undefined undefined April 15–21: “He Worketh in Me to Do According to His Will.” Enos–Words of Mormon
Book of Mormon 2024
April 15–21: “He Worketh in Me to Do According to His Will.” Enos–Words of Mormon

“April 15–21: ‘He Worketh in Me to Do According to His Will.’ Enos–Words of Mormon,” Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 (2023)

“April 15–21. Enos–Words of Mormon,” Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: 2024 (2023)

Enos as a young boy with his father, Jacob, and mother

Jacob and Enos, by Scott Snow

April 15–21: “He Worketh in Me to Do According to His Will”

Enos–Words of Mormon

Although Enos went to the forest to hunt beasts to satisfy physical hunger, he ended up staying there all day and into the night because his “soul hungered.” This hunger led Enos to “raise [his] voice high that it reached the heavens.” He described this experience as a wrestle before God (see Enos 1:2–4). From Enos we learn that prayer is a sincere effort to draw near to God and seek to know His will. When you pray with this intent, you are more likely to discover, as Enos did, that God hears you and truly cares about you, your loved ones, and even your enemies (see Enos 1:4–17). When you know His will, you are better able to do His will. Like Mormon, you may “not know all things; but the Lord knoweth all things … ; wherefore, he worketh in [you] to do according to his will” (Words of Mormon 1:7).

Ideas for Learning at Home and at Church

Enos 1:1–17

God will hear and answer my prayers.

Your experiences with prayer may be less dramatic than Enos’s, but they don’t have to be less meaningful. Here are some questions to think about as you study Enos 1:1–17:

  • What words describe Enos’s efforts as he prayed?

  • How did Enos’s prayers change from verses 4 to 11?

  • What do I learn from Enos that can help me improve my prayers?

See also “Enos Prays Mightily” (video), Gospel Library; “Sweet Hour of Prayer,” Hymns, no. 142.


Enos Prays Mightily | Enos 1

Sharing discussion questions. If you are teaching others, consider putting the questions you’d like to discuss in a prominent place so everyone can see them. This helps people ponder the questions and give more inspired answers.

Enos 1:1–4

seminary icon
The Lord can help me influence my family for good.

Maybe there’s someone in your family who you wish you could help come unto Christ, but you wonder if your efforts are making any difference. What can you learn from Enos 1:1–4 about Jacob’s influence on his son Enos? For example, what does the phrase “the nurture and admonition of the Lord” mean to you? How can you invite His influence in your home?

As you think about your own family, consider these questions and resources:

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf shared helpful counsel for families in “In Praise of Those Who Save” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2016, 77–80). What does his message inspire you to do to strengthen your family? (see especially the section titled “Saving Our Families”).

See also Gospel Topics, “Family,” Gospel Library; “Home and Family—Through Small Things” (video), Gospel Library.


Home and Family - Through Small Things

Enos 1:1–18

I can receive forgiveness as I exercise faith in Christ.

At times you may wonder if your sins have been forgiven, even after you’ve repented of those sins. What insights do you gain from Enos’s experience in Enos 1:1–8? How did Enos show his faith in Jesus Christ before and after he received forgiveness?


As I strive to keep His commandments, God will bless me.

The books of Jarom and Omni both describe the relationship between righteousness and prosperity. What do you learn from Jarom 1:7–12; Omni 1:5–7, 12–18? How are worldly definitions of prosperity different from the Lord’s definition? How does the Lord help His people prosper? (see Alma 37:13; 48:15–16).

Omni 1:25–26

“Come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel.”

The invitation “Come unto Christ” appears often in the Book of Mormon. In fact, one of the book’s main purposes is to extend this invitation to everyone. As you read Omni 1:25–26, what words or phrases do you find that describe how to come unto Christ? What will you do to come unto Him more completely?

Mormon compiling the golden plates

Mormon Compiling the Plates, by Jorge Cocco

Words of Mormon 1:1–8

God will work through me as I follow His guidance.

One reason the Lord inspired Mormon to include the small plates of Nephi in the Book of Mormon was because He knew that the first 116 translated pages would be lost (see Doctrine and Covenants 10; Saints, volume 1, chapter 5). Why are you grateful that Mormon followed the Lord’s instruction to include these writings (consisting of 1 Nephi through Omni)? What reasons did Mormon give for including them? (see Words of Mormon 1:3–7). When have you seen God working through you or others?

For more ideas, see this month’s issues of the Liahona and For the Strength of Youth magazines.

Ideas for Teaching Children

Enos 1:1–5

I can talk to Heavenly Father through prayer.

  • How can you help your children make their prayers more meaningful? Consider showing them a picture of Enos praying; let them describe what they see. They could then close their eyes and imagine they are talking to Heavenly Father face-to-face. What would they like to talk about? What might He want to say to them?

  • As you read aloud Enos 1:1–5, younger children could pretend to be Enos by acting out hunting, kneeling to pray, and so on. Older children could listen for a word or phrase that describes Enos’s prayers. What do these words tell us about Enos’s prayers? Share an experience when your soul “hungered” and you “cried unto” the Lord (Enos 1:4).

family praying

As children of God, we can pray to our Heavenly Father.

Enos 1:2–16

Heavenly Father hears and answers my prayers.

  • How can you help your children understand that Heavenly Father will hear and answer their prayers? Consider inviting them to list some things they typically pray for. Then you could help them find what Enos prayed for in Enos 1:2, 9, 13–14, and 16 (see also “Chapter 11: Enos,” Book of Mormon Stories, 30–31).



    What were the results of Enos’s prayers? (see verses 6, 9, 11).

    What do we learn from Enos’s experience about how to improve our prayers?

  • Sing together a song about prayer, such as “A Child’s Prayer” (Children’s Songbook, 12–13). Perhaps your children could raise their hands every time they hear the word “pray” or “prayer” or another repeated word. Tell your children about some of the ways that Heavenly Father has answered your prayers.

Words of Mormon 1:3–8

I can bless others when I listen to the Holy Ghost.

  • Mormon followed the guidance of the Holy Ghost to include the small plates of Nephi in the Book of Mormon. Everything we’ve studied in the Book of Mormon so far this year has come to us because Mormon made the choice to listen to the Spirit. How can you help your children learn about listening to the Spirit? Invite them to take turns reading the verses from Words of Mormon 1:3–8. You could talk about what they learn from each verse. Your children could then:

    • Share what they have learned from stories in the Book of Mormon this year (pictures from Come, Follow Me can help them remember).

    • Sing together a song about the Holy Ghost, such as “The Still Small Voice” (Children’s Songbook, 106–7).

    • Talk about experiences in which they were guided by the Spirit to do something that blessed someone else.

For more ideas, see this month’s issue of the Friend magazine.

The voices in this lesson were generated using AI.

Enos praying

Enos Praying, by Robert T. Barrett