New Testament 2023
May 29–June 4. Matthew 26; Mark 14; John 13: “In Remembrance”

“May 29–June 4. Matthew 26; Mark 14; John 13: ‘In Remembrance,’” Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 (2022)

“May 29–June 4. Matthew 26; Mark 14; John 13,” Come, Follow Me—For Primary: 2023

Last Supper

In Remembrance of Me, by Walter Rane

May 29–June 4

Matthew 26; Mark 14; John 13

“In Remembrance”

As you read Matthew 26; Mark 14; and John 13, look for principles that you feel will bless the children you teach.

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Invite Sharing

Show pictures of the events in these chapters, such as Gospel Art Book, nos. 54–55, and invite the children to tell what is happening in the pictures.

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Teach the Doctrine: Younger Children

Matthew 26:26–29; Mark 14:22–24

The sacrament helps me think about Jesus.

Help the children understand that taking the sacrament is a chance to remember what Jesus has done for us.

Possible Activities

  • Summarize the account of Jesus introducing the sacrament. You might use “Chapter 49: The First Sacrament” (in New Testament Stories, 124–26, or the corresponding video on, or the video “Sacrament” ( Why do we take the sacrament? Help the children understand that we remember Jesus during the sacrament.


    Chapter 49: The First Sacrament



  • Show the children a piece of bread and a cup of water. Ask them if they know what the sacrament bread and water stand for. Explain that these emblems help us remember that Jesus died for us and rose from the dead.

  • Ask the children to close their eyes and think of someone they love, and then invite them to tell you about that person. Ask them to close their eyes again, think of the Savior, and then share things they know about Him. Encourage them to think about Jesus during the sacrament each week.

  • Invite the children to show you what they can do to remember Jesus and be reverent during the sacrament. Help the children make the booklet described on this week’s activity page and use it to help them think about Jesus during the sacrament. Or let them search some Church magazines for pictures of Jesus and create a collage they can look at during the sacrament.

John 13:34–35

I can love others as Jesus did.

Jesus showed His love by caring for those around Him. What opportunities do the children you teach have to show their love for others?

Possible Activities

  • Show pictures of stories the children have learned this year when Jesus showed His love for others (see past outlines in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families). Read John 13:34–35, and help the children repeat the phrase “As I have loved you, … love one another.” How can we show our love for our family and friends?

  • Invite a child to hold a picture of the Savior as the class sings a song about the Savior’s love, such as “Love One Another” (Children’s Songbook, 136). Give the children paper hearts and invite them to draw a picture of themselves doing something to show their love for another person.

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Teach the Doctrine: Older Children

Matthew 26:26–29; Mark 14:22–24

The sacrament helps me remember Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for me.

How can you help the children have a more meaningful experience with the sacrament?

Possible Activities

  • Invite the children to take turns reading the verses in Matthew 26:26–29 or Mark 14:22–24 (see also Joseph Smith Translation, Mark 14:20–24 [in the Bible appendix]) and Doctrine and Covenants 20:75–79. What words and ideas are similar in the two passages?

  • Ask the children what they do to help them think about Jesus during the sacrament. Help them find scriptures or words from sacrament hymns that they could read during the sacrament, and then list them on a card that the children can refer to the next time they take the sacrament. Sing a few of these songs with the children (see Hymns, nos. 169–97).

    children taking sacrament

    The sacrament helps us remember Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for us.

  • Write key phrases from the sacrament prayers on the board, and help the children memorize them. What do these phrases mean? Why is it important to renew our baptismal covenants every week?

  • Invite an Aaronic Priesthood holder to tell the children about his experience preparing, blessing, or passing the sacrament. What helps him prepare to do this? How does he feel as he does it? How do the bread and water remind him of the Savior?

  • Ask children who have been baptized to share what they remember about their baptisms. How did they feel? What covenants did they make? (see Mosiah 18:8–10). Tell them that every week when we partake of the sacrament, it can be like being baptized again—we can be forgiven of our sins, and we renew our covenants.

John 13:1–17

Jesus Christ showed me how to serve others.

The account of the Savior washing His disciples’ feet can inspire the children you teach to lovingly serve people around them.

Possible Activities

  • A few days in advance, ask one of the children to read John 13:4–9 and share the account with the class from the perspective of Peter. What was the Savior trying to teach Peter and the other Apostles? The children could talk about what they learn from this story about Jesus Christ. What do we learn about serving others?

  • Read together John 13:12–17. Ask the children to each write about a time when the Savior served another person. Encourage them to include what they learn from His example. If they need help, they could look for examples in the video “Christlike Attributes” ( Invite them to share what they wrote with the class.


Christlike Attributes

John 13:34–35

Disciples of Jesus Christ love others as He did.

When we are baptized, we make covenants to become disciples of Jesus Christ. In John 13:34–35, the Savior described how we can show that we are His disciples.

Possible Activities

  • Write on the board one another; as I have you (John 13:34). Invite the children to look up the scripture and fill in the blanks. What other things can we do to show we are disciples of Christ? The children might think of other words that would complete the sentence on the board, such as serve and served or teach and taught.

  • Invite the children to read John 13:35 and think of people they know who are examples of disciples of Jesus Christ. Ask them to share how these people show love for others as the Savior did.

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Encourage Learning at Home

Invite the children to share with their families something they will do because of what they learned in class. For instance, they could share how they will remember Jesus Christ during the sacrament.

Improving Our Teaching

Bear testimony to your class. A testimony can be as simple as “I know that Heavenly Father loves each of you” or “I feel good inside as I learn about Jesus Christ.”