
“Introduction,” Choices for Eternity (2025)

“Introduction,” Choices for Eternity


Dear institute instructors,

In his January 2024 S&I annual training broadcast remarks, Elder Clark G. Gilbert stated, “As we continue to use workshops to increase relevance and access to institute, I would extend an invitation to each of our institute faculty to find opportunities to develop targeted workshops focusing on the prophetic emphases we have outlined. I would encourage you to give special attention to the teachings of President Nelson, with an emphasis on his anchor message, “Choices for Eternity” (Clark G. Gilbert, “Speak, Lord; for Thy Servant Heareth” [S&I annual training broadcast, Jan. 26, 2024], Gospel Library).

As you are aware, President Russell M. Nelson’s talk at the May 2022 worldwide broadcast for young adults titled “Choices for Eternity” is directed specifically to young adults and truly represents the voice of the Lord to them in our day (see Doctrine and Covenants 68:4). As institute instructors, you have the special privilege and opportunity to help amplify the voice of the Lord’s prophet. Please give special thought and effort to providing a learning experience where young adults can understand, feel, and apply the teachings of President Nelson’s talk “Choices for Eternity.” The accompanying materials can assist you in your efforts.

Included in these materials is a set of two lessons that could be used to provide a workshop-type learning experience based on President Nelson’s talk. It is not intended that you teach these lessons verbatim. Rather, these lessons are a resource as you prepare a workshop learning experience for your students. Feel free to adapt as you are inspired. At the beginning of the lesson plans, you will notice some stated learning outcomes. As you plan your learning activities for the workshop, keep these outcomes in mind and seek to plan learning activities that will help students achieve these outcomes. It is anticipated that this workshop could be done in two or three sessions, depending on the length of each session.

As you prepare your workshop, remember our charge to provide Christ-centered, scripture-based, learner-focused experiences and to infuse our teaching and learning experiences with the inspiration and witness of the Holy Ghost (see Chad H Webb, “Messengers of the Good News” [S&I annual training broadcast, Jan. 27, 2023], Gospel Library). Seek also to implement principles of Christlike teaching found in Teaching in the Savior’s Way.

We look forward to the wonderful experiences your students will have feasting on the words of Christ as taught by President Nelson in this landmark address. Thank you for your faith and testimonies and for all your efforts to bless the young adults you serve.
