Come, Follow Me
June 8–14. Alma 8–12: Jesus Christ Will Come to Redeem His People

“June 8–14. Alma 8–12: Jesus Christ Will Come to Redeem His People,” Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: Book of Mormon 2020 (2020)

“June 8–14. Alma 8–12,” Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: 2020

Alma preaching

Teaching True Doctrine, by Michael T. Malm

June 8–14

Alma 8–12

Jesus Christ Will Come to Redeem His People

Begin your preparation to teach by studying Alma 8–12. Then review this outline for additional ideas that will encourage class members to share what they learned in their study.

Record Your Impressions

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Invite Sharing

Give class members a few minutes to reflect on their personal or family scripture study this week. How has their study influenced the choices they made during the week? Invite a few class members to share their thoughts.

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Teach the Doctrine

Alma 8

Our efforts to share the gospel may require persistence and patience.

  • Many people find it difficult to share the gospel—especially when they have felt rejected, as Alma was. Alma’s example could help them trust God and find courage to continue sharing their testimonies with others. Consider these discussion questions: What do we learn from the angel’s message to Alma in Alma 8:15? What about Alma’s reaction to the message, found in Alma 8:14–32, inspires us to keep sharing the gospel when we experience rejection? What advice would we give to someone who tried to share the gospel but was rejected? Elder Jeffrey R. Holland’s counsel in “Additional Resources” might help with this conversation.

  • The story of Alma and Amulek demonstrates how important members’ efforts are to missionary work. What do class members learn from Alma 8:19–30 about the relationship between local members and full-time missionaries? (see also Alma 10:1–12).

    two families meeting

    Sharing the gospel with those we love can be a joyful experience.

Alma 9:18–30

God judges His children according to the light and knowledge they have.

  • There is a serious warning in these verses to all Church members—once we have received light and knowledge, we are expected to treasure it, nourish it, live it, and use it to bless others. To help class members examine this expectation, you could ask them to read Alma’s teachings in Alma 9:18–30 and share messages they find about the responsibility they have because of what they know. Why might there be greater condemnation when we sin against greater light? Provide time for class members to ponder what they can do to be more true to the light and knowledge they have received. You might suggest that they read Doctrine and Covenants 50:24 while they ponder.

Alma 11–12

God’s plan is a plan of redemption.

  • You could begin a discussion of this doctrine by inviting a class member to draw a diagram of the plan of redemption on the board. Then you could divide sections of Alma 11–12 among class members and invite them to look for truths that they would add to the diagram. For example, what does God’s plan redeem us from? (see Alma 11:38–45). How does knowing these truths about the plan of redemption bless our lives?

  • To help class members share what Alma 11–12 teaches them about the plan of redemption, you could write the following headings on the board: The Fall, The Redeemer, Repentance, Death, Resurrection, and Judgment. Class members could choose one of these topics and search Alma 11–12 for truths they learn about it. Invite class members to write the truths they find, along with a scripture reference, under the appropriate heading on the board. As a class, discuss how knowing these truths influences our lives and the decisions we make.

  • Your class members may benefit from a discussion centered on Alma 12:31–32, where Alma taught that after the Fall, God gave Adam and Eve commandments—but only after teaching them His plan. How does knowing about the plan affect the way we see or feel about the commandments? Maybe you could talk about some specific commandments; for example, how does knowing about God’s plan help us keep the Sabbath day holy or obey the law of chastity?

  • Some class members might have questions about Alma 11:26–39, where Amulek said there is only one God. The following scriptures clarify how the members of the Godhead are “one God” while still being separate beings: John 17:20–23; 2 Nephi 31:21; and 3 Nephi 19:29. This statement from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland might also help: “We believe They are one in every significant and eternal aspect imaginable except believing Them to be three persons combined in one substance” (“The Only True God and Jesus Christ Whom Thou Hast Sent,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2007, 40).

Alma 12:9–14

If we will not harden our hearts, we can receive more of the word of God.

  • One of the messages Alma and Amulek taught several times was how the condition of our hearts influences how much truth we can receive from the Lord. To help class members discover the truth of this principle, you could invite them to read Alma 12:9–14 in pairs or small groups and discuss the results of having a hard heart. (You could also ask them to read Alma 8:9–11; 9:5, 30–31; and 10:6, 25.) What does it mean to have a soft heart? (see Jeremiah 24:7; Alma 16:16; Helaman 3:35). How does a soft heart help us better understand God’s word?

  • Alma taught that when we harden our hearts, we receive “the lesser portion” of God’s word (Alma 12:10). Perhaps class members could share experiences from the scriptures that illustrate this principle. How does the Lord soften our hearts so that we can continue to learn more from Him? What personal experiences can we share?

  • To help class members understand what it means to have a soft heart, you could share some of the examples listed in “Additional Resources.”

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Encourage Learning at Home

To inspire class members to read Alma 13–16 this week, you could tell them that they will find out how Alma’s words were fulfilled in the lives of Zeezrom and the people of Ammonihah.

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Additional Resources

Take a courageous stand.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland gave the following encouragement to those who are mistreated for sharing or defending the gospel:

“If you haven’t already, you will one day find yourself called upon to defend your faith or perhaps even endure some personal abuse simply because you are a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Such moments will require both courage and courtesy on your part.

“… You may wonder if it is worth it to take a courageous moral stand in high school or to go on a mission only to have your most cherished beliefs reviled or to strive against much in society that sometimes ridicules a life of religious devotion. Yes, it is worth it. …

“Friends, especially my young friends, take heart. Pure Christlike love flowing from true righteousness can change the world. …

“Be strong. Live the gospel faithfully even if others around you don’t live it at all. Defend your beliefs with courtesy and with compassion, but defend them” (“The Cost—and Blessings—of Discipleship,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2014, 6–9).

Their hearts were softened.

The following general conference addresses give examples of people whose hearts were softened by the Lord:

  • The story of the Hatfield family in President Russell M. Nelson’s message “The Price of Priesthood Power,Ensign or Liahona, May 2016, 66–67.

  • The story of Harold Gallacher in President Thomas S. Monson’s message “The Sacred Call of Service,Ensign or Liahona, May 2005, 55.

  • The story of David in President Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s message “Learn from Alma and Amulek,Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2016, 73–74.

Improving Our Teaching

Look through God’s eyes. Strive to see your class members as God sees them, and the Spirit will show you their divine worth and potential. As you do this, you will be guided in your efforts to help them (see Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 6).
