July 19–25. Doctrine and Covenants 81–83: Where “Much Is Given Much Is Required”

“July 19–25. Doctrine and Covenants 81–83: Where ‘Much Is Given Much Is Required,’” Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 (2020)

“July 19–25. Doctrine and Covenants 81–83,” Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: 2021

Christ and the rich young ruler

Christ and the Rich Young Ruler, by Heinrich Hofmann

July 19–25

Doctrine and Covenants 81–83

Where “Much Is Given Much Is Required”

Remember that your class members are having spiritual experiences as they study the scriptures at home. Prayerfully consider how you can encourage them to share their experiences to uplift each other.

Record Your Impressions

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Invite Sharing

Invite class members to pick a phrase from each of the following sections that would make a good title for the section: Doctrine and Covenants 81, 82, and 83. Why did they choose these titles?

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Teach the Doctrine

Doctrine and Covenants 81:5; 82:18–19

We should each seek “the interest of [our] neighbor.”

  • This week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families suggests questions to ponder about Doctrine and Covenants 81:5. These could also make good discussion questions for your class. Also consider sharing a personal experience when you felt “weak” in some way and someone’s service lifted or strengthened you. Class members may have similar experiences of their own to share. You could also watch the video “Works of God” ( to inspire class members to serve one another. You might also share President M. Russell Ballard’s statement in “Additional Resources.”

  • Consider asking class members to study Doctrine and Covenants 82:18–19, looking for principles that help them understand the purposes and blessings of serving others. Then let them share what they learn. You could also show the video “Teachings of Thomas S. Monson: Rescuing Those in Need” ( How did Bishop Monson’s ward members exemplify what verses 18–19 teach?


    Teachings of Thomas S. Monson: Rescuing Those in Need

Doctrine and Covenants 82:8–10

“I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say.”

  • To help class members understand the relationship between our willing obedience and God’s promised blessings, you could read Doctrine and Covenants 1:37–38; 82:10; 130:20–21 together or in small groups. What do these scriptures teach us about the Lord? Perhaps class members could list words that describe His character, based on these verses.

  • After reading verse 10, class members could talk about what the Lord has promised us and how the Lord has kept His promises. The story by Sister Virginia H. Pearce found in “Additional Resources” could help class members see that the Lord blesses us according to His own wisdom, not always in the way we want or expect.

  • What do we learn from Doctrine and Covenants 82:8–10 about why Heavenly Father gives us commandments? Perhaps class members could find insights in these verses to use in helping a friend or a child who thinks that commandments are restrictive (see also the video “Blessed and Happy Are Those Who Keep the Commandments of God,” Or they could share experiences that have taught them to see commandments as blessings.


    Blessed and Happy Are Those Who Keep the Commandments of God

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Additional Resources

Pure religion.

President M. Russell Ballard taught:

“In our discipleship, we have many demands, concerns, and assignments. However, some activities must always be at the heart of our Church membership. ‘Wherefore,’ the Lord commands, ‘be faithful; stand in the office which I have appointed unto you; succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees’ [Doctrine and Covenants 81:5; italics added].

“This is the Church in action! This is pure religion! This is the gospel in its true sense as we succor, lift, and strengthen those in spiritual and temporal need! Doing so requires us to visit them and to assist them [see James 1:27], that their testimonies of faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and His Atonement will be anchored in their hearts” (“Precious Gifts from God,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2018, 11).

The Lord blesses us in His own marvelous ways.

Sister Virginia H. Pearce, former member of the Young Women General Presidency, told about a woman who worried about her wayward children. She set an ambitious goal of increased temple attendance and felt sure that the Lord would honor this significant sacrifice by changing her children’s hearts. The woman reported:

“After ten years of increased temple attendance and constant prayer, I am sorry to say that my children’s choices have not changed. …

“But I have. I am a different woman. … I have given up my time limits and am able to wait on the Lord. … My expectations have changed. Instead of expecting my children to change, I expect these frequent tender mercies and am full of gratitude for them. … The Lord works in marvelous ways, and I truly am filled with the peace that passeth all understanding” (in “Prayer: A Small and Simple Thing,” At the Pulpit [2017], 288–89).

Improving Our Teaching

Invite the youth to be part of your lesson. Give youth opportunities to teach each other. Hearing each other’s testimonies or experiences can be very influential. As needed, help youth prepare to teach, and show them what it means to teach in the Savior’s way (see Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 27–28).