Come, Follow Me
March 11–17. Matthew 10–12; Mark 2; Luke 7; 11: “These Twelve Jesus Sent Forth”

“March 11–17. Matthew 10–12; Mark 2; Luke 7; 11: ‘These Twelve Jesus Sent Forth’” Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: New Testament 2019 (2019)

“March 11–17. Matthew 10–12; Mark 2; Luke 7; 11,” Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: 2019

Jesus ordaining Peter

March 11–17

Matthew 10–12; Mark 2; Luke 711

“These Twelve Jesus Sent Forth”

Reading Matthew 10–12; Mark 2; and Luke 711 with your learners in mind will help you receive inspiration from the Holy Ghost about what they need. Record the spiritual impressions you receive, and read this outline for additional insights and teaching ideas.

Record Your Impressions

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Invite Sharing

Invite a few class members to come prepared to share any questions they had about Matthew 11:28–30. (For some examples of questions, see this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families.) What answers did they find?

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Teach the Doctrine

Matthew 10

The Lord gives His servants power to do His work.

  • The Savior’s commission to His Apostles can help us in our individual responsibilities. Class members may have had insights into this topic through their personal study; for example, there is an activity on this topic in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families. Invite them to share what they learned or work in small groups to complete the activity in class. Invite class members to share experiences when they felt the Savior’s power as they fulfilled their callings.

  • Another way for class members to review Matthew 10 is to search this chapter for something the Savior asked the Apostles to do and draw a picture representing that thing. They could share their drawings and what they learned about the commission of the Twelve Apostles.

  • How can studying the commission Christ gave to His Apostles in Matthew 10 help your class members understand the role of modern prophets and apostles? It might be helpful to compare the Savior’s commission to the Twelve to the commission given to the first Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in this dispensation, found in “Additional Resources.” How have class members been influenced by the ministry of the living Apostles? Bear your testimony of the divine calling of the living prophets and apostles, and invite class members to bear theirs.

  • To illustrate the fact that every priesthood holder can trace his authority back to the moment when Jesus ordained His Apostles, invite a priesthood holder to share his line of authority.

Quorum of the Twelve

The Twelve Apostles perform the Lord’s work today.

Matthew 10:17–20

When we are in the Lord’s service, He will inspire us with the words to say.

  • People sometimes feel nervous when teaching or talking with others about the gospel. But the Lord promised the disciples that He would help them know what to say. What do we need to do to receive the Lord’s promised help for ourselves? Invite class members to read Matthew 10:19–20; Doctrine and Covenants 84:85; and Doctrine and Covenants 100:5–8 to find the answers to this question. When has the Holy Ghost helped you know what to say? You might share your experiences and invite class members to share their own.

Matthew 12:1–13; Mark 2:23–28

The Sabbath is a day to do good.

  • To help keep the Sabbath day holy, the Pharisees had implemented strict rules and man-made traditions, which eventually clouded their understanding of the true purpose of the Sabbath. Would those you teach benefit from a discussion of why the Lord gave us the Sabbath day? You might invite class members to review the accounts in Matthew 12:1–13 and Mark 2:23–28 and share what the Savior taught about the Sabbath day (see also Joseph Smith Translation, Mark 2:26–27 [in the Bible appendix]). What additional insights about the Sabbath do we gain from Exodus 31:16–17; Isaiah 58:13–14; and Doctrine and Covenants 59:9–13? What traditions or rules might distract us from the real purpose of the Sabbath?

  • While the Pharisees emphasized numerous detailed rules regarding the Sabbath, the Savior taught a simple principle: “It is lawful to do well on the sabbath” (Matthew 12:12). Those who live by this principle often have little trouble keeping the Sabbath day holy. What other principles help class members keep the Sabbath day holy? Why is teaching principles more effective than setting rules in developing spiritual self-reliance? (see the statement by the Prophet Joseph Smith in “Additional Resources”). Are there other principles we can think of that help us obey God’s commandments? For example, what principles could help parents inspire their children to obey the Word of Wisdom or do family history research?

  • President Russell M. Nelson’s message “The Sabbath Is a Delight” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2015, 129–32) and the videos with Elder Jeffrey R. Holland’s counsel in “Additional Resources” might add to a discussion about the Sabbath day.

  • It might be helpful for class members to review “Sabbath Day Observance” in For the Strength of Youth. They could role-play how they might explain to someone not of our faith why they keep the Sabbath day holy.

Luke 7:36–50

As we are forgiven of our sins, our love for the Savior deepens.

  • What can we learn from the woman’s example and the Savior’s teachings in Luke 7:36–50 as we seek forgiveness for our own sins? How does repentance strengthen our relationship with Christ? How could we use this account to teach someone what it means to seek forgiveness?

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Encourage Learning at Home

You might challenge class members to read the parables in Matthew 13 and Luke 813 and prepare to share in next week’s class an insight into a gospel principle they gained from one of the parables.

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Additional Resources

Matthew 10–12; Mark 2; Luke 711

The blessings of Sabbath day observance.

In a series of three videos, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland teaches about the blessings of observing the Sabbath day: “Upon My Holy Day—Getting Closer to God,” “Upon My Holy Day—Honoring the Sabbath,” and “Upon My Holy Day—Rest and Renewal” (

A commission to latter-day Apostles.

When some of the first members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in this dispensation were called, Oliver Cowdery gave them a commission similar to the one Jesus Christ gave in Matthew 10. He said:

“‘You will have to combat all the prejudices of all nations. … I, therefore, warn you to cultivate great humility, for I know the pride of the human heart. Beware, lest the flatterers of the world lift you up. Beware lest your affections are captivated by worldly objects. Let your ministry be first. … [It] is necessary that you receive a testimony from Heaven for yourselves, so that you can bear testimony to the truth. …

“‘… You are to bear this message to those who consider themselves wise. And such may persecute you; they may seek your life. The adversary has always sought the life of the servants of God. You are, therefore, to be prepared at all times to make a sacrifice of your lives, should God require them in the advancement and building up of His cause. …

“He then took them separately by the hand and said, ‘Do you with full purpose of heart take part in this ministry, to proclaim the gospel with all diligence with these your brethren, according to the tenor and intent of the charge you have received?’ Each of which answered in the affirmative” (in Joseph Smith Papers, Documents, Volume 4: April 1834–September 1835, ed. Matthew C. Godfrey and others [2016], 243–44, 247; spelling and punctuation standardized).

Teaching correct principles.

Someone once asked the Prophet Joseph Smith how he was able to govern so many people in Nauvoo effectively. The Prophet explained, “I teach them correct principles, and they govern themselves” (see Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith [2007], 284).

Improving Our Teaching

Promise blessings. When you extend invitations to act, testify to your learners that they will receive the blessings God has promised when they act with faith on His teachings. Blessings shouldn’t be our primary motivation for obedience, but Heavenly Father desires to bless all His children. (See Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 35.)
