undefined undefined June 11. How Can I Grow Closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ? John 14–17
New Testament 2023
June 11. How Can I Grow Closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ? John 14–17

“June 11. How Can I Grow Closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ? John 14–17,” Come, Follow Me—For Aaronic Priesthood Quorums and Young Women Classes: Doctrinal Topics 2023 (2022)

“June 11. How Can I Grow Closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?,” Come, Follow Me—For Aaronic Priesthood Quorums and Young Women Classes: Doctrinal Topics 2023

young woman praying

June 11

How Can I Grow Closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?

John 14–17

counsel together icon

Counsel Together

Led by a member of the class or quorum presidency; approximately 10–20 minutes

At the beginning of the meeting, repeat together the Young Women Theme or the Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Theme. Then lead a discussion about the work of salvation and exaltation using one or more of the questions below or questions of your own (see General Handbook, 10.2, 11.2). Plan ways to act on what you discuss.

  • Live the gospel. What recent experiences have strengthened our testimonies?

  • Care for those in need. Who needs our help and prayers? What do we feel impressed to do to help?

  • Invite all to receive the gospel. How can we be a light to family members or friends who don’t share our beliefs?

  • Unite families for eternity. How can we show more love and support for our families and make a positive difference in our homes?

At the end of the lesson, as appropriate, do the following:

  • Testify of the principles taught.

  • Remind class or quorum members about the plans and invitations made during the meeting.

teach the doctrine icon

Teach the Doctrine

Led by an adult leader or youth; approximately 25–35 minutes

Prepare Yourself Spiritually

Fruit cannot grow on a branch that is separated from its tree. In the same way, we cannot grow spiritually if we are separated from God (see John 15:4–6). Yet there are so many forces that seek to separate us from Him—sometimes our own pride or poor choices but often just the conditions of mortal life. When Jesus met with His disciples for the last time in mortality, He knew that He would soon be separated from them. So He taught them about the importance of keeping a close connection with Him and His Father—of being as united to them as a branch is to a tree. He called this “abiding” in Him. And He taught His disciples how to do this. Most important of all, through His atoning sacrifice, He made that connection possible.

Ponder your connection with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ as you study John 14–17. Think also about the people you teach and their desires to be closer to God. What will you do to help them? You might ponder Doctrine and Covenants 88:62–68 as you prepare to teach.

Learn Together

Consider how you might inspire the youth to discuss the Savior’s teachings about vines and branches in John 15:1–12. Maybe you could use a drawing, a picture, or an actual branch to help them visualize what Jesus taught. You could ask them to talk about times when they have felt close to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ—or times when they have felt distant from Them. What do these verses teach about how we can stay close to Them? Activities like the following can help further this conversation.

  • It might be valuable to spend some time exploring the question “What distances us from Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?” You could write the question on the board and ask for answers. Perhaps you could then talk about what we do to build a relationship with a friend or family member. How is this similar to—and different from—the way we build a relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ? How does Jesus Christ help us draw close to Him and His Father? Encourage class or quorum members to read the scriptures in “Supporting Resources” to help them answer this question. The youth might benefit from studying these verses in pairs and sharing what they learn.

  • No one is closer to God the Father than His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. What do we learn from the Savior about drawing closer to God? Class and quorum members could ponder this question as they read Luke 22:41–43; John 6:38; 17:3, 20–23; 3 Nephi 11:11; Doctrine and Covenants 50:43. How can we become one with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?

  • In his message “Our Personal Savior,” Elder Michael John U. Teh recalled a time when he realized, “What I know about the Savior greatly outweighed how much I really know Him” (Liahona, May 2021, 99). You might ask your class or quorum to discuss the differences between knowing about Jesus Christ and actually knowing Him. They could talk about what they are doing to know about Him and what they are doing to truly know Him. They could then search portions of Elder Teh’s message to find counsel he gave about coming to truly know the Savior. How have our lives been blessed by seeking to know Him?

  • In the video “He Knows Me,” two youth from Ghana described their efforts to draw closer to God. Maybe class or quorum members could watch the video and, as they do, make a list of ideas it gives them about how to improve their relationship with their Father in Heaven. Invite them to share something from their lists. If possible, they might enjoy making their own short videos describing how they draw closer to God.


    Godhead - He Knows Me

young women reading scriptures

As we come to know the Savior and keep His commandments, we will abide in His love (see John 15:10).

Act in Faith

Encourage class or quorum members to ponder and record what they will do to act on the impressions they received today. If they would like, they could share their ideas. Invite them to think about how acting on their impressions will strengthen their relationships with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Supporting Resources

Teaching in the Savior’s Way

The Savior prepared for His earthly ministry by praying and fasting so that He could be close to His Father (see Matthew 4:1–2; Luke 4:1–2). As you prepare to teach, take time to seek Heavenly Father’s guidance, for you are teaching His children!