“February 22–28. 2 Nephi 11–25: ‘We Rejoice in Christ’” Come, Follow Me: For Primary (2015), 18–19
“February 22–28. 2 Nephi 11–25: ‘We Rejoice in Christ’” For Primary, 18–19
February 22–28
“We Rejoice in Christ”
Preparing to Teach in Primary
Begin your preparation to teach by reading 2 Nephi 11–25 before studying any supplemental material. Prepare your teaching plan and record your thoughts and impressions. You might also use some of the ideas on the next page or in Come, Follow Me for individuals and families.
Encourage Sharing
How can you encourage the children to share the feelings and experiences they had as they studied these scriptures individually and with their families? How can you also involve children who may not have read in advance?
Teach the Doctrine
As you teach the doctrine found in this week’s scriptures, what verses, quotations, experiences, questions, and other resources might you share with the children? How might you use these resources to help children learn gospel principles? How can you encourage children to act on the truths they learn in class?
Encourage Sharing and Learning at Home
What can the children share at home with their families? How can you encourage them to continue to learn about the Book of Mormon at home?
My Teaching Plan
Additional Ideas
You may use one or more of the activities below to help children learn about how the gospel can bless them. You may also use your own activities to teach other truths you find in these chapters.
2 Nephi 11:4–8; 25:26. We rejoice in Christ.
To help the children “rejoice in Christ” as Nephi did (2 Nephi 25:26), you could read 2 Nephi 11:4–8 or 2 Nephi 25:26 and share some of the reasons why Nephi rejoiced in Christ. What are some of the reasons you rejoice in Christ? You could have the children look at or draw a picture of the Savior and share why they rejoice in Christ. You can find pictures in the Gospel Art Book (2009), on LDS.org, or in Church magazines.
2 Nephi 12:2–3. I can prepare to go to the temple one day.
Many children are excited to go to the temple. What can they do now to prepare? Children may be able to identify blessings in 2 Nephi 12:2–3 that come from going to the temple. You may need to help them recognize that the “mountain of the Lord’s house” refers to the temple. They could draw a picture of themselves at the temple. Have any of the children been to a temple to visit the grounds or attend an open house? What did they see and how did they feel? What experiences can they share? What can you share from your own experiences with the temple?
2 Nephi 15:20; 17:14–15. I will choose good over evil.
To illustrate how Satan tries to make evil things look good (see 2 Nephi 15:20), you might show the children a stone disguised inside a candy wrapper. You could also show the first minute and a half of the video “Addiction: You Will Be Freed” (LDS.org) and talk about how a fisherman tries to disguise a harmful hook. As you read 2 Nephi 17:14–15 together, you could show pictures of Jesus choosing to do good (for example, see Gospel Art Book, nos. 33–35, 40–42). How can we be like Jesus and choose the right?
2:55You Will Be Freed
Sharing Time
Singing Time
Help the children learn the gospel through music.
Children might sing “I Love to See the Temple,” “When He Comes Again,” or “Choose the Right Way” (Children’s Songbook, 95, 82–83, and 160).
Sharing by Children
Create opportunities for children to share how they are learning and living the gospel.
Children could share how they think they will feel when the Savior comes again. They could also share what they are doing to prepare to make covenants in the temple.