Old Testament 2022
January 17–23. Genesis 5; Moses 6: “Teach These Things Freely unto Your Children”

“January 17–23. Genesis 5; Moses 6: ‘Teach These Things Freely unto Your Children,’” Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 (2021)

“January 17–23. Genesis 5; Moses 6,” Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: 2022

Adam and Eve outside the Garden of Eden

Better than Paradise, by Kendal Ray Johnson

January 17–23

Genesis 5; Moses 6

“Teach These Things Freely unto Your Children”

As you read and ponder Genesis 5 and Moses 6, record the spiritual impressions you receive. What messages do you find that are valuable to you and your family?

Record Your Impressions

Most of Genesis 5 is a list of the generations between Adam and Eve and Noah. We read a lot of names, but we don’t learn much about them. Then we read about Enoch, six generations from Adam, who is described with this intriguing but unexplained line: “And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him” (Genesis 5:24). Surely there’s a story behind that. But without further explanation, the list of generations resumes.

Thankfully, Moses 6 reveals the details of Enoch’s story—and it’s quite a story. We learn of Enoch’s humility, his insecurities, the potential God saw in him, and the great work he performed as God’s prophet. We also get a clearer picture of the family of Adam and Eve as it progressed through the generations. We read of Satan’s “great dominion” but also of parents who taught children “the ways of God” and of “preachers of righteousness” who “spake and prophesied” (Moses 6:15, 21, 23). Especially precious is what we learn about the doctrine these parents and preachers taught: faith, repentance, baptism, and receiving the Holy Ghost (see Moses 6:50–52). That doctrine, like the priesthood that accompanies it, “was in the beginning [and] shall be in the end of the world also” (Moses 6:7).

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Ideas for Personal Scripture Study

Moses 6:26–36

A prophet is a seer.

As you study Moses 6:26–36, what do you learn about eyes, darkness, and seeing? In Enoch’s time, who could not “see afar off”? Why were these people unable to see truth? What was Enoch able to see? What has built your faith that modern-day prophets are seers? (see verse 36; Guide to the Scriptures, “Seer,” scriptures.ChurchofJesusChrist.org).

Moses 6:26–47

God calls us to do His work despite our inadequacies.

It’s not unusual to feel overwhelmed with what the Lord has called us to do. Even Enoch felt that way when the Lord called him to be a prophet. As you read Moses 6:26–36, look for why Enoch felt overwhelmed and what the Lord said to give him courage. In verses 37–47, look for ways the Lord supported Enoch and empowered him to do His work (see also Moses 7:13). You might compare Enoch’s experience with that of other prophets who felt inadequate, such as Moses (see Exodus 4:10–16), Jeremiah (see Jeremiah 1:4–10), Nephi (see 2 Nephi 33:1–4), and Moroni (see Ether 12:23–29). What do you feel God wants you to learn from these scriptures about the work He has given you to do?

See also Jacob 4:6–8.

Moses 6:48–68

The doctrine of Christ is central to God’s plan of salvation.

Because we have the book of Moses, we know that God has been teaching His children how to find forgiveness and redemption ever since the beginning. In the scriptures, these teachings are sometimes called the doctrine of Christ (see 2 Nephi 31:13–21). As you study Moses 6:48–68, search for what we must know and do to be redeemed. You may find it helpful to write your own summary of what Enoch taught. Why is it important to know that these truths have been taught since the days of Adam and Eve? What do you feel prompted to do as a result of studying these teachings?

Moses 6:51–62

“Teach these things freely unto your children.”

Adam and Eve were taught the precious truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ. But the Lord’s words in Moses 6:27–28 make clear that in the generations before Enoch, many people weren’t living those truths anymore. The Lord wanted Enoch to restore the truths that had been lost—along with the commandment originally given to Adam: “Teach these things freely unto your children” (Moses 6:58). As you read Moses 6:51–62, what do you learn about Jesus Christ? What do you find that would be especially valuable to the rising generation? What can you do to help pass these truths on to future generations?

family studying scriptures

Parents should teach their children the gospel.

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Ideas for Family Scripture Study and Home Evening

Genesis 5; Moses 6:5–25, 46.Reading about the “book of remembrance” that Adam and Eve’s family kept may inspire your family to make your own book of remembrance. Discuss as a family what you would like to include. Maybe you have photos, stories, or documents from your family history. You might choose to include things that are happening in your family now. What will future generations find valuable? You could also discuss how the phrases “by the spirit of inspiration” (Moses 6:5) and “the pattern given by the finger of God” (Moses 6:46) could guide your efforts. Consider saving information from your book of remembrance on FamilySearch.org.

Moses 6:53–62.How would we answer Adam’s question found in Moses 6:53? What answers do we find in verses 57–62?

Moses 6:59.What does it mean to be “born again into the kingdom of heaven”? What can we do to continue to be born again throughout our lives? For help, see Alma 5:7–14, 26; Guide to the Scriptures, “Born Again, Born of Godscriptures.ChurchofJesusChrist.org; David A. Bednar, “Always Retain a Remission of Your Sins” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2016, 59–62).

Moses 6:61.What do we learn about the Holy Ghost from this verse?

Moses 6:63.What are some of the things that “bear record of [Christ]”? (see also 2 Nephi 11:4). Consider inviting family members to share something that they see “in the heavens above” or “on the earth” that helps them learn about Jesus Christ. For example, how do trees, rocks, or the sun remind us of the Savior? What do the titles “living water” and “bread of life” teach us about Him? (John 4:10–14; 6:35).

For more ideas for teaching children, see this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Primary.

Suggested song: “I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go,” Hymns, no. 270.

Improving Personal Study

Look for symbols. In the scriptures, objects or events can often represent or symbolize spiritual truths. These symbols can enrich your understanding of doctrine. For instance, what do you learn from the symbols of eyes and clay in Moses 6:35?

Adam and Eve with children

Adam and Eve Teaching Their Children, by Del Parson