“About the Christmas Study Plan,” Christmas Study Plan (2024)
“About the Christmas Study Plan,” Christmas Study Plan
About the Christmas Study Plan
“And behold, there shall a new star arise, such an one as ye never have beheld; and this also shall be a sign unto you” (Helaman 14:5).
This study plan includes daily devotionals that help you experience the love, joy, and peace that Jesus’s birth brings to the world. It includes scriptures and questions, songs, activities for children, and service ideas.
This plan can supplement your regular study with the Come, Follow Me or other Christmas resources you might use. You can use this study plan to learn about Jesus Christ’s divinity, share or record your impressions, connect with others, help in your community, and start new Christmas traditions.
May the service ideas included with each daily devotional spark your own impressions for serving others as Christ would do. To get more service ideas, to find a Giving Machine near you, or to sign up for this year’s Light the World text series, visit LighttheWorld.org.
A Worldwide Celebration of Jesus Christ's Birth | Light the World 2024