May 17–23. Doctrine and Covenants 51–57: “A Faithful, a Just, and a Wise Steward”

“May 17–23. Doctrine and Covenants 51–57: ‘A Faithful, a Just, and a Wise Steward,’” Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 (2020)

“May 17–23. Doctrine and Covenants 51–57,” Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School

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First Furrow, by James Taylor Harwood

May 17–23

Doctrine and Covenants 51–57

“A Faithful, a Just, and a Wise Steward”

Sometimes inspiration about what to teach can come as you discuss the scriptures with a family member or friend.

Record Your Impressions

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Invite Sharing

Consider sharing these words from Elder Quentin L. Cook: “My hope is that each of us will review individually and as families the stewardships for which we have responsibility and accountability” (“Stewardship—a Sacred Trust,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2009, 94). You could then ask class members what they learned from sections 51–57 about their stewardships.

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Teach the Doctrine

Doctrine and Covenants 51:9, 15–20

The Lord wants us to be faithful, just, and wise stewards.

  • How will you help class members consider how the Lord’s words in section 51 apply to them? You could write on the board What has the Lord entrusted to me? and invite class members to list their answers (see “Additional Resources” for ideas). Then they could search for principles in verses 9, 15–20 that teach them how to be better stewards over the things on their list. Or you could focus on the words “faithful,” “just,” and “wise” in verse 19, discussing how each of these words can guide us in fulfilling our stewardships. If needed, review together the definition of “Steward, Stewardship” in the Guide to the Scriptures (

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Members living the law of consecration donated all they had to the Church.

Doctrine and Covenants 52:10; 53:3; 55:1–3

The gift of the Holy Ghost is received by the laying on of hands.

  • Multiple verses in these revelations mention receiving the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands. If a discussion on this topic would be valuable to your class, you could ask class members what they learn from Doctrine and Covenants 52:10; 53:3; 55:1–3 about the gift of the Holy Ghost. For more on this topic, see Acts 8:14–17; 19:1–6. Perhaps class members could talk about their experience receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost or what they can do to continue to receive His influence in their lives.

Doctrine and Covenants 52:9–11, 22–27

We can share the gospel wherever we are.

  • When the Lord sent several Church leaders to Missouri, he told them to make use of the time spent traveling and “preach by the way” (verses 25–27). Reading Doctrine and Covenants 52:9–11, 22–27 could lead to a conversation about how we can share the gospel “by the way,” or during the normal course of our lives. Class members could talk about how they make sharing the gospel a natural part of their lives.

Doctrine and Covenants 52:14–19

God gave a pattern for avoiding deception.

  • To introduce the pattern the Lord revealed in Doctrine and Covenants 52:14–19, you could share examples of other patterns that might be familiar to class members, such as patterns for building things or patterns of behavior. Class members may have their own examples to share. Why are patterns valuable? How can we apply the pattern in verses 14–19 to avoid deception we find in the world today?

Doctrine and Covenants 54

I can turn to the Lord when I am hurt by others’ choices.

  • Many of us have suffered disappointment when someone we depended on didn’t keep his or her commitments. This happened to the Saints from Colesville, New York, who expected to settle on Leman Copley’s land in Ohio. To learn from this experience, class members could review the heading to section 54 (see also Saints, 1:125–28; “A Bishop unto the Church,” Revelations in Context, 78–79). They could imagine that they had a friend among the Colesville Saints and then find counsel in section 54 that they could share with their friend. Or they could search the revelation for something that might help someone who is suffering because of another person’s choices. (You might point out the promise in verse 6 to those who keep their covenants.)

  • Doctrine and Covenants 54:10 has several phrases that your class members might find meaningful, such as “patient in tribulation,” “sought me early,” and “rest to their souls.” Class members could pick a phrase to ponder and study, using the footnotes or other resources to explore related scriptures. Then they could share their thoughts.

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Additional Resources

Our stewardships.

President Spencer W. Kimball explained: “In the Church a stewardship is a sacred spiritual or temporal trust for which there is accountability. Because all things belong to the Lord, we are stewards over our bodies, minds, families, and properties. (See Doctrine and Covenants 104:11–15.) A faithful steward is one who exercises righteous dominion, cares for his own, and looks to the poor and needy” (“Welfare Services: The Gospel in Action,” Ensign, Nov. 1977, 78).

Improving Our Teaching

Help learners support each other. Create a class environment where learners support and encourage each other. Invite them to share ideas and strategies that enhance their personal and family study. (See Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 36.)