Come, Follow Me
March 4–10. Matthew 8–9; Mark 2–5: “Thy Faith Hath Made Thee Whole”

“March 4–10. Matthew 8–9; Mark 2–5: ‘Thy Faith Hath Made Thee Whole’” Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: New Testament 2019 (2019)

“March 4–10. Matthew 8–9; Mark 2–5,” Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: 2019

Jesus healing a lame man

Healing in His Wings, by Jon McNaughton

March 4–10

Matthew 8–9; Mark 2–5

“Thy Faith Hath Made Thee Whole”

Your preparation to teach begins as you prayerfully study Matthew 8–9 and Mark 2–5. Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families can enhance your study and prompt teaching ideas in addition to those presented here.

Record Your Impressions

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Invite Sharing

You could bring several pictures depicting events from Matthew 8–9 and Mark 2–5 (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 4041, or or list these events on the board. Ask class members to share what they know about each miracle. What messages do they find in these miracles?

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Teach the Doctrine

Matthew 8–9; Mark 25

Miracles occur according to God’s will and our faith in Jesus Christ.

  • Members of your class may have found powerful insights during their personal study of the miracles in these chapters (see the list of healings in this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families). Consider inviting class members to share their insights with a partner or with the whole class.

  • To help class members understand the relationship between faith and miracles, you could read several of the miraculous healings from Matthew 8–9 and Mark 25, looking for the faith of the person who was healed or the faith of others. (If you don’t have time to discuss all of the miracles, ask class members which ones were most meaningful to them.) Some of these scriptures could enhance your discussion: Mormon 9:15–21; Ether 12:12–16; Moroni 7:27–37; and Doctrine and Covenants 35:8. What do the Savior’s healings and these scriptures teach about faith and miracles? See also Bible Dictionary, “Miracles.”

  • There may be people in your class who have faith and are seeking a miracle, but the miracle has not happened in the way they desire. What do the scriptures and our Church leaders teach about this? In an article titled “Accepting the Lord’s Will and Timing,” Elder David A. Bednar told about how he counseled a couple in this situation (Ensign, Aug. 2016, 31–35; see also 2 Corinthians 12:7–10; D&C 42:43–52). Have class members seen blessings come into their lives or the lives of others when desired miracles did not occur?

  • When reading about the miracles in Matthew 8–9 and Mark 25, some people may wonder if such things are possible today. Moroni described our day as a time when “it shall be said that miracles are done away,” but he also promised that God is still a God of miracles, for God is “an unchangeable Being” (Mormon 8:26; 9:18–21; see also Moroni 7:27–29). How can you help your class members increase their faith in God’s power to bless their lives? You might ask them to share examples of miracles they have witnessed. You might also consider sharing accounts of miracles from Church history (see “Additional Resources”).

woman touching hem of Jesus’s garment

Trust in the Lord, by Liz Lemon Swindle

Matthew 8:23–27; Mark 4:35–41

Jesus Christ has power to bring peace in the midst of life’s storms.

  • You may be aware of some of the challenges your class members are facing. Because we all have trials at some time in our lives, reviewing the account in Mark 4:35–41 can build class members’ faith that the Savior can bring them peace. Give each person a piece of paper, and ask them to write on one side a trial they have experienced. On the other side, ask them to write something from Mark 4:35–41 that inspires them to turn to the Savior during their trials. Encourage class members to share what they wrote, if they feel comfortable doing so.

  • The hymn “Master, the Tempest Is Raging,” Hymns, no. 105, is based on the story in Matthew 8:23–27 and Mark 4:35–41. Perhaps class members could find lyrics in the hymn that relate to phrases in the scriptures. You could also show a picture depicting the scene (see Gospel Art Book, no. 40) and discuss what moment the artist is depicting. What are other ways you could help class members understand the meaning and power of this miracle?

Mark 2:1–12

Rescuing those who are lost requires our unified efforts.

  • The account of this miracle teaches the value of working together in unity to assist the Savior in rescuing those in spiritual or physical need. Elder Chi Hong (Sam) Wong’s message “Rescue in Unity” (Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2014, 14–16) can add to a discussion about this truth. Consider inviting a member of the class to come prepared to review the account from the scriptures and then share what Elder Wong taught. What can we learn from Mark 2:1–12 about the value of working in unity to rescue those in need? (see also Mark 3:24–25).

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Encourage Learning at Home

To encourage class members to read Matthew 10–12; Mark 2; and Luke 711 during the coming week, tell them that they will find in these chapters some counsel that could help them fulfill their callings and responsibilities in the Church.

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Additional Resources

Matthew 8–9; Mark 2–5

The Prophet Joseph Smith healed the sick.

In July 1839, a large number of Saints who had been driven out of Missouri were living in wagons, in tents, and on the ground near Commerce, Illinois. Many were very sick, and Joseph and Emma Smith were exhausted from trying to help them. Wilford Woodruff described what happened on July 22: “It was a day of God’s power. There were many sick among the Saints on both sides of the [Mississippi] River, and Joseph went through the midst of them, taking them by the hand and in a loud voice commanding them in the name of Jesus Christ to arise from their beds and be made whole, and they leaped from their beds made whole by the power of God. … It was truly a time of rejoicing” (Wilford Woodruff, Journal, July 22, 1839, Church History Library).

Elder Franklin D. Richards calmed a storm.

Elder LeGrand Richards, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, told of an experience from the life of his grandfather, Elder Franklin D. Richards, who in 1848 was the leader of a group of British Saints who were crossing the Atlantic Ocean to the United States: “The boat upon which [Elder Richards] was sailing was in great jeopardy [from a severe storm], so much so that the captain of the boat came to him and pleaded with him to intercede with the Lord in behalf of the boat and her passengers; and Grandfather, remembering that he had been promised that he should have power over the elements, walked out on the deck of the boat and raised his hands to high heaven and rebuked the sea and the waves, and they were immediately calmed” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1941, 84).

Improving Our Teaching

Bear testimony often. Your simple, sincere witness of spiritual truths can have a powerful influence on those you teach. Your witness does not need to be eloquent or lengthy. It may, for example, be a simple testimony of the miracle of having the gospel in your life.
