“July 8–14: ‘They “Never Did Fall Away.’’’ Alma 23–29,” Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 (2023)
“July 8–14. Alma 23–29,” Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: 2024 (2023)
Anti-Nephi-Lehies Bury Their Weapons of War, by Jody Livingston
July 8–14: They “Never Did Fall Away”
Alma 23–29
Do you sometimes wonder whether people can really change? Maybe you worry about whether you can overcome poor choices you’ve made or bad habits you’ve developed, or you may have similar worries about loved ones. If so, the story of the Anti-Nephi-Lehies can help you. These people were the sworn enemies of the Nephites. When the sons of Mosiah decided to preach the gospel to them, the Nephites “laughed [them] to scorn.” Killing the Lamanites seemed like a more plausible solution than converting them. (See Alma 26:23–25.)
But the Lamanites did change—through the converting power of Jesus Christ. They were once known as “a hardened and a ferocious people” (Alma 17:14), but they became “distinguished for their zeal towards God” (Alma 27:27). In fact, they “never did fall away” (Alma 23:6).
Maybe you have some thoughts or actions to change or “weapons of … rebellion” to lay down (Alma 23:7). Or maybe you just need to be a little more zealous toward God. No matter what changes you need, Alma 23–29 can give you hope that through the atoning power of Jesus Christ, long-lasting change is possible.
The Lord Delivers the People of Ammon
Ideas for Learning at Home and at Church
My conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel will change my life.
The Lamanites seemed to be unlikely candidates for conversion, yet many of them experienced miraculous changes because of Jesus Christ. These converted Lamanites called themselves Anti-Nephi-Lehies.
Reading Alma 23–25; 27 might prompt you to ponder your own conversion. Look for how the Anti-Nephi-Lehies changed—how they were converted “unto the Lord” (Alma 23:6). The following verses can get you started:
In what ways have Jesus Christ and His gospel changed you? When have you felt close to Him? How can you tell if you are becoming converted to Jesus Christ? What is the Spirit prompting you to do next?
See also David A. Bednar, “Converted unto the Lord,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2012, 106–9; Dale G. Renlund, “Unwavering Commitment to Jesus Christ,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2019, 22–25.
Because God is merciful, He forgives me as I repent.
The change that the Anti-Nephi-Lehies experienced was more than just a change in behavior—it was a change of heart born of faith in Jesus Christ and sincere repentance. Perhaps you could find a truth about repentance in each verse in Alma 24:7–19. What do these verses teach about God’s mercy toward those who repent? What additional truths do you learn from Alma 26:17–22?
Ponder how God has shown His mercy in your life. How can you express your gratitude to Him?
Sharing the gospel brings me joy.
The word joy appears 24 times in Alma 23–29, making these chapters a good place to learn how to receive joy in living—and sharing—the Savior’s gospel. Consider studying Alma 26:12–22, 35–37; and 29:1–17, looking for reasons why Ammon, the sons of Mosiah, and Alma rejoiced. What do you learn from these passages that can lead to more joy in your life?
Elder Marcus B. Nash taught: “Sharing the gospel kindles joy and hope in the souls of both giver and receiver. … Sharing the gospel is joy upon joy, hope upon hope” (“Hold Up Your Light,” Liahona, Nov. 2021, 71). What experiences have you had sharing the gospel with others? What challenges do you face when seeking to share the gospel? How can Heavenly Father help you overcome these challenges?
For prophetic instruction on how to share the gospel—and find joy in doing it—consider studying President Dallin H. Oak’s message “Sharing the Restored Gospel,” ( Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2016, 57–60). What suggestions do you find in his message?
See also “The Bush Family Story,” “Sharing Your Beliefs,” “Sharing the Gospel” (videos), Gospel Library.
Consider making a list of things you would share with a friend about the Book of Mormon. Try sharing the Book of Mormon using the Book of Mormon app.
The Bush Family Story
Sharing Your Beliefs
Sharing the Gospel
Look for patterns and themes. When studying the scriptures, we can find precious truths by looking for repeated words, phrases, or ideas. Those repeated ideas can be cross-referenced or linked in your scriptures to make them easier to see.
I can find shelter in Jesus Christ and His gospel.
At harvest time, grain is often gathered into bundles called sheaves and placed in storehouses, sometimes called garners. In Alma 26:5–7 ponder what the sheaves, garners, and storm might represent in your life. How do you find shelter in Jesus Christ?
See also Russell M. Nelson, “The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation,” Liahona, Nov. 2021, 93–96; David A. Bednar, “Honorably Hold a Name and a Standing,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2009, 97–100; “Jesus, Lover of My Soul,” Hymns, no. 102.
For more ideas, see this month’s issues of the Liahona and For the Strength of Youth magazines.
Ideas for Teaching Children
The Lord blesses me as I strive to keep my promises to Him.
Perhaps your children would enjoy burying their “weapons” like the Anti-Nephi-Lehies. You could read a few verses from Alma 24:6–24 to teach the children about the promises the Anti-Nephi-Lehies made to follow the Savior. They could then think of something they will change to follow Him, write it on this week’s activity page, and pretend to dig a hole and bury their weapon.
Your children could read Alma 24:15–19, looking for what the Anti-Nephi-Lehies did “as a testimony to God.” Then you could talk with them about how our covenants can be “a testimony to God” (verse 18). Let your children talk about how they will show God that they want to follow Him. Singing a song like “I Want to Live the Gospel” (Children’s Songbook, 148) could help inspire them.
The Anti-Nephi-Lehies
Alma 24:7–10; 26:23–34; 27:27–30
I can repent.
To help your children see how Jesus Christ can help us change when we repent, you could teach them about the Anti-Nephi-Lehies. To do this, you might label two bowls “before” and “after.” Then your children could read Alma 17:14–15 and 27:27–30, write down what the Lamanites were like before and after repenting, and put them in the correct bowl. According to Alma 24:7–10, what helped them change? How can we show our thanks to God for His mercy?
Jesus Christ brings me joy, and I can share this joy.
Perhaps you and your children would enjoy drawing pictures of things in the gospel of Jesus Christ that bring you joy. Share your picture with your children, and encourage them to share their picture with someone to help that person feel joy too.
Help your children find the words joy and rejoice in Alma 26 and 29. What brought Ammon and Alma joy or caused them to rejoice? This question could lead to a discussion about the joy that comes from living or sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
A Higher Joy
I can help my friends live the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Your children could read Alma 27:22–23, looking for what the Nephites did to help the Anti-Nephi-Lehies keep their promise to never fight again. How can we help our friends keep their promises? Your children could role-play situations. For example, what can we say to a friend who wants to lie or be mean?
For more ideas, see this month’s issue of the Friend magazine.
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