Come, Follow Me
April 29–May 5. John 7–10: “I Am the Good Shepherd”

“April 29–May 5. John 7–10: ‘I Am the Good Shepherd’” Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2019 (2019)

“April 29–May 5. John 7–10,” Come, Follow Me—For Primary: 2019

Christ and the woman taken in adultery

He That Is without Sin, by Liz Lemon Swindle

April 29–May 5

John 7–10

“I Am the Good Shepherd”

As you read John 7–10, think of the children you teach. Many of the ideas for older children in this outline can also be adapted for younger children, or vice versa.

Record Your Impressions

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Invite Sharing

Ask the children to share something they did last week to be like the good Samaritan.

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Teach the Doctrine

Younger Children

John 7:14–17

Keeping the commandments will help me know they are true.

Jesus taught that we can gain a testimony of the truths He shared as we live them. How can you use this account to teach the children that the peace we feel when we obey the commandments helps us know they are true?

Possible Activities

  • Summarize John 7:17 in words the children will understand. Help them know that obeying the commandments helps us feel closer to Jesus Christ, perhaps by singing together “Keep the Commandments” or “Choose the Right Way,” Children’s Songbook, 146–47, 160–61. Ask the children to listen for how we will be blessed when we keep the commandments.

  • Share an experience when you learned a commandment was from God because you lived it, such as paying tithing or forgiving someone who was unkind. Invite the children to think of an experience they had when they obeyed a commandment. Ask, “How did you feel after you obeyed?”

  • Select some of the commandments and draw two sets of simple pictures that represent each commandment. Lay all of the pictures face down on the ground and invite the children to take turns matching the commandments together. Testify of the importance of commandments and how following them has strengthened your testimony.

John 8:29

Jesus obeyed His Father.

Jesus Christ always did things that pleased His Father in Heaven. How can you help the children find ways to follow His example?

Possible Activities

  • Help the children repeat what Jesus said about Heavenly Father in John 8:29: “I do always those things that please him.” Ask them to share things Jesus did that made Heavenly Father happy. Show them some pictures from the Gospel Art Book to give them ideas.

  • Ask the children what makes them happy. Then ask what they could do this week to make a family member or friend happy. Invite the children to draw pictures of themselves doing those activities to take home and remind them.

  • Invite a parent of one of the children to share an experience when the child did something that made the parent happy. Let the child share how he or she felt.

John 10:1–18

Jesus knows me and loves me.

The parable of the good shepherd can help the children understand that Jesus loves them and knows who they are.

Possible Activities

  • Ask the children to draw a picture that represents something in the parable of the good shepherd, like sheep, a robber, or a wolf. Read John 10:1–18 to the children, and ask them to hold up their pictures when they hear you read about what they drew. Explain that just like the “good shepherd” guides and loves his flock, Jesus loves us and guides us all back to Him. Dress up one of the children like a shepherd, and let the children share how Jesus is like a shepherd to us.

  • Show the picture of Jesus and the lambs in this week’s outline in Come Follow Me—For Individuals and Families. How do we know Jesus loves the lambs? How can we tell that the lambs love Jesus?

  • Help the children complete this week’s activity page.

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Teach the Doctrine

Older Children

John 7:14–17

Keeping the commandments will help me know they are true.

You and the children you teach may have had experiences living gospel truths and learning that they are true. How can you build on those experiences as you teach?

Possible Activities

  • Write each verse of John 7:14–17 on different pieces of paper and display them in random order. Ask the children to put them in the correct order and check John 7:14–17 to see if they are right. Invite the children to split into pairs and share their understanding of each verse with their partner. How has obedience to God’s commandments helped them know the commandments are true?

  • Share examples from the scriptures showing how people were blessed for living gospel truths, such as Daniel (see Daniel 6) or Nephi (see 1 Nephi 3–4).

  • A few days before class, invite one of the children to write about a time when he or she gained a testimony of a commandment by living it. During class, ask the child to share what he or she wrote.

John 8:31–36

The truth can make us free.

As the children get older, they will encounter people who believe that living the gospel is restrictive. How can you use John 8:31–36 to counter such claims?

Possible Activities

  • Invite the children to read John 8:31–36 and share what they think it means to be a servant of sin. How do the teachings of Jesus help us be free?

  • Ask a child to help you lightly wrap a rope, scarf, or necktie around your wrists to demonstrate how we become bound to sin when we commit it over and over again without repenting.

  • Show a lock to represent sin and a key to represent how truths of the gospel can make us free. For example, knowing about the Savior’s Atonement can give us freedom to repent and be forgiven of our sins. Or knowing about the Word of Wisdom can give us freedom to avoid addictions.

Christ teaching in the temple

Jesus taught, “The truth shall make you free” (John 8:32).

John 10:1–18

Jesus is like a shepherd for us.

As you study the parable of the good shepherd, look for truths it teaches about our relationship with the Savior. How will knowing these truths bless the children?

Possible Activities

  • Write good shepherd and hireling on the board. Explain that a hireling is someone who is hired to do a job for money. Ask the children to list differences they find in John 10:1–18 between a good shepherd and a hireling. Why would you want to follow the good shepherd rather than the hireling?

  • Draw or show a picture of a door. Read together John 10:7–9, and ask the children how Jesus is like a door. According to verse 9, what blessings come to those who “enter in” the door? How do we enter the door that Jesus Christ provides us?

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Encourage Learning at Home

Help the children think of a commandment they can obey more fully. Ask them to try to obey that commandment during the coming week.

Improving Our Teaching

Ask inspired questions. Ask questions that invite the children you teach to go beyond reporting facts. Instead, encourage them to share their testimonies of gospel truths. For example, if you are discussing the commandments, you could ask the children to share how obeying the commandments has blessed them.
