Come, Follow Me
August 3–9. Alma 43–52: “Stand Fast in the Faith of Christ”

“August 3–9. Alma 43–52: ‘Stand Fast in the Faith of Christ,’” Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 (2020)

“August 3–9. Alma 43–52,” Come, Follow Me—For Primary: 2020

Moroni and the Title of Liberty

For the Blessings of Liberty, by Scott M. Snow

August 3–9

Alma 43–52

“Stand Fast in the Faith of Christ”

As you plan activities, you may find ideas here in the suggestions for teaching both younger children and older children.

Record Your Impressions

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Invite Sharing

Ask the children to share what they remember about some of the people and stories in Alma 43–52, such as Captain Moroni or the title of liberty. To help them remember, show pictures from Book of Mormon Stories, the Gospel Art Book, or Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families.

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Teach the Doctrine: Younger Children

Alma 43:17–21; 48:7–8; 49:1–5; 50:1–6

I can find spiritual protection in the gospel.

To defend the Nephites against the Lamanites, Moroni prepared his people with armor and fortifications. His efforts teach us how we can find spiritual safety.

Possible Activities

  • Tell the children a little about the war between the Nephites and the Lamanites (see Alma 43), emphasizing that the Nephites wore armor to protect themselves. You could use “Chapter 31: Captain Moroni Defeats Zerahemnah” (Book of Mormon Stories, 85–88, or the corresponding video on Read Alma 43:19, and invite the children to point to parts of their bodies as they hear them in the scripture.

  • Explain that just as the Nephites were in a physical war, we are in a spiritual war against Satan, who doesn’t want us to keep God’s commandments. Draw a child on the board, and help the children think of things that protect us spiritually as armor protects our bodies (for example, prayer, scripture reading, or keeping the commandments). Each time something is mentioned, draw a piece of armor on the child on the board.

Nephites fighting the Lamanites

Minerva K. Teichert, Defense of a Nephite City, 1935, oil on masonite, 36 x 48 inches. Brigham Young University Museum of Art

Alma 46:11–16; 48:11–13, 16–17

I can be faithful like Captain Moroni.

Moroni is a great example of faith, courage, and service. Consider how you can inspire the children to follow his example.

Possible Activities

  • Show the picture of Moroni in this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families. Tell the children about the title of liberty and what was written on it, using phrases from Alma 46:11–16. You could refer to “Chapter 32: Captain Moroni and the Title of Liberty” (Book of Mormon Stories, 89–90, or the corresponding video on Let the children help tell the story as much as possible. Point out that Moroni used the title of liberty to help the Nephites remember what was important to them.

  • Help the children create a title of liberty for themselves or for your class. Begin by helping them think of things they believe in or things Heavenly Father wants them to remember. Let them draw pictures of these things on a large piece of paper, or you could bring pictures for them to attach to the paper.

  • Ask the children to tell you about some people they want to be like and why they want to be like them. Then share with them some words from Alma 48:11–13 that describe Moroni, and invite them to guess who these words are describing. Show a picture of Moroni, and talk about ways we can be like him.

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Teach the Doctrine: Older Children

Alma 43:17–21; 48:7–8; 49:1–5; 50:1–6

I can find spiritual protection in the gospel.

The world has many spiritual dangers, but there is much that the children can learn from the Nephites about how to protect themselves.

Possible Activities

  • Invite each child to read silently one of the following verses that describe how the Nephites prepared for battle against the Lamanites: Alma 43:19; 48:8; 49:1–5; and 50:2–4. Ask the children to share what they learned (offer help if needed). Explain that we are in a spiritual war against Satan, and we must protect ourselves spiritually, just as the Nephites protected themselves physically from the Lamanites. What kinds of spiritual armor or fortifications can we build to protect ourselves in our spiritual battles?

  • Help the children make a shield out of a large piece of paper or cardboard, and ask them to write on it things that protect us spiritually. Give each child a piece of paper, and invite the children to write something bad that Satan might tempt us to do (such as lie, steal, or be unkind). Ask them to crumple their papers into balls and throw them at the shield to illustrate how the gospel can keep us safe from Satan (see also Ephesians 6:16).

Alma 46:11–16; 48:11–13, 16–17

I can be faithful like Captain Moroni.

Moroni was a faithful and strong disciple of Jesus Christ, who inspired the Nephites to live the gospel (see Alma 48:17). What can the children in your class learn from his example?

Possible Activities

  • Read together Alma 46:11–16. What did Moroni want the Nephites to remember? (see verse 12). How did he help them remember these things? Ask the children to list some things Heavenly Father wants us to remember. Let the children design their own “titles of liberty” with phrases or pictures that will help them remember these things.

  • Ask a child to read Alma 48:17. To help the children understand why we are invited to be like Moroni, invite them to study Alma 48:11–13, 16. Ask them to find words and phrases that help us understand why Moroni was such a great disciple of Jesus Christ. As they share what they find, encourage them to think of specific things they can do to be more like Moroni.

Alma 47:4–19

Satan tempts and deceives us little by little.

Children need to know that Satan will try to tempt us to commit small sins so that he can lead us into greater sin.

Possible Activities

  • Read together selected verses from Alma 47:4–19, and explain to the children how Amalickiah gained control of Lehonti’s army, even though the members of the army were “fixed in their minds” that they would not be forced to fight the Nephites. What would have happened if Amalickiah had told Lehonti what he planned to do from the beginning? What do these verses teach us about how Satan tries to deceive us?

  • Show a picture of a house that is well maintained and a house that has been neglected, or show a picture of a healthy garden and a garden full of weeds. Let the children talk about what they see in the pictures and how these changes might have happened over time. What could the owner of the house or garden have done to prevent this? Explain that people can gradually become sinful if they do not resist Satan’s temptations to commit small sins (such as being dishonest or looking at pornography) and then bigger sins. What are some bad things that we need to resist doing in our lives?

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Encourage Learning at Home

Ask each child to name one thing he or she heard or felt today and wants to share with a family member. Encourage them to follow through with their plans.

Improving Our Teaching

Help the children build confidence. Some children may not feel capable of learning the gospel on their own. One way to build their confidence is to praise them when they participate in class.
