Old Testament 2022
June 13–19. 1 Samuel 8–10; 13; 15–18: “The Battle Is the Lord’s”

“June 13–19. 1 Samuel 8–10; 13; 15–18: ‘The Battle Is the Lord’s,’” Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 (2021)

“June 13–19. 1 Samuel 8–10; 13; 15–18,” Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: 2022

young David with sling

David and Goliath, by Steve Nethercott

June 13–19

1 Samuel 8–10; 13; 15–18

“The Battle Is the Lord’s”

The suggestions in this outline can help you identify some of the important principles in these chapters. You may find other principles as you study.

Record Your Impressions

Ever since the tribes of Israel had settled in the promised land, the Philistines had been an ongoing threat to their safety. Many times in the past, the Lord had delivered the Israelites from their enemies. But now the elders of Israel demanded, “We will have a king … [to] go out before us, and fight our battles” (1 Samuel 8:19–20). The Lord relented, and Saul was anointed king. And yet when the menacing giant Goliath hurled his challenge to the armies of Israel, Saul—like the rest of his army—was “greatly afraid” (1 Samuel 17:11). On that day, it wasn’t King Saul who saved Israel but a humble shepherd boy named David, who was wearing no armor but was clothed with impenetrable faith in the Lord. This battle proved to Israel, and to anyone who has spiritual battles to fight, that “the Lord saveth not with sword and spear” and that “the battle is the Lord’s” (1 Samuel 17:47).

personal study icon

Ideas for Personal Scripture Study

1 Samuel 8

Jesus Christ is my King.

As you read 1 Samuel 8, notice how the Lord felt about the Israelites’ desire for a king other than Himself. What does it mean to choose the Lord to “reign over [you]”? (1 Samuel 8:7). You might also consider ways you are tempted to follow the unrighteous trends of the world instead of following the Lord. How can you show that you want Jesus Christ to be your Eternal King?

See also Judges 8:22–23; Mosiah 29:1–36; Neil L. Andersen, “Overcoming the World,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2017, 58–62.

1 Samuel 9:15–17; 10:1–12; 16:1–13

God calls people by prophecy to serve in His kingdom.

God chose Saul and David to be kings through prophecy and revelation (see 1 Samuel 9:15–17; 10:1–12; 16:1–13). This is also how He calls men and women to serve in His Church today. What do you learn from these accounts about what it means to “be called of God, by prophecy”? (Articles of Faith 1:5). What blessings come from being called and set apart by the Lord’s authorized servants?

Samuel anointing Saul

Illustration of Samuel anointing Saul, © Lifeway Collection/licensed from goodsalt.com

1 Samuel 13:5–14; 15

“To obey is better than sacrifice.”

Although Saul was physically tall, he felt “little in [his] own sight” when he became king (1 Samuel 15:17). However, as he was blessed with success, he began to trust himself more and the Lord less. What evidence do you see of this in 1 Samuel 13:5–14; 15? If you had been with Saul then, what would you have said to him that might have helped him overcome his “rebellion” and “stubbornness”? (1 Samuel 15:23).

See also 2 Nephi 9:28–29; Helaman 12:4–5; Doctrine and Covenants 121:39–40; Thomas S. Monson, “Ponder the Path of Thy Feet,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2014, 86–88.

1 Samuel 16:7

“The Lord looketh on the heart.”

What are some ways people judge others “on the outward appearance”? What does it mean to look “on the heart,” as the Lord does? (1 Samuel 16:7). Consider how you can apply this principle to the way you see others—and yourself. How might doing so affect your interactions or relationships with others?

1 Samuel 17

With the help of the Lord, I can overcome any challenge.

As you read 1 Samuel 17, ponder the words of various people in this chapter (see the list below). What do their words reveal about them? How do David’s words show his courage and faith in the Lord?

Ponder the personal battles you are facing. What can you find in 1 Samuel 17 that strengthens your faith that the Lord can help you?

See also Gordon B. Hinckley, “Overpowering the Goliaths in Our Lives,” Ensign, May 1983, 46, 51–52.

family study icon

Ideas for Family Scripture Study and Home Evening

1 Samuel 9:15–21; 16:7.Reading these verses along with the following words from Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf could inspire a discussion about why the Lord chose Saul and David: “If we look at ourselves only through our mortal eyes, we may not see ourselves as good enough. But our Heavenly Father sees us as who we truly are and who we can become” (“It Works Wonderfully!Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2015, 23). Perhaps family members could take turns talking about what good qualities they see in each other’s hearts (see 1 Samuel 16:7).

1 Samuel 10:6–12.When have we seen God bless someone with spiritual power to fulfill an assignment or calling like He blessed Saul? What experiences can we share when “God gave [us] another heart” or “the Spirit of God came upon [us]” in His service? (verses 9–10).

1 Samuel 17:20–54.Your family might enjoy reading together the story of David and Goliath (“David and Goliath” in Old Testament Stories could help) or watching the video “The Lord Will Deliver Me” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org). This could lead to a discussion about challenges we face that may feel like “Goliaths” to us. You could even write some of these challenges on a target or a drawing of Goliath and take turns throwing objects (like balls of paper) at it.

It might also be interesting to read about the armor and weapons Goliath had (see verses 4–7). What did David have? (see verses 38–40, 45–47). What has the Lord provided to help us defeat our Goliaths?

1 Samuel 18:1–4.How were David and Jonathan good friends to each other? How have good friends blessed us? What can we do to be good friends—including to our family members?

For more ideas for teaching children, see this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Primary.

Suggested song: “I Will Be Valiant,” Children’s Songbook, 162.

Improving Our Teaching

Bear your testimony often. “Your simple, sincere witness of spiritual truth can have a powerful influence on [your family]. A testimony is most powerful when it is direct and heartfelt. It need not be eloquent or lengthy” (Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 11).


Illustration of David, by Dilleen Marsh
