Seminaries and Institutes
Mosiah 9–10

“Mosiah 9–10,” Book of Mormon Teacher Resource Manual (2004), 109–10

“Mosiah 9–10,” Book of Mormon Teacher Resource Manual, 109–10

Mosiah 9–10


Mosiah 9–22 is the first of two historical flashbacks recorded in the book of Mosiah (see the introduction to the book of Mosiah, p. 98). These chapters are Mormon’s abridgment of the record of Zeniff and describe the reign of three Nephite kings: Zeniff, Noah, and Limhi. Mosiah 9–10 begins the account with the story of Zeniff, who led a large group of Nephites from Zarahemla to settle in the land of Lehi-Nephi. They suffered many afflictions and defended themselves against Lamanite aggression. One theme to watch for in these chapters is how the Lord delivered Zeniff’s people from their enemies.

Some Important Gospel Principles to Look For

  • The righteous prosper and the wicked perish, though sometimes righteous people suffer from the punishments the Lord sends upon the wicked (see Mosiah 9:1–3, 12–19).

  • Parents are responsible to teach their children the truths of the gospel. The wickedness of parents can have a strong negative effect on their children (see Mosiah 10:12–16; see also D&C 68:25–27).

Additional Resources

  • Book of Mormon Student Manual: Religion 121 and 122, p. 62.

Suggestions for Teaching

Mosiah 9:1–3, 12–19. The righteous prosper and the wicked perish, though sometimes righteous people suffer from the punishments the Lord sends upon the wicked.

(15–20 minutes)

Write on the board The wicked perish and the righteous prosper. Invite students to read Mosiah 9:3 and look for the reason Zeniff gave for his people’s suffering. Refer to the statement on the board and ask:

  • Is this principle true? (Yes, eventually.)

  • Can you think of any examples that appear to be exceptions to this rule? (Job’s suffering, Nephi’s abuse by his brothers, the deaths of Joseph Smith and Abinadi.)

  • What will happen to these righteous people in the eternities? (see Malachi 3:14–18).

  • Why in mortality does it sometimes appear that the wicked prosper and the righteous suffer?

Invite a student to read the statement on judgments by Elder Bruce R. McConkie in the teaching suggestion for 2 Nephi 25:1–8 (p. 69).

Divide the class into four groups. Invite each group to read one of the following sets of verses in Mosiah: 9:1–3; 9:12–19; 10:6–11; 10:19–21. Have them summarize what they read, and then ask:

  • What do these verses say about the spiritual state of the Lamanites and Nephites?

  • Who won these battles: the wicked or the righteous?

  • Do you think that only the wicked died in these battles?

  • In what ways did the righteous suffer because of these battles?

  • How many Lamanites died in the battle described in Mosiah 9? (see v. 18).

  • How many Nephites died in the same battle? (see v. 19).

  • How does this apply to the statement on the board?

  • What righteous person or people in this dispensation have suffered?

  • When will we see the complete fulfillment of the statement on the board? (At the Second Coming of the Savior.)

Read the following statement by the Prophet Joseph Smith:

“I explained concerning the coming of the Son of Man; also that it is a false idea that the Saints will escape all the judgments, whilst the wicked suffer; for all flesh is subject to suffer, and ‘the righteous shall hardly escape;’ still many of the Saints will escape, for the just shall live by faith; yet many of the righteous shall fall a prey to disease, to pestilence, etc., by reason of the weakness of the flesh, and yet be saved in the Kingdom of God” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 162).

Ask: How can it help us now to know that one day we will receive great blessings for our righteous acts?
