A Pattern for Teaching

“A Pattern for Teaching,” Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 (2020)

“A Pattern for Teaching,” Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: 2021

class sitting in circle

A Pattern for Teaching

Each outline in this resource follows a pattern of inviting sharing and teaching the doctrine.

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Invite Sharing

As part of every class, invite class members to share insights and experiences they had during the previous week as they studied the scriptures as individuals and families and applied what they learned. Help class members see that their personal learning outside of class is important. Their individual conversion will come not only through Sunday learning but also through their daily experiences. When class members hear each other’s experiences and testimonies of the gospel of Jesus Christ, they are more likely to seek similar experiences of their own.

Not everyone will have read the chapters for each lesson, and even some who did may not feel comfortable sharing. Make sure all class members feel they are a valued part of the class, whether or not they have something to share.

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Teach the Doctrine

You and your class members should focus on Jesus Christ and His doctrine—the eternal truths of the gospel—found in the assigned scripture passages. As you discuss doctrine from the scriptures, what verses, quotations, experiences, questions, and additional resources might you share? How might you use these resources to help class members discover and understand gospel principles? How can you help them build their faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?