 121 and 122, pp. 57–59.

Suggestions for Teaching

weekly icon
Mosiah 5:2, 5–13. Baptism symbolizes being born again. When people are born again, they experience a mighty change of heart. Through making and keeping sacred covenants they become the children of Christ.

(45–50 minutes)

Invite some students to bring pictures of their families, and show them to the class. Ask:

  • What name did you receive as a result of being born or adopted into your family? (Your family name or surname.)

  • Why didn’t you get your friend’s family name when you were born?

  • What responsibility do each of us have to bring respect to our own name?

Remind students that Mosiah 2–4 records a discourse given by King Benjamin to his people. Read Mosiah 1:11–12 and look for one reason King Benjamin wanted to talk to the people. Ask:

  • What did King Benjamin want to give his people?

  • Where did King Benjamin deliver his discourse? (see Mosiah 1:18; 2:1).

Tell the class that today you will show them what name King Benjamin gave his people. Read Mosiah 5:1–5 looking for answers to the following questions:

  • What question did King Benjamin ask the people after his speech? (see v. 1).

  • Why do you think King Benjamin wanted to know if the people believed his words?

  • How did the people answer? (see v. 2).

In Mosiah 5:2 the people reported that “the Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent” had already made a mighty change in them. Have students read Mosiah 4:2–3 looking for when this happened to King Benjamin’s people. Ask:

  • What prompted this change?

  • What effect did the change of heart have on the people? (see Mosiah 5:5).

  • When have some of you made the covenant King Benjamin’s people made with God?

  • By a show of hands, how many of you have been baptized?

  • What covenants did you make at baptism? (see Mosiah 18:8–10).

Remind students that we renew these covenants every week when we take the sacrament. Read Moroni 4:3 and list the sacrament covenants on the board:

  • Be willing to take upon us the name of Christ.

  • Always remember Him.

  • Keep His commandments.

Remind students that in Mosiah 5:5 the people of King Benjamin promised to keep the Lord’s commandments. Have students read Mosiah 5:7–13 to find other covenants King Benjamin’s people made. (To take upon them the name of Christ [see vv. 7–11], and to always remember Him [see vv. 12–13].) Point out that the covenants described in these verses are the same ones we make when we are baptized and that we renew when we take the sacrament. Ask:

  • What does it mean to keep Christ’s commandments?

  • What does it mean to always remember Him?

  • What does it mean to take upon you the name of Christ?

Tell the class that you want to help them better understand these three covenants. Have students read the following scriptures looking for what each teaches about keeping the first covenant (to obey the commandments):

Discuss their findings. Read Mosiah 5:5, 8 again and look for how long we should be obedient to the commandments.

To better understand why it is important for us to always remember the Savior, ask:

  • Which one of the covenants is mentioned in the sacrament prayers for both the bread and the water? (see D&C 20:77, 79).

  • Which of the covenants did the Savior emphasize when He instituted the sacrament among the Nephites? (see 3 Nephi 18:7, 11).

  • What did the Lord emphasize when He administered the sacrament to His disciples in Jerusalem? (see Luke 22:19).

Read Mosiah 5:13 and invite students to restate in their own words King Benjamin’s question. Ask students to silently consider the following questions:

  • How close is Jesus Christ to the “thoughts and intents” of your heart?

  • Is the Savior in your thoughts when you are at school? at work? with your friends? on a date?

Ask: What difference would it make in your actions if the Savior were constantly on your mind?

Remind students that the reason King Benjamin called the people to the temple was to give them a new name (see Mosiah 1:11–12). Have them read Mosiah 5:7 and look for insight into what it means to take upon ourselves the name of Christ. Ask: How is taking on us the name of Christ like becoming a member of His family?

Share with the class the following statement by Elder Bruce R. McConkie, who was a member of the Quorum of the Twelve:

“Family members bear the family name; by it they are known and called and identified; it sets them apart from all those of a different lineage and ancestry. … And so it is that the children of Christ, those who are born again, those who are spiritually begotten by their new Father, take upon themselves the name of Christ. By it they are known; … it identifies and sets them apart from all others. They are now family members, Christians in the real and true sense of the word.”

Ask students to listen as you read the next part of Elder McConkie’s statement for what responsibilities come with taking upon us the name of Christ:

“They do carry his name and are obligated to bear it in decency and dignity. No taint of shame or disgrace, no sliver of dishonor must ever be permitted to attach itself to that name. … The saints of God must remember who they are and act accordingly” (The Promised Messiah: The First Coming of Christ [1978], 363).

Read and cross-reference Mosiah 5:12 and Mosiah 26:24 to see what those who take upon themselves the name of Christ are able to hear. Ask:

  • What difference does it make to be called by the right name?

  • What does it mean to be on the right or left hand of the Lord? (see Matthew 25:31–46).

Ask students which hand of the Lord they would rather be on. Share the following statement by Elder McConkie:

“Those who take upon themselves the name of Christ, who thereafter hearken and hear when he continues to call them in the name which is both his and theirs, and who keep the standards of the Christian family, having enjoyed the fellowship of hosts of brothers and sisters in the Church, go on to eternal joy and felicity as members of the family of God in the celestial kingdom!” (The Promised Messiah, 365).

Read Mosiah 5:15 and ask: How does Elder McConkie’s statement compare with this verse? Tell students that if we are born again and make the covenants to take upon us the name of Christ, keep His commandments, and always remember Him, we become His children and part of His family. Refer students to verse 15 again and ask: How are the blessings that come to those who keep these covenants like what happens to families in temples?

Write the following questions on the board and give students time to respond to them on a piece of paper:

  • What would it mean to me to be sealed into the family of Christ?

  • What can I do to better keep my baptismal covenants?
