Seminaries and Institutes
Video Lesson 8: Enos: ‘And My Soul Hungered’

“Video Lesson 8: Enos: ‘And My Soul Hungered’” Book of Mormon Video Guide (2002), 11

“Video Lesson 8,” Book of Mormon Video Guide, 11



“And My Soul Hungered”


To teach students a process by which they can have a personal experience with spiritual things.

Before the Video


Many young people in the Church are having significant spiritual experiences. The Spirit bears witness concerning gospel truths, provides answers to prayer, and teaches how to live. Some young people, however, are spiritually stagnant and are not motivated to seek spiritual growth until a tragedy or a crisis occurs in their lives. Others are content to wait until they leave home for schooling or a mission before they pursue spiritual experiences. But students need not wait. If they have an appropriate level of worthiness, the process of pondering and mighty prayer that Enos identified can enable them to enjoy greater blessings of spirituality almost immediately.

Using the Video

“And My Soul Hungered” 10:20

“Look For” Activity

Suggest that the students identify Jared’s motivation and how he sought spiritual growth.

Show the Video

The video portrays a modern-day parallel to the story of Enos. Jared is motivated to seek answers to his own spirituality when he learns his friend Mike is having significant spiritual experiences.

After the Video

Scripture Activity

The writings of Enos suggest significant spiritual experiences. Have the class search Enos 1:1–5 to discover the process he went through to receive a remission of his sins. Discuss Jared’s experience with each part of that process. The following verses from Enos may be helpful:

  • Verse 2: Enos had a “wrestle … before God.” How did Jared wrestle? (He asked questions, searched the scriptures, and listened to parents, friends, and teachers.)

  • Verse 3: Enos let the things he had been taught sink deep into his heart. How did Jared allow teachings to sink deep into his heart? (He remembered and pondered things he had been taught and read in the scriptures; see also footnote 3b, which gives a significant cross-reference in 1 Nephi 10:17–19.)

  • Verse 4: Enos wrote, “My soul hungered.” What were some indications that Jared’s soul hungered? (He spent time reading, pondering, and praying. He asked Mike about his experiences.)

    Enos “cried unto [the Lord] in mighty prayer.” What do you think Jared did to make his prayer a mighty prayer? (Student choice.) If you wanted to make your prayers mighty, what would you do?

Scripture Insight

To be fruitful, many of the activities mentioned above involve pondering. Pondering can play a significant role in helping us to understand spiritual things (see 1 Nephi 11:1; 3 Nephi 17:3).


Elder Marvin J. Ashton said, “By pondering, we give the Spirit an opportunity to impress and direct. Pondering is a powerful link between the heart and the mind. … If we use the gift to ponder, we can take these eternal truths and realize how we can incorporate them into our daily actions” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1987, 24; or Ensign, Nov. 1987, 20).

Scriptural Insight

Have the students read through the rest of Enos and find other ideas that would help them experience more of what they have been taught (for example, having faith in Christ, showing concern for others, and laboring with all diligence).


Help the students realize that great experiences await those who continue to strive for spiritual growth.

Suggested Resource

Packer, Boyd K. “The Candle of the Lord,” Ensign, Jan. 1983, 51.
