Holiday Initiatives
An Angel Appeared to Mary and to Joseph

“An Angel Appeared to Mary and to Joseph,” Christmas Study Plan (2024)

“An Angel Appeared to Mary and to Joseph,” Christmas Study Plan

Friday, December 20

An Angel Appeared to Mary and to Joseph

“Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word” (Luke 1:38).

angel appearing to Mary

Mary was humble and had great faith in accepting her role in God’s plan of salvation as the mother of the Son of God. President Jeffrey R. Holland noted, “[Her] courage and conspicuous faith are as striking as anything ever recorded in scripture.” Similarly, Joseph was a man of integrity and humility and was divinely appointed to support Mary and raise the Savior of the world alongside her.

Scriptures and Questions

  • Luke 1:26–38

    What impresses you about Mary’s responses to the angel? What evidence do you see of her courage and faith?

    “An Angel Foretells Christ’s Birth to Mary”


An Angel Foretells Christ’s Birth to Mary

  • Matthew 1:18–25

    As you read about Joseph’s experience, consider why he might have chosen to break his engagement with Mary privately rather than publicly (“to put her away privily” [Matthew 1:19]). What does this tell you about Joseph’s character? What else do you learn about him from his response to the angel’s message?

angel appearing to Joseph

Record your impressions.


When Joseph Went to Bethlehem,” Children’s Songbook, 38

Activity for Children

The angel Gabriel appearing to Mary - ch.2-1

The angel Gabriel told Mary and Joseph that Mary would give birth to Jesus Christ, and the angel brought them comfort. We can be angels for others by helping them feel God’s love! Cut out slips of paper. On each slip of paper write a message of love, and share it with a friend or family member.

Service Ideas

  • Text someone you are grateful for.

  • Be kind to yourself. Practice self-care.

  • Help someone research their family history.


  1. Jeffrey R. Holland, “The Dreams of Bethlehem” (First Presidency Christmas devotional, Dec. 6, 2020), Gospel Library.