Old Testament 2022
May 23–29. Joshua 1–8; 23–24: “Be Strong and of a Good Courage”

“May 23–29. Joshua 1–8; 23–24: ‘Be Strong and of a Good Courage,’” Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: Old Testament 2022 (2021)

“May 23–29. Joshua 1–8; 23–24,” Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: 2022

Moses ordaining Joshua

Illustration of Moses ordaining Joshua, by Darrell Thomas

May 23–29

Joshua 1–8; 23–24

“Be Strong and of a Good Courage”

As you read Joshua 1–8 and 23–24, consider the counsel to “meditate therein day and night” (Joshua 1:8). Pay attention to the promptings that come. These may lead to teaching ideas for your class.

Record Your Impressions

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Invite Sharing

Invite class members to share a passage from their reading this week that increased their faith in Jesus Christ. For example, they may have pondered ways Joshua’s mission reminds them of Jesus Christ’s. Why are we grateful for the stories in the book of Joshua?

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Teach the Doctrine

Joshua 1:1–9

“Be strong and of a good courage.”

  • Joshua was told, “Be strong and of a good courage” several times (see Deuteronomy 31:7, 23; Joshua 1:6–7, 9). Perhaps class members would benefit from discussing what the Lord means by this phrase. They could search Joshua 1:1–9 for counsel the Lord gave Joshua to help him be strong and courageous. They could also share examples of people they know of who have these traits. How did Joshua show strength and courage in the accounts found in the book of Joshua? (for example, see chapters 3, 6, and 8). Class members could share how they are trying to be strong and courageous for Christ.

Joshua 1:8

The word of God can make our way prosperous.

  • To encourage class members in their personal and family scripture study, you could read Joshua 1:8 as a class. What do we learn from this verse about how to study the scriptures? Perhaps class members could share what they are doing to “meditate” in the scriptures “day and night.” How has the Lord made our “way prosperous” and given us “good success” as we studied His word?

    woman reading scriptures

    The word of God can “make [our] way prosperous” (Joshua 1:8).

Joshua 3–4

We can experience God’s “wonders.”

  • Perhaps class members would benefit from a brief review of the account of the Israelites crossing the Jordan River. You could divide the class into pairs and invite each pair to tell the story to each other, taking turns saying one sentence at a time (encourage them to look in Joshua 3 if they need help remembering the story). Then, as a class, they could discuss any details that stood out to them. What do we learn from this story that can help us experience the “wonders” of the Lord in our lives? (verse 5). What “wonders” has He done for us? Why is it important that each generation have spiritual experiences that teach them that “the Lord … is mighty”? (Joshua 4:24).

  • Even though we all need to have our own faith-building experiences, remembering what the Lord has done for our ancestors is also important. According to Joshua 4, what did the Israelites do to help future generations remember the crossing of the Jordan River? (see Joshua 4:1–7). What are we doing to ensure that our experiences are not forgotten by future generations?

Joshua 6–8

Obedience brings God’s power into my life.

  • This week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families suggests comparing the Israelites’ battles against the Canaanites in Joshua 6–8 with our personal battles against temptation. You might ask class members what thoughts or impressions they had as they read these chapters with this comparison in mind. Or you could point them to specific verses that seem relevant to our battles to avoid sin, and they could talk about what those verses teach about gaining access to God’s power in our lives. Some of these verses might include Joshua 6:1–5, 18, 20; 7:11–13.

Joshua 23–24

“Choose you this day whom ye will serve.”

  • Perhaps it would help class members apply Joshua 23–24 to themselves if they imagined that they were Israelites hearing Joshua give this counsel at the end of his life. You might give them a few verses to read silently and then ask them to share something from those verses that would have inspired them to stay faithful to the Lord. They could also share how they have personally made the decision about “whom [they] will serve” (Joshua 24:15). Why did they make this decision?

  • You could invite class members to pick a phrase from Joshua 23–24 that inspires them to choose to serve God and then create a poster or meme with this phrase to display at home or on social media.

Improving Our Teaching

Spiritual growth happens at home. Members of your class need to have their own spiritual experiences outside of class in order to stay spiritually strong. Find ways to use the brief time you have with them to inspire them to find spiritual nourishment in the scriptures at home—individually and with their families. (See Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 18.)
